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while introducing two distinct IKE modes: the Main Mode and Aggressive Mode.While the Main Mode relies on pre-shared keys, the article suggests alternative methods for key validation to enhance security. Additionally, it discusses the need for improvements and advancements, such as the ...

3、Ike doesn't know how such a rumor got about.艾克不知这样的谣言是怎么传开的。4、Analysis and design of high intensity IKE protocol based on PKI authentication.基于PKI身份认证的高强度IKE协议分析与设计。5、This test method is applicable to IKE tests in different devices.该方法可...

5.(表示举例)例如, 诸如…之类的 We talked about such subjects as the weather.我们谈论了诸如天气之类的话题。连接词 conj. 1.在…期间, 当…

3、such+a\/an+形容词+单数可数名词+that+从句,如:She is such a lovely girl that every s her.(的一个女孩,以至每个人都喜欢她。)It is such an interesting story that I want to read it again. (这是一个如此有趣的故事以至我想再读一次。)4、such+复数可数名词\/ +that+从句,...

like bicycles ,以like bicycles介词词组作后置定语来取代定语从句,可使得句子更简洁。“工具"也不需要译出,vecicle本身就是”交通工具“的意思。纠正一下大概如下:In view of such serious phenomenon,we need environmental vehicles ike bicycles than any time before....

谁能讲解一下so和such 的用法及比较?答案最好能既全面又精炼。_百度...
So与such是英语中两个常用词.这两个词的用法很多,且易混淆,初学英语者往往搞不清楚,因而使用是经常出错.文本就它的一些用法作一粗浅讨论.讨论主要以分析实例进行.首先,我们应该弄清so是副词,修饰形容词和副词,在句中充当状语.Such为形容词修饰名词,在句中作定语,请看下面几个句子.① The fish is ...

Those who liike to be with ( 10 ) like red.什么意思 第十个空答案...

SO 与SUCH 的用法,Those are so beautiful flowers that the girl wan...
一,so的常见用法 1.当so作副词,修饰形容词或副词时,表示程度,意为"这么","那么".如:Don' t be so silly.别那么傻.He ran so fast.他跑得那么快.2.如果so后无形容词,则so不能与名词连用.如:I' ve never seen so tall a child(=such a tall child).我从未见过个儿那么高的小孩.切...

so + adj. + n. [不可数] such +n. [不可数]一,so的常见用法 1.当so作副词,修饰形容词或副词时,表示程度,意为"这么","那么".如:Don' t be so silly.别那么傻.He ran so fast.他跑得那么快.2.如果so后无形容词,则so不能与名词连用.如:I' ve never seen so tall a child(=...

以《my favourike place》为题的小作文
My Favorite PlaceThere is a favorite place that is my hometown.My hometown is in Panjin of Liaoning province. It's lies Northeast China. It's a modern city whit along history. It has a lot of beautiful scenery such as Red Beach and so on. Every year, Many people come to ...

勾受13427535159问: 有关初中英语的几个例如的用法.like,such as and for example谢谢 -
彭阳县诗林回答:[答案] such as 可用在句子中 like 和 for example 不能用在句子中,只能用在开头或结尾,用逗号隔开 I love many things such as . I love many things ,like. I love many things ,for example ,(逗号).

勾受13427535159问: such as,like,for example的区别
彭阳县诗林回答: 从结构上看,for example与后面常用逗号隔开,而such as 则不用.另外,for example所举的例子不仅可以是词组,而且也可以是句子,而such as中由于as是一个介词,...

勾受13427535159问: like,for example, such as 三个词都可以表示比如的意思,请问如何区分? -
彭阳县诗林回答: like,for example, such as的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1、like:像…一样,如同,好像. 2、for example:例如,比如. 3、such as:例如,像,象…这样. 二、用法不同 1、like:like用作名词时,其意思是“相...

勾受13427535159问: like,such as,for example举例时异,同 -
彭阳县诗林回答: for example一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”例子.作插入语用,前后都用逗号隔开;可置于句首、句中或句末. such as常列举同类人或物中的几个例子,不能举完所有例子.可与and so on“等等”连用,也可分开使用,如 like表示列举时,可与such as互换.

勾受13427535159问: such as;for example;like的区别. -
彭阳县诗林回答: such as 后面跟的例子一定有很多,可以更名词或者短语 for example后面很少接词或者词组,一般是句子,而且用法比较规范 like 一般就是用来说明,接名词 比如 almost everyone enjoys eating apples, like me and my sister

勾受13427535159问: like,for example, such as 都可以表示比如的意思,请问如何区分? -
彭阳县诗林回答: 语音上差不多,语法上差别比较大不能混用的,比如for example后面一定是句子(除非作为插入成分放在句子中间,下面有例子),而like和such as是介词性结构,后面直接接名词或代词.For example, the word "like" is sometimes a prep. The word "like", for example, is sometimes a prep. Words like "like" are sometimes preps. Words such as "like" are sometimes preps.

勾受13427535159问: such as , like , for example , for instance , as if 的区别和用法
彭阳县诗林回答: 1. for example,such as和like都可用来举例,但用法有所不同. for example作“例如”讲时,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末. For example,air is invisible. 例如,空气是看不见的. ...

勾受13427535159问: 求for example,such as,like ,that is的区别、快点呐~ 急!!! -
彭阳县诗林回答: 1 such as用来举例说明,通常放在被列举的事物的前面以及需要说明的事物的后面. ①The farm grows various kinds of crops, such as wheat, corn, cotton and rice.这个农场种植各种各样的庄稼,例如麦子,玉米,棉花和稻米.Some of the ...

勾受13427535159问: for example 与 such as 的用法区别 -
彭阳县诗林回答: For example与such as的用法及区别1)for example和such as都可当作“例如”解.但such as用来列举事 物,插在被列举事物与前面的名词之间.例如: The farm grows various kinds of crops, such as wheat, corn, cotton and rice. 这个农场种植...

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