
作者&投稿:学食 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Goddess of Mercy said that,“I in rain, you under eave, but under the eave does not have the rain, you do not need me to spend.” This person jumps out under immediately the eave, stands in the rain: “Now I also in rain, this I?”The Goddess of Mercy said that...

AVEAVE-Average variance extracted
AVE, or Average Variance Extracted, is a statistical tool utilized in evaluating the construct validity of a research model. It is computed by taking the square root of the average variance that each construct shares with its respective indicators. This process provides an understanding ...

请把[轩]这个字翻译成英文 12要用。谢谢勒。!
(3)楼板,建筑物的上层结构部分 [floor]于是左右平,重轩三阶。——《后汉书》(4) 屋檐 [eave]轩,檐宇之末曰轩,取车象。——《集韵》又如:轩宁(殿前檐下的平台和殿上屏门之间);轩檐(屋檐)(5) 殿堂前檐处 [front of a palace under the eaves]酒半酣,辽主临轩,命诸部长次弟起舞。——...

人在屋檐下不得不低头 You have to be humble when you're trapped in an inferior situation.希望帮到你~

Being extremely (adv 极其、非常) judicious (adj 明智的) in microeave usage:it says three-and-a-half minutes on the package,we're totally getting on the bottom side of that. And my personal favorite, which makes sense on some level, is to DVR your favorite shows so you can fast-forwar...

the Yuan “according to male buddhist priest the tower” middle Tallin, constructed at Yuan Zhiyuan five years (in 1339). This is a single-layer dense eave type brick tower, folds the eave five heavily, the modelling is beautiful, at the back of the tower has Shi Ming a side, the ...

The blue Mediterranean, where he lay,Lulled by the coil of his crystalline streams Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay,And saw in sleep old palaces and fowers Quivering within the eave's intenser day,All overgrown with azure moss and flowers So sweet, the sense faints picturing...

The hall, adorned with traditional Chinese garden architecture, boasts a single-story structure featuring a hard mountain-style roof with a rolled eave and sloping ridge. Constructed in 1870 during the reign of the Qing Dynasty, it served as a haven for the Liangjiang Governor-generals...

连词成句:1.I 1eave on pick the up weekend often
1. I often pick up leaves on weekend. 我经常在周末捡树叶。2. He is making a snowman. 他在堆雪人呢。3. Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?4. My grandpa's birthday is in June. 我爷爷的生日在六月份。5. My brother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 我...

The truth that youl eave
The truth that you leave 我喜欢那个夏天 我躲在你的怀里面 我记得你的笑脸 干净得容不下沉淀 你和我 手举起 约誓不分离 请猜猜我的爱恋 能不能陪你到永远 我们在榕树下面 埋下了透明的思念 在高温的爱里面 感情会否蒸发不见 原来总有一天 你要走 留给我的背面 舍下了一切眷恋 像艘不曾...

鄘虞13822116045问: leave的用法 -
新疆维吾尔自治区复方回答: leave1 KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 离开(某处)[(+for)] Mr. Smith left the room at two o'clock. 史密斯先生两点离开房间. 2. 离开(某人)的身边;遗弃,离弃 Her husband has left her. 她的丈夫把她遗弃了. 3. 辞去(工作等);脱离(组织等) Mary left ...

鄘虞13822116045问: leave+n+adj的用法 -
新疆维吾尔自治区复方回答: n+adj 是 leave的复合宾语,其中adj 是宾补,整个短语的意思是 cause or allow sb. / sth. to remain in a certain condition or place, etc, 例如:Leave the door open, please. 让门开着吧. 事实上,宾补也可以是动词的分词形式, 例如: Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain. 别让她再外边雨中等着.

鄘虞13822116045问: Leave the cellphone as it is. It belongs to - ----.A.Tom's B.its owner C.its owner's D.mine -
新疆维吾尔自治区复方回答: It belongs to Tom's . 固定短语belong to sb

鄘虞13822116045问: - ---you are--on the phone.A wanted B.called.为啥选A -
新疆维吾尔自治区复方回答: be wanted on the phone有某人的电话 所以用wanted

鄘虞13822116045问: 有关can you leave your mobile phone 的英语作文 -
新疆维吾尔自治区复方回答:What can you do with the mobile phone As times goes on,our life has experience great change.Mobile ghone is one of the most important inventions in nowadays.It has benefited us a lot,here are some examples. At first,we can talk with ...

鄘虞13822116045问: when i - -------- - (leave) the house, the phone --
新疆维吾尔自治区复方回答: was leaving rang 当某人做什么事的时候,突然

鄘虞13822116045问: 小学三年级英语填空题目:THEY ARE NEAR - -------------(TELEPHONE).需要加A吗? -
新疆维吾尔自治区复方回答: 对,telephone前面要加上冠词.当然不一定是要加不定冠词a,也有可能加上定冠词the,关键还是在于句意(如果楼主能补充提供上下文才能准确判断到底用哪一种).1. They are near (a) telephone.他们在一部电话机旁边.2. They are near (the) telephone.他们在这/那部电话机旁边.如果对你有所帮助,请点击我回答下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

鄘虞13822116045问: leave用法I was told that it was a very serious disease. -
新疆维吾尔自治区复方回答: 你好!选A是正确的,但楼上的解释有些问题. 应该是leave+ 宾语+形容词 / 分词 / 不定式等,表示使(宾语)保持某种状态.If (it is) left untreated 在这里省略了 it is ,其实它是一个被动语态,还原回去是left it untreated (it指the legs ).这句话意为“如果(腿)继续不被治疗,这个病人也许将在近一年或更长时间内失去行走能力.”.

鄘虞13822116045问: I am leave and The phone is stay at home !是什么意思?
新疆维吾尔自治区复方回答: 我要走,电话落在家里了.

鄘虞13822116045问: 给外教请假 帮忙翻译成英文
新疆维吾尔自治区复方回答: Dear John, would it be possible for me to take the next two days off? I was invited to my close frind wedding ceremony.I promised to make up the missed classes from my classmates when I return. best regards xxx 如果是改成我能请星期4星期5 2天...

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