
作者&投稿:乜冰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It's next to the supermarket.

【一天,老师带学生到养鸡场参观,当他们走近孵化器时,刚好一只小鸡破壳而出。】 ² "It's wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell, isn't it?" the teacher said. ² 【“看见一个小生命从蛋壳里出来,岂不是很奇妙的吗?”老师说。】 ² "Yes, sir." said one of the ...


用“小会”造句 第5组 41、瞪目结舌,释迦不得不佩服起村长的表演天赋了,就这么一小会,居然接连变幻了三次脸。42、还别说林硕望着一站卖相不错,不一小会就来了一个女的,还带着一个小孩,来到了林硕的煎饼摊前面。43、1、2008年4月3日,在北京市海淀区学清路38号金码大厦B座1108室公司小会议...

用暴怒无常 翻来覆去 喜出望外 叨叨絮絮 龇牙咧嘴 一起来造句



38)It suddenly begin to rain,to my delight,I took an umbrella.忽然下雨了,令我高兴的是,我带了伞。39)The thief try to break away from the police.小偷试图摆脱警察。40)She wear a big ref hat to attact Tom's attention.为了吸引汤姆的注意,她戴了一顶红色的大帽子。41)Nothing ...

1. 五个四字词语带造句翻译 四字词语造句:1、今天春光明媚,小王到了人山人海的集市上逛街,他对摊子上的货物爱不释手,忽然发现自己的钱包被人偷走了,大家对他爱莫能助.(所用成语:春光明媚、人山人海、爱不释手、爱莫能助)2、刚从外面回来,小红就忐忑不安地来回踱步,平时笑容可掬的...


桐峰19686292803问: 用little造句,翻译
贵德县新红回答: He has little money,so he hasn't got married yet. 他几乎没有钱,因此到现在还没有结婚

桐峰19686292803问: 八年级下册英语a little造句 -
贵德县新红回答: 1. After a little he got up and left. 过了一会儿他站起来走了. 2. We are still a little shy of our quota. 我们离完成定额还差一点点. 3. A little discipline would do him a world of good. 稍微处分他一下会对他大有好处. 4. The pound stayed firm against ...

桐峰19686292803问: 用a little做副词造句 -
贵德县新红回答:[答案] 用a little做副词造句: I only know him a little. He can understand English a little. The baby bird could fly a little. OK,if you are tired,you may sit down a little.

桐峰19686292803问: 谁说下a little不可数造句带翻译 -
贵德县新红回答: There is a little water in the glass.杯子里面有一点水.

桐峰19686292803问: ilttle的翻译是:什么意思 -
贵德县新红回答: 你好! little 英[ˈlɪtl] 美[ˈlɪtl] adj. 小的; 琐碎的; 娇小的; 幼小的; adv. 不多,略微; 少许,一点; 短时间地; n. (表示否定) 微少; 没有多少; 短时间; [例句]I had little money and little free time 我没什么钱,也没多少空闲时间.

桐峰19686292803问: bit,a bit,little,a little, few,a few 的区别?例句?
贵德县新红回答: little 与 few 最根本的区别在于: little修饰的是不可数名词;few修饰的是可数名词. 如:There is little water in the bottle.瓶子里几乎没水了. There are few people in the park.公园里没几个人. a little 与 little 的区别在于: 前者表示有一些,后者表...

桐峰19686292803问: 英语造句1.a little 2.a little bit 3.a bit4.a bit of 造句 ,帮个忙! -
贵德县新红回答:[答案] They have a little garden.他们有一个小花园.Since I forget a little bit of him.既然有我,就把他一点点忘了吧.He thought for a bit before answering.他稍微思考了一下才回答.I mean, he was a bit of a poseur,...

桐峰19686292803问: 英语用a few fewer a little little 造句 -
贵德县新红回答: there are a few people in the classroom 教室里有几个人there aew few people in the classroom 教室里几乎没人there is a little water in the cup 杯子里有点水there is little water in the cup 杯子里几乎没水

桐峰19686292803问: 用little by little,pick up,take off,end up各造一个英语句子 -
贵德县新红回答: 答案是2113: 1.little by little the heavy smoke turned into a monster2.please pick up the litter on the ground 3.take off your coat ,it's hot in the room 4. the meeting ended up singing a song ~手5261工翻译,尊重劳4102动,1653欢迎提问专,感谢采纳!属~

桐峰19686292803问: 英语翻译中译英:1,我不知道事情会变成这样(用little do i know这个词组)2,他并不想买车,但是我说服他买了一辆(be keen on)都是用括号里的词组造... -
贵德县新红回答:[答案] 1,little do i know it becomes this condition 2,he is not keen on buy a car,but i persuade him to buy one

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