
作者&投稿:扈忠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1)把几个字母看作一个来记如:"ight"light right night might sight tight。(2)外旧内新,如:bridge"桥"看成bridgeridge"山脊"sharp看成sharpharp"竖琴 (3)外新内旧,如:cleave"劈开"看成cleave tact"机智"看成tact 10、形义记忆法 如:eye把两个e看成两个眼。banana把a看成一个个的...

title[’taitl] Bible[’baibl] rifle[raifl](3)在-igh,-ight,-ign,-ild,-ind中,i读[ai]。例如: bright E’brait] high[hai] child[tSaild]但是也有例外,例如:children[’tJ’ildrEn] wind[wind](4)在词尾-ile,-ite,-ise,-ize,-wise里,i读[ai]。例如...

我们家拜伦的诗查得到 笨啊 I saw thee’ weep 我见过你哭 the big br'ight tear 晶莹的泪珠 Came o'er that eve of blue 从蓝眼睛滑落 And then me thought it did appear 像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰 A violet dropping dew 滴下清透的露珠 I saw thee' smile 我见过你笑 the sapphire's ...

1 . 字母组合变化记忆法;2 . 比较记忆法;3 . 联想记忆法;4.分类记忆法;5.象形记忆法;6.运用读音规则。想要学好英语,想要做好什么事,就一定要掌握好基础。免费试听课:【点击领取欧美外教一对一免费试听课】试听完之后,外教老师会做英语水平测试结果,把报告发给你,抓住提供的免费试听课机会...

③er在重读音节中一般读做[ɜː],例如:term verb certain;在词尾一般读做[ə],例如:teacher worker clever。④ear一般读做:[ɜː]例如:early earth learn[eə]例如:bear wear[ɪə]例如:hear near dear[a:]例如:heart ⑤eer一般读做[ɪ...

求Glee的Get it right和Loser like me的中英对照歌词~~ 最好翻得美一...
To get it ri-igh-ight 才能把一切变好 Can I start again with my faith shaken?我能否重来 尽管信念动摇 ‘Cause I can’t go back and undo this 我无法回头放弃这一切 I just have to stay and face my mistakes 我只想直面自已的错误 But if I get stronger and wiser 若我能更加明理...

...酒吧听到最后几句I'm coming home coming back toight?
歌词:Whoah yeah yeah Oh yeah yeah If you want my loving And if you want my true loving If you want my squeezing If you want my loving Tell me that you love love Tell me that you love yes Open your heart for me Whenever I need you That‘s when you‘re not around yeah...

hear f = hear abut 听说 6. ae it 在约定的时间内到达,能够来 = arrive in tie; Glad u culd ae it.商量确定的时间,表示将来某项计划的安排,后接时间状语。 Let’s ae it at seven ’clc n Tuesda.成功办成某事 = succeed After ears f hard wr, he finall ade it.7. repl 回答...

ice ice babya 歌词
I go crazy when I hear a cymbal And a hi hat with a souped up tempo I'm on a roll, it's time to go solo Rollin' in my 5.0 With my ragtop down so my hair can blow The girlies on standby, Waving just to say Hi Did you stop? No -- I just drove by Kept on...

晁科15215916413问: sunshine和sunlight的区别? -
茌平县巴沙回答: 作为阳光,意思都差不多: sunlight——不可数名词 n.[U] 日光;阳光 light from the sun · The sunlight made us feel warm and sleepy. 阳光使我们觉得暖和、困倦. · too much sunlight 阳光太强 sunshine——不可数名词 n.[U] 阳光;日照 bright ...

晁科15215916413问: "daylight""sunlight""sunshine"的区别? -
茌平县巴沙回答: daylight n. 日光, 白昼 We'll keep on driving while there's still daylight. 趁着天亮, 我们继续往前开车. (可见daylight还有点daytime的意思在里面的.指的不是“阳光”本身)sunlight和sunshine,作为阳光,意思都差不多: sunlight——不可数...

晁科15215916413问: “sunshine”和“sunlight”有什么区别?? -
茌平县巴沙回答: sunlight 用于比较specific的situation 指的是:the actual light beam from the sun (太阳实际的光线)sunshine 指的是:warm or light from the sun (从太阳来的温暖与光)比如说: The sunlight has shone on my window. 太阳(指的是太阳光的那条线)找到了我的窗户.Plants grow aftering receiving sunshine from the sun. 植物的增长是来自于太阳的阳光. 这里的 阳光 指的是因为阳光的温暖给于植物的营养,植物才增长.

晁科15215916413问: light - hearted是什么意思 -
茌平县巴沙回答: light-hearted adj. 轻松的;快活的;省心的;无忧无虑的 [例句]Clsa itself describes the report as a light-hearted exercise. clsa称这份报告是一个轻松的小测试. 如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳, ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮辅互滇就鄄脚殿协东茅 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可. ~你的采纳是我前进的动力 ~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

晁科15215916413问: 玫瑰花颜色的涵义 -
茌平县巴沙回答: Roses in mixed colors: "you're everything to me." Red roses: romance, beauty, respect, courage, passionate love and unity. Red & White roses together: unity or togetherness. Dark pink roses: appreciation and gratitude,"thank you!" White ...

晁科15215916413问: sun shine 和sunshine的区别,详细点 -
茌平县巴沙回答: sun shine 是动词,sunshine是形容词

晁科15215916413问: 有哪些心情词(用英语表达) -
茌平县巴沙回答: blue/down/depressed 忧郁的,情绪低落的 sorry/sad 难过的 happy 高兴的 excited 兴奋的 light-hearted 心情欢快的 heavy-hearted 心情沉重的 crazy 疯狂的 bored 百无聊赖的 pissed/mad/angry 生气的,恼怒的 desperate 绝望的 supprised 惊奇的 ...

晁科15215916413问: 表示情感的英语形容词 -
茌平县巴沙回答: 悲伤sad sorrowful 高兴lively 、 cheerful and light-hearted、 in a merry mood、happy、joyful 、joyous 兴奋delightful、exciting、be excited、hectic、excitement、epsia、elated 郁闷gloomy、depressed 生气get angry、take offence、in a rage、irritate、pissed off

晁科15215916413问: 无忧无虑的用英语怎么说呢? -
茌平县巴沙回答: light-hearted adj. 轻松的, 无忧无虑的

晁科15215916413问: 无忧无虑翻译成英文是? -
茌平县巴沙回答: light-hearteda. 轻松的, 无忧无虑的 insouciant [ in'su:siənt ]a. 漫不经心的, 漠不关心的,无忧无虑的 carefree [ 'keəfri: ]a. 无忧无虑的,不负责的 rhathymia [ rə'θaimiə ]n. 无忧无虑,安乐的心理 常用的:have no worry without any worry

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