
作者&投稿:苍良 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

earn和rake in 的区别
earn (1)vt.& vi.赢得;获得;赚得;博得。(2)vt.获得;挣得;赚,赚得;使得到。例句:(1)harlie was earning eight pounds, I was earning five 查利赚了8英镑,我赚了5英镑。(2)We buy everything abroad with the money earned from oil imports.我们用进口石油赚到的钱从国外购买一切...

earn praise from sb.造句
I always do my best to earning praise from my parents.意思是为了赢得父母的赞赏,我一直都做到最好。

此外,"挣"还常常引申为"to make efforts" 或 "to strive",意味着付出努力和争取。比如,"Students must strive to achieve academic excellence."(学生必须努力追求学术卓越。)最后,"挣"在某些情况下还可以表示摆脱某种困境或束缚,即"to get free from"。例如,"She was determined to earn her...

gain acquire win 和earn的区别?
gain, acquire, win和earn都指获得某物或某种成果,但它们的具体用法和表达含义有所不同。- Gain: 强调取得一种东西所带来的收益或利益,可以是实际的财富、名声、信息、知识等。例如:She gained a lot of knowledge from that experience. (她从那次经历中获得了很多知识。)- Acquire: 与gain类似...

1. 获利,赚钱;得益[(+by\/from)]We all gained from the experience.我们都从这次经验中获益。2. 取得进展;得到改善;增进健康 The singer is gaining in popularity.这歌手越来越受到人们的欢迎。3. (钟、表等)走快 n.1. 获得;增加;获利[U][C]The baby had a gain of half a pound.婴儿...

that earns you a kiss from chloe(人名)。 请问这句话的词性和语法构成...
that earns you a kiss from Chloe 那是你从克洛伊那里赢来一个吻 That 指代前文中 你为Chloe所做过的某件足以感动Chloe的事 在句子中做主语 earns 做谓语 you 和 a kiss 做谓语动词的双宾语 from Chloe 做宾语补足语 如果改成you earn a kiss from chloe 没有语法错误 但是失去原文中的意思...


由于whereby = by which , because of which (凭此,借以;由于)。所以我们可以把它引导的从句看作是一个定语从句, 修饰” halo effect” 。its good deeds是主语,earn是动词。earn something意思是获取。这里的it 代表的是greater consideration,而from后面的状语是用来修饰consideration的,说的是...

How much do you earn a week?你一周赚多少钱?He earns 10000 a year.他一年赚10000英镑.That's how I earn my daily bread 我是这样维持生活的.

earn out是什么意思
earn out 盈利能力支付计划;获利能力价金;赚出来 双语例句 1 They earn out a bare existence.他们挣的钱只够勉强生活。2 This may mean starting your own thing or just making the most from the first job you earn out of college.这也许意味着自己创业,或者利用走出校门的第一份工作充分...

蓬殷15034159594问: learn...from...造句 并翻译 -
茅箭区硫酸回答: learn .. from... 从中学习到... I learn dancing from my friend. 我从朋友身上学会了跳舞.

蓬殷15034159594问: 用. learn from sb. 造句 -
茅箭区硫酸回答: I learn much knowledge from my teacher.

蓬殷15034159594问: 英语造句越简单越好.learn about…from… -
茅箭区硫酸回答: I learn about how to cook from my mother. 我从妈妈那学习怎么做饭

蓬殷15034159594问: 帮我写答案...帮我造句,英语的 1.take photos 照相;2.learn...from... 向...学习;3.in detail 详细地;4.give support to... 为...提供帮助;5.keep in touch with ... -
茅箭区硫酸回答:[答案] 1.Do you like to take photos?你喜欢照相吗 2.I learn the spirit from him 我学习他的精神 3.He told us the accident in detail.他详细的把事故讲给我们听 4. To give aid or support. 援助给与帮助 5.We now keep in touch with him by writting letters 我们现在靠...

蓬殷15034159594问: 用 learn sth from sb 句型 造句 -
茅箭区硫酸回答: I learned a lot from my teacher.

蓬殷15034159594问: 分别用 learn...from learn from 造句; 这两个短语之间有区别吗 -
茅箭区硫酸回答: I learn the spirit from him . I can learn from my mom.learn sth from sb主谓宾learn from sb主谓

蓬殷15034159594问: learn about...from造句
茅箭区硫酸回答: You are learning about how to make sentence using "learn about …… from" from Wen Wen.

蓬殷15034159594问: What can you learn from playing badminton? -
茅箭区硫酸回答: I learn from it : everything which need acomplish well should be cooperated by our teamwork.

蓬殷15034159594问: learn哪两种用法并造句? -
茅箭区硫酸回答: ~ (sth) (from sb/sth) 学;学习;学到;学会 I learned a lot from my father. 我从父亲那里学到了许多东西 ~ (of/about) 听到;得知;获悉 I learnt of her arrival from a close friend. 我从一位好友那里听说她到了. ~ (from sth)认识到;意识到;(从…)吸取教训 I'm sure she'll learn from her mistakes. 我肯定她会从错误中吸取教训.

蓬殷15034159594问: 用learn to do sth和learn from sb各造两个句子 -
茅箭区硫酸回答: He learned to ride a bike at the age of ten. 他十岁的时候学习骑自行车.He began to learn to write when he was very young.他从很小的时候就开始学写字.Let's learn from those great scientists.让我们向那些伟大的科学家学习.We should learn from each other.我们应该互相学习.

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