
作者&投稿:赵杨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

want. 需要;希望;应该;缺少 n. 需要;缺乏;贫困;必需品 vi. 需要;缺少 例句 1.We want access to the ounces.我们需要的是黄金。2.Because the founders want it that way.因为创始人就希望这样。3.Want that music on the go?想要随身听音乐?4.The answer: "whatever they want."那位...

I want have a rest 要从 want have a 这三个单词中选出一个错的并改...
可以在want 后面加to,也可以在have 前面加 to,或者直接把have 删去,直接是I want a rest (我想要休息一下),三种方法,你可以用选其中一个~

Mrs.Smith ___(want) a big bag.
句子应翻译为:Mrs. Smith想要一个大包或口袋。且无句子中无上下文或关键词可以表明是过去想要,所以应理解为现在的时态。want作为想要讲,没有进行时态,因而只能是一般现在时。Mrs. Smith是第三人称单数(she),因而应用动词的第三人称单数形式。应该填wants。希望可以帮到您。

Want属于表示状态的动词,因此它的分词不能用在进行时态,但是可以用作非谓语动词。Want有两种含义,不同的含义用法也不同 。1、表示“希望\/想要需要”时,只能用作状语,表示时间、原因、条件或方式,如:Wanting a typist, we have to advertise through the press. 由于需要打字员,我们只得通过报纸...

wanna a piece of me什么意思?
1、读作:英 [ju ˈwɒnə ə piːs ɒv mi] 美 [jə ˈwɑːnə ə piːs əv mi]2、语法:wanna相当于“want to”或者“want a”仅能用于口语想要的意思。a piece of me在这里指自我的一部分,也就是不...

lollipop luxury歌词翻译,要准确
Lyrics to Lollipop Luxury :中文翻译:青山雀 S-T-A-R 【歌手的姓(Jeffree Star)】S-T-A-R (What?)(什么?)S-T-A-R (Queen bitch)(母狗)S-T-A-R I'm on the top 我占据上位 There's no luck 没有什么侥幸可言 Never turned around to stop 永远别想翻身让我停下 Make my...

接下来让我们看下want和need的其他区别:1. 意图不同:"Want" 表示想要得到某事物,而 "need" 则表示必须要得到某事物。例句:a. I want a new phone, but I don't really need it.我想要一部新手机,但我并不真的需要它。b. I need to drink more water in order to stay healthy.我...

i want the.()括号内填名词必须是单数吗?复数可以吗?求解释?
I want the book. 我要那本书。(通常会只要一本)I want the books. 我要那些书。(一般同时不会要那么多)另用定冠词 the 和 不定冠词 a (an)还是有区别的。如 I want the book. 是指定的那本书,不是随便哪本都可以的。而 I want a book. 任何一本书都行。以上仅供参考!

动词正确形式.No,he doesn't()a doll.He()(want )a puzzle
No, he doesn't (want) a doll. He (wants) a puzzle.

want 的用法 1. 表示主观上的“想要”“希望”,是一种有意识的行为,其后可直接跟不定式,但不能跟动名词.如:That’s what I want to know. 这是我想知道的.He wanted to find a place to hide. 他想找一个地方躲藏.要表示“想要或希望某人某事”,其后可接不定式的复合结构.如:Do you ...

卞影19190183528问: 快来帮忙写一篇 英语作文《i want huve a robot》 -
苍南县先泰回答: 应该是I want to have a robot (两个动词不能放在一起:want、have,want todo sth)

卞影19190183528问: 英语作文do you want a robots? -
苍南县先泰回答: 1.in my daily life,there are a lot i can do to help the disabled.first of all,i think we should respect them,which is what they really wanted.secondly,it is important for us to give them a hand when they in need of us. 2.i want to design a robot which can help...

卞影19190183528问: 英语作文.写一个你想要的机器人``内容提示.1,简要描述一下机器人的外表.2,介绍一下它的功能 要自己写 -
苍南县先泰回答: The robot I want The robot I want is like a beautiful and lovely rabbit. I like rabbits very much. So my robbot has two lovely ears and two big eyes. Its skin is white because I like white, but I can change its clothes. It can walk like a human being. It can ...

卞影19190183528问: 英语作文我想有个机器人 -
苍南县先泰回答: In the movies, robots are common in people's daily lives. At that time, people do not need to do much things. Robots make their lives become simple. Therefore, I hope I can have a robot to do things for me. For example, it can go to school instead of ...

卞影19190183528问: 初中英语作文—你有一个梦想,希望有一个机器人,它可以:打扫房子和做饭,陪你购物,玩,可以帮你解答问题 -
苍南县先泰回答: Dear Dava, Do you have any dream?I think you do.So do you want to know my dream?Well ,let me tell you.My dream is very simple.I want a robot.But he is not just a ordinary robot.He can does many things.He can clean the room.When I hungry,he ...

卞影19190183528问: 以“我最喜欢的机器人”为题写一篇英语作文 -
苍南县先泰回答: My favorite article is put in our house of a computer program can enter the robot,it strange appearance,functional diversity,very funny!This robot is have a webcam,main engine,motor components.Among them,the use of camera is the largest.It is like ...

卞影19190183528问: 英语幻想关于机器人作文 -
苍南县先泰回答: With the development of science , more and more people are confused that whether it is good or bad to make robort. Are roborts going to take place of human beings.Every coin has two side. Robort can be good to our society and life. At the same ...

卞影19190183528问: 《l want to be a doctor》英语作文 -
苍南县先泰回答: I want to be a doctor I hope I can become a doctor in the future. I was born in a doctor's family. My parents are both doctors. They are always working for patient's health and have no time to look after me. They saved many people's lives during ...

卞影19190183528问: 初中英语作文—你有一个梦想,希望有一个机器人,它可以:打扫房子和做饭,陪你购物,玩,请给你的朋友dava写一封信.和他分享你的梦想. -
苍南县先泰回答:[答案] Dear Dava,Do you have any dream?I think you do.So do you want to know my dream?Well ,let me tell you.My dream is very simple.I want a robot.But he is not just a ordinary robot.He can does many things....

卞影19190183528问: 英语作文 :你梦想将来有一个机器人,他可以帮助你做一下事情求求哥哥姐姐,说下! -
苍南县先泰回答: I have a dream. I hope to have a robot in the future. It can clean the house. It also shopping. When I feel boring, it can accompany me to play computer games and chess. It also can help with my homework. It knows everything, I don't understand it can help me find the answer. 要是觉得我的回答满意,请采纳!

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