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have a bath和have showets 的区别?
have a bath通常指泡澡或盆浴;have a shower通常指淋浴。

下面我们结合ETS给出的新GRE考试填空题的几个样题来分析一下新G对词汇的考察以及与老G的关系。 1. While in many ways their personalities could not have been more different - she was ebullient where he was glum, relaxed where he was awkward, garrulous where he was ___- they were surprisingly...


I am the Chief desginer of my room and I took care of almost all the decoration purchase. I have brought all the pink staff home: the pink Bohimian bed, the pink wood book shelf as well as the pink lace curtains with a lot triangle patterns on them. I am such a huge ...

翻译英语短文SAT cheating inquiry delays scores
Students living in China and South Korea are having their October SAT scores delayed due to a cheating investigation. Their scores have been placed on hold, but the deadline for some college applications are fast approaching.Students who took the test on Oct. 11 were to receive ...

If you are going to graduate from the university and have to choose the final course, which professor will you choose. The one you used to sign up for courses or the one you have never learned from before.写作思路 典型的教育类话题,ETS常考类型。对于观点选择,可以做出明确的选择...

GMAT是Graduate Management Admission Test的缩写,中文名称为经企管理研究生入学考试。GMAT考试是由美国经企管理专业研究生入学考试委员会(GMAC)委托新泽西州普林斯顿的美国考试中心(ETS)主办的,在我国的举办单位是中国国外考试协调处(CIECB)。

流星的英语说法是meteor.一、发音英:[\/ˈmiː.ti.ɔːr\/];美:[\/ˈmiː.ti.ɔːr\/]二、中文翻译n. 流星 三、形式复数:meteors 四、短语搭配meteor shower 流星雨 meteor strike 流星撞击 falling meteor 坠落的流星 五、双语例句1. I saw a ...

If you are absent from a test administration, you will forfeit your test fee. Institutions will not receive any information about your absence or about any previous score you may have on file.下面是小编给ETS发电邮后ETS给出的解释:Thank you for contacting the GRE® Program....

陶疯18227424594问: let som have us fun 连词成句 -
孙吴县劳菲回答: let's have some fun

陶疯18227424594问: let+动词词组的用法 -
孙吴县劳菲回答: let + sth./sb. + 动词原形. make加动词词组有两种用法:1. make ... + 动词原形. 2. make ... + 动词过去分词或形容词.另外,你那个句子有一个错误,你一个单词应该是photography.

陶疯18227424594问: Let us go have fun 这句话有语法错误吗??? -
孙吴县劳菲回答: 一个句子两个谓语不行喔 lets go and have fun或者lets go for fun都可以

陶疯18227424594问: let有没有第三人称单数加S的用法 -
孙吴县劳菲回答: 有!这是一个及物动词,有“允许,让;须,应,可;出租”等意思.它的主语为第三人称单数时,应该用单三形式:lets,这个没有疑问.而上面提到的"let's"是"let us"的缩略形式,不是let的单三形式!

陶疯18227424594问: lets her后的动词要加s吗 -
孙吴县劳菲回答: lets her lets就是let us 的缩写 her接在后面不对.her 只能做宾语,主语的话用she,后面才能接动词,动词需要加s

陶疯18227424594问: let的单三,过去式,过去分词,现在分词 -
孙吴县劳菲回答: let的单三是: lets ; 过去式: let;过去分词: let;现在分词: letting let 读音:英 [let] 美 [let] v.允许;让;准许;许可;同意;允许(去某处) n.(发球时的)擦网球;出租;租借 例句: 1、I love sweets but Mum doesn't let me have them very ...

陶疯18227424594问: havefu什么意思 -
孙吴县劳菲回答: helpful 形容词 a. 1.有帮助的,有益的,有利于...的[(+to)] He has given me a helpful suggestion. 他给我提了一项有益的建议. It's always helpful to be well informed. 消息灵通总是有益的. She has been very helpful to us. 她对我们很有帮助.

陶疯18227424594问: Stupid people have stupid Fu是什么意思 -
孙吴县劳菲回答: Stupid愚蠢的,傻的 确实,感觉这是句汉语式英语 意思是:傻人有傻福不过,经常见到这样翻译(傻人有傻福)Silly People Have Silly Good Fortune . Fortune Fools have fortune.God sends fortune to fools

陶疯18227424594问: let's+have+strawberry+and+apple+then中的have为何不是has而是have呢 -
孙吴县劳菲回答: us是第1人称复数,lets是let us的缩写

陶疯18227424594问: lets have some drinks.(同义句) -- --having--drinks? -- --have--drinks? i think eating more vegetables is healthy. i think eating more vegetable
孙吴县劳菲回答: are we having some drinks? shall we have some drinks? i think eating more vegetable is good for us

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