
作者&投稿:饶群 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

have expect to 与 have expected to有啥区别
expect to have done :期望做过某事(却没有实现,与现实相反)I except to have passed the exam, but I failed in final. 我期望我本来可以通过考试,但最终失败了。(完成时态的特殊用法,表示与现实相反;常用情态动词 + 完成时(肯定)表反义。EX:You could have cought her heart, if ...

用“expect to do”造一个英语句子
expect to do 期望; 期待做某事 'What did you expect me to do about it?' she demanded.“对此你期望我怎么办?”她质问道。

expect expect for和expect to的区别
A表示那个时候“正在expect...”B和C都不对,Expect是个及物动词,后面不加任何介词,没有for或者是to waiting是不及物动词,后面要加for,所以也不是正确答案。

look forward to和expect的用法区别在哪里?
" expect" 则意为“期望”、“盼望”,主要用于表示在某个时间点或事件之前的预期、期望或希望。例如:- I expect to receive my salary next month.(我预计下个月会收到工资。)- He expected to finish his PhD by the end of the year.(他预期年底能完成博士论文。)总的来说," look forward...

expect doing something 和 expect to do domething 有
doing 表示时间持续的:I expect it coming into race.我一直期望它进入比赛,强调时间上的持续。to do 侧重结果:We expected him to arrive yesterday 我们原以为他昨天能到.强调对结果的期望。

(2)省略答语中,not不可放在hope前,如不能说I don't hope so.只能说I hope not.2、expect:通常用来表示“预期,盼望,期待,料想”,后面可跟名词、代词、不定式,that从句等,其句型是: expect to do sth ;expect sb to do sth;expect + that 从句。如:(1)We expected you ...

3. expect 指的是期待、盼望、预期。 其句型是: expect to do sth。详细解释:hope 英[həʊp] 美[hoʊp]n. 希望,期望; 希望的东西; 被寄予希望的人或事物、情况; 抱有希望的理由;vt. 希望,期望;vt. [俚语] 相信,认为;[例句]She had decided she m...

expect和expect for的区别
了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ区别一:词性不同 expect是动词,表示期待、预计或盼望某事发生。expect for是介词短语,表示期待或等待某人或某事。例句:①I expect to see you at the party tonight.我期待今晚在派对上见到你。

expect和expect for的区别如下所示。1. 释义区别:- "Expect" 是一个动词,表示期望、预计或盼望某事发生,也可以指望或期待某人做某事。- "Expect for" 是 "expect" 与介词 "for" 的搭配,表示期望或盼望某个特定方面或结果。例句:- I expect to receive a promotion next month.(我期望下个...

hope,expect,look forward to的区别
hope可以后面接宾语从句,例如:I hope this letter reaches you. 我希望你能收到这封信。它还可以直接接动词不定式,例如:We hope to arrive around two. 我们希望能在两点钟左右到达。但绝对不可以hope sb to do sth。expect 一般不接宾语从句。但可以接to do。和hope相反,它可以expect sb to ...

丑尚15954436167问: expect to do sth还是doing sth? -
北江区三维回答:[答案] 都可,但意思上有差别: 表示时间持续的,可以用doing,例: I expect your coming back. 我(一直)期待着你归来,强调时间上的持续. 而to do,例: I expect to win the game. 我期望在比赛中获胜,强调对结果的期望.

丑尚15954436167问: 英语翻译expect to do sth.-- - 期望/希望做某事 b.expect sb.to do sth.-- - 期望某人做某事 c.expect+that从句-- - 期盼…练习:a.他们期望能早点回家.译:_______... -
北江区三维回答:[答案] They expect to go back home early.The teacher expects us to study English hard.We expect that they come back safty.

丑尚15954436167问: expect sb.to do sth expect to do sth 分别是什么意思? -
北江区三维回答: i expected to pass the exam. 不定式做宾语, 表明是主语, 我, 想通过考试. i expected my son to pass the exam. 不定式做宾补, 表明是宾语, 我的儿子, 通过考试. 希望能帮到你哦@_@

丑尚15954436167问: expect sb.to do sth expect to do sth 分别是什么意思 -
北江区三维回答: expect sb.to do sth意思是希望某人做某事. expect to do sth 意思是期望做某事.例句 'What did you expect me to do about it?' she demanded. “对此你期望我怎么办?”她质问道. When youre first starting out you should expect to do a bit of ...

丑尚15954436167问: 有没有expect to do sth 的用法 -
北江区三维回答: 有的,举个例子 He expect to become the president of the us within 10 years.他预计自己会在十年内当选美国总统.Honey,I expect you to be the president of the us someday, so stop fooling around and get to work.亲爱的,我指望你有一天当总统呢,所以就别瞎晃了,赶快去工作.

丑尚15954436167问: expect to do sth什么意思??? -
北江区三维回答: 期望可以做某事.

丑尚15954436167问: be expected to do sth 都有哪些意思 -
北江区三维回答: be expected to do sth (某人)被期望/预料/估计做某事 主动形式:expect sb to do sth 期望/预料/估计某人做某事 We expect him to come over and help. 我们希望他能过来帮忙. Jack is expected to go home before ten at night. 杰克被期望晚上十点钟之前回家. 祝你开心如意!

丑尚15954436167问: expect 后面跟doing还是to do? -
北江区三维回答: 都可,但意思上有差别: 表示时间持续的,可以用doing,例: I expect your coming back. 我(一直)期待着你归来,强调时间上的持续. 而to do,例: I expect to win the game. 我期望在比赛中获胜,强调对结果的期望.

丑尚15954436167问: be expected to do sth 都有哪些意思? -
北江区三维回答: 不,是有希望做(成)…… expect在朗文的第一词条即为:预料、期待. 例:They are expected to make an announcement later on today.(预料他们今天晚些时候会宣布一项通告)再次例句中,be expected to do意为预料,表示一种可能性再如:She is expected to be a good doctor.(他有希望成为一名好医生)

丑尚15954436167问: expect sb.to do sth.(造句) -
北江区三维回答: You can't expect me to finish the work in just two days. 你不能期望我仅在两天之内完成这项工作.

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