
作者&投稿:员子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用a little 造句
Sweet little red-haired girl.亲爱的红发小女孩。Offering little or no hope.很少有或者没有希望。We all have our little failings.我们都有小的缺点。How come you eat so little?你怎么吃得这么少?There is little evidence either way.两方面其实都没有多少依据。

【急!】谁能用‘few little’‘a few’‘a little’来造句?
few 修饰可数名词,表示否定‘ 几乎没有’little’修饰不可数名词,表示否定‘ 几乎没有 ‘a few’修饰可数名词,表示肯定’ 有一点\/些‘‘a little 修饰不可数名词\/或动词,表示肯定,’有一点\/些‘如 The questions is so difficult that few students can work it out .There is little bread ...

区别a little a lot 然后造句
是你求助我的,所以我尽量把答案写的详细些 1,这2个词都是限定词 2,a lot 可对可数不可数名词进行限定,a lot of 指绝对数量的多 He spent a lot of time on reading every day.他每天把很多时间花在读书上。3,a little 只用于修饰(和替代)不可数名词,表示“有一些,少量”,表示肯定 ...

用a few,few,little,a little各造2个句子
There are a few eggs in the basket. 蓝子里有几个鸡蛋。He spent a few months travelling in China. 他花了几个月在中国旅游。Little:There is little ink in my bottle.我的瓶里没有墨水了。It's in Chinese-- I can make little of it. 这是中文--我一点儿都不懂。A little:We ...

用a little,a few,little,few造句
这样可能还不是太明白,看一下例子:I have a few friends .我有一些朋友。(朋友数目不多,但是确实有一些)I have few friend.我有极少的朋友。(近似于没有)前面的一个是肯定句,后面一个相当于否定句,如果以后学到反意疑问句的时候会用到这一点。little alittle 用于修饰不可数名词,区别...

用“few”、“a few”、“a little”如何造句?
A whiff of ether will put you out in a few seconds.一剂乙醚几秒钟后就会使你失去知觉。Quite a few of our sale staff are women.我们相当多的销售人员是妇女。She spotted a little blood onto the smear.她把一点儿血滴到了涂片上。I struck upon that antique in a little shop in ...

请用a little \\ a few造一个你认为最简单的句子
I have a little water.我有一点水。(不可数)I have a few apples.我有一些苹果。(可数)I used to be a teacher.我过去曾经是一名老师。Fishing is my hobby.钓鱼是我的嗜好。

A Little的造句
a little 英[ə ˈlitl] 美[e ˈlɪtl]adv. 少量地,稍许地;adj. 少量的,稍许的;[例句]This is the end of a tour so I'm a little antsy, I guess.旅途就此结束了,这让我有点坐立不安,我想是吧。

用a little ,little ,a few,few 造句
a litter 可以指小 或一点点修饰不可数例alitter girl一个小女孩a litter water一点点水 litter 是修饰不可数名词的 意思是几乎不 few 蜀修饰可数名词的几乎不 a few是修饰可数名词的,一点点 一句话litter a litter 修饰不可数 带a 的是肯定few a few 是修饰不可数名词的带a的是肯定的 英语...

a little(一点)怎么造句
There is a little water in the glass.祝学习进步!

函妍17361678938问: a little造句 -
吴旗县赛法回答: There is a little bread. It is a little difficult.

函妍17361678938问: 造句:她比以前聪明了一点.要求用上(a little) 例句:She's a little mor造句:她比以前聪明了一点.要求用上(a little)例句:She's a little more outgoing than ... -
吴旗县赛法回答:[答案] She's a little more intelligent than before. 或者 She's a little cleverer than before.

函妍17361678938问: 用a little 造句 -
吴旗县赛法回答: Sweet little red-haired girl.亲爱的红发小女孩. Offering little or no hope.很少有或者没有希望. We all have our little failings.我们都有小的缺点. How come you eat so little?你怎么吃得这么少? There is little evidence either way.两方面其实都没有多少依据.

函妍17361678938问: 以a little 造句 -
吴旗县赛法回答: There is a little water in the glass.

函妍17361678938问: 八年级下册英语a little造句 -
吴旗县赛法回答: 1. After a little he got up and left. 过了一会儿他站起来走了. 2. We are still a little shy of our quota. 我们离完成定额还差一点点. 3. A little discipline would do him a world of good. 稍微处分他一下会对他大有好处. 4. The pound stayed firm against ...

函妍17361678938问: a. little+不可数名词造句 -
吴旗县赛法回答: There is a little milk in the cup.I need a little salt in my soup.John drinks a little coffee every day.

函妍17361678938问: 用动词+a little怎么造句 -
吴旗县赛法回答: He go to school a little late.I went home a little faster than he I look a lttle beautiful than my brother

函妍17361678938问: 以a little 造句 -
吴旗县赛法回答:[答案] There is a little water in the glass.

函妍17361678938问: a little 两种时态造句 -
吴旗县赛法回答: There is a little time left. Don't hurry! I had a little money with my pocket.

函妍17361678938问: 用a little做副词造句 -
吴旗县赛法回答:[答案] 用a little做副词造句: I only know him a little. He can understand English a little. The baby bird could fly a little. OK,if you are tired,you may sit down a little.

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