
作者&投稿:饶谦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money. From now on,he will wear a suit all day and others will call him "Mr.Bloggs",not"Alf".manual a 体力的 sacrifice v 牺牲,献出 privilege n 好处 dustman n 清洁工 overalls n 工作服 shower n 淋浴 ...

over-the-counter markets. Some corporate bonds have an embedded call option that allows the issuer to redeem the debt before its maturity date. Other bonds, known as convertible bonds, allow investors to convert the bond into equity. Corporate Credit spreads may alternatively be earned...

Rick: Take it easy! Who I am! I have already made a phone call to a boss who needs workers。 As long as I do my best, the money will e back to my pocket。Jack: I hope so…SceneⅣ AT THE FACTORY All the workers are working hard。 Rick enters。Rick: (to a worker...

for Alf has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office. He will be earning only half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him ...

“大盘”牛市”熊市“散户“被套”割肉”等股票用语英文里怎么说?_百 ...
p\/e ratio 市盈率(price\/earning)mark-to-market 逐日盯市 payment versus delivery 银券交付 clearing and settlement 清算\/结算 commodity\/financial derivatives 商品\/金融衍生产品 put \/ call option 看跌\/看涨期权 margins, collateral 保证金 rights issue\/offering 配股 bonus share ...

In addition, it is necessity, rather than luxury, that counts. Seeing other students buying luxiry, some students are jealous and would like to buy one themselves. This is what we call irrational consumption.Last but not least, keep a balance table each month. If you have fancy...

3、Please note that, if you apply in the first application call, you will have more chances to obtain a scholarship.请注意,如果你申请的是第一批次,你获得得奖学金的几率就更大。4、Thus, students have the potential of earning in internship employment much more often than what they...

阮宗13472135257问: the learning curve have been steep -
青田县海康回答: 学习曲线已经很陡峭了.另外应该是has been, the learning curve是单数.

阮宗13472135257问: 学习曲线的应用 -
青田县海康回答: 1)在生产制造方面,它可以应用于估计产品设计时间和生产时间,同时可以应用于估计成本; 2)学习曲线也是公司战略设计的组成部分,比如价格、投资成本和营运成本的决策; 3)应用于个体学习和组织学习的能力. 4)学习曲线如使用不...

阮宗13472135257问: 企业战略管理中的经验曲线是什么意思? -
青田县海康回答: 其实就是学习曲线,每当积累的经验翻一番,增值成本就会下降大约20%到30%,熟练度也基本上按照20%比例递增 给你些资料: 经验曲线是一个人们较为熟知的概念.一家工厂生产某种产品的数量越多,生产者就能更多地了解了如何生产...

阮宗13472135257问: 学习曲线的确定 -
青田县海康回答: 学习效果受许多因素的影响,主要有:1)操作者的动作熟练程度.这是影响学习曲线的最基本因素2)管理技术的改善,正确的培训、指导,充分的生产准备与周到的服务,工资奖励及惩罚等管理政策的运用3)产品设计的改善4)生产设备与工具的质量5)各种材料的连续供应和质量6)信息反馈的及时性7)专业化分工程度

阮宗13472135257问: 什么是学习曲线分析,有什么意义 -
青田县海康回答: 学习曲线的定义为"在一定时间内获得的技能或知识的速率",又称练习曲线. 为了知道学习进程中的现象和进步的快慢的详情,作为以后努力的指针,应用统计图的方法作一条线,把它表示出来,所以是学习曲线分析. 这样可以提高学习效率,发现问题,解决问题! 认真回答,请采纳!

阮宗13472135257问: 经验曲线效应是什么意思 -
青田县海康回答: 经验曲线是指随着时间的增加,某个人对某个岗位、某项工作的熟悉程度也必然会随之增加,他的经验以及他对这项工作的理解也会越来越深,从而有利于他改进工作方法,提高工作效率,更好、更合理地完...

阮宗13472135257问: 如何绘制学习曲线 -
青田县海康回答: 人们为了知道学习进程中的现象和进步的快慢的详情,作为以后努力的指针,应用统计图的方法作一条线,把它表示出来.它源于“二战”时期的飞机工业,当产量上升时,生产每架飞机的劳动时间会极大地下降.随后的研究表明,在许多行业都存在这种现象.学习曲线体现了熟能生巧.

阮宗13472135257问: A sharp learning curve 什么意思
青田县海康回答: 上下文是什么? 以前我们单位招聘培训导师的时候,有这个词组,"handle a sharp learning curve" 意思是能够敏锐地掌握学习的进度 ..不同文章可能意思不同 你因为什么称赞他AMAZING? 比如你是称赞他中文很好,那他回这句就是客气一下,说你英文也不错或者进步很快~

阮宗13472135257问: learn与study用法区别.(非专业人员勿进) -
青田县海康回答: 你好!learn和study的区别见下: 【learn】用作及物动词 (1) 主语+learn+ n./pron. He studied hard and finally learned the lesson. 他努力学习,终于掌握了这一课. The child has learned quite a few Tang poems. 这孩子学会了很多首唐诗. (2) ...

阮宗13472135257问: the learning curve台词翻译 -
青田县海康回答: the learning curve 学习曲线 例句:1.I didn't scale the learning curve as quickly as I would have liked, but I had a seat and that had to mean something. 我没能如自己所愿更快地学习到更多的东西,但毕竟在这里还有一席之地,总算是一件幸事.

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