
作者&投稿:宥庾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

急急急!!跪求翻译 中译英 高手进 ~答得好的 我追加分
3.3 product maturation periods products maturation period is that the product is already accepted on the marketplace by broad .know about , product sales volume reaches a maximum , the marketplace enters relative saturation state , the lurking customer the production marketing increases already seldom,...

The world has changed a great deal since universities were established. They are still wonderful places for acquiring broad knowledge and for personal development. However, in today's petitive world these pursuits must be balanced with the pursuit of mo......

I just found out that your view of narrow, and how the ocean of knowledge is so broad. The teacher opened the words came to sentence let me envy, profound knowledge chimed my language fragile alarm bells. Scientific peak waiting for us to climb, art palace waiting for us to ...

盈质13964473053问: 特殊疑问词+主语+动词 是什么语法结构 -
敦化市天麻回答: 通常可以看作插入结构,因为把这样的结构去掉之后句子仍然完整.类似的句型还有:what we used to call, what is called, what they described as, what can be called, what they regarded as, as we call it, as we know it等.通常翻译为“所谓的…”,可以按照英语原文顺序直接翻译.

盈质13964473053问: broadcast live 还是alive?有什么区别? -
敦化市天麻回答: 前者,而且应该是live broadcast,意思是现场直播 字典里面live是有现场的意思的不能用alive,因为alive的意思是“还活着”而电视节目又不会死,属于搭配不当 如果还有不懂问我哦~

盈质13964473053问: 请问live,alive,living,live在英语里怎样表现“直播”的意思啊??? -
敦化市天麻回答: live show 就是直播节目嘛 broadcast现场直播,你查字典就会发现LIVE有个意思就是实地的,现场的,其他都没有这个意思.live作为名词和形容词表示生物,生命,当前最重要的,带电的,未爆发的,真正的,燃烧的.(当然还有...

盈质13964473053问: 电视直播这几个字用英文怎写出来 -
敦化市天麻回答: (TV )live broadcast (TV )live show

盈质13964473053问: 中译英和首字母填空的英语题1.My efforts were not - __ - ___ - 我的努力没白费.2.We might - __ - ___ - ___ - the old system .我们不妨将旧制度废除.3.The live ... -
敦化市天麻回答:[答案] 1.chuck awayv.扔掉,浪费,失去(机会) chucked away withv.废除,弄死do away with3.4.grammar5.advice[Ed5vais]n.忠告,劝告; 建议; 指点; 磋商通知,公函; 诊断[常用复](政治、外交上的)报道,消息advice...

盈质13964473053问: ...the past A、work B、demand C、good D、favor 第10题 This meeting will be broadcast - ______ - to the citizens of the whole country A、living B、lively C、... -
敦化市天麻回答:[答案] 单项选择题 第1题 By the end of this month,we surely ______ a satisfactory solution to the problem B、will have found 到这个月底,我们一定已经找到解决这个问题的圆满的办法了. 第2题 His story on the space exploration was really ___B____ A、...

盈质13964473053问: broadcast的用法是什么?各种语法形式呢? -
敦化市天麻回答: broadcast 1. n.[C,U](pl.broadcasts)广播,播音,广播节目 It is a live broadcast,not a recording.这是现场直播,不是录音.2.vt.a.广播,播送 v+n./pron. The president will broadcast his message on all stations tonight.总统今晚将向全国广播咨文....

盈质13964473053问: 现在流行在各大平台和app的“直播”怎么翻译 -
敦化市天麻回答: 你好!"Live"仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢.

盈质13964473053问: “现场直播”用英语怎么翻译 -
敦化市天麻回答: live broadcast现场直播电视新闻报道: stand-upper 这次广播是事先录音的,不是现场直播.: The broadcast was recorded, not live. 我们尽力把整个现场直播音乐会都录制了下来.: We managed to record the whole of the concert from a live studio broadcast.

盈质13964473053问: 直播的 的英语 -
敦化市天麻回答: Screen live或live broadcast现场直播的意思,live为直播

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