
作者&投稿:弥龙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

fear 这个词怎么用??
fear , dread , fright , alarm , dismay , panic , terror 这组同义词为名词,其中有的可用作动词,而且含义与用作名词时相同。如:fear, dread. fear 不管用作名词还是动词,基本上有两个含义,即“怕”或“担心” If, at the time, the British had not feared invasion, it would have been completed...

全手工翻译 自己看着给分吧 我们所有的时间都 在这里,但现在再也见不到人了 在这里,但现在再也见不到人了 我们所有的时间都 四季不惧怕收割 也没有风,太阳或下雨..我们可以像他们 来吧婴儿...不要害怕收割 婴儿采取了我的手...不要害怕收割 我们将能够飞...不要害怕收割 宝贝我的人......

Out of fear, not loyalty 87.大难不死的男孩,你的传奇是谎言堆砌的,哈利。 The boy who lived. How lies have fed your legend, Harry. 7Now, fear makes people do terrible things, Harry. 88.巫师的血,每流一滴都是极大的浪费。因此我下令撤军,在此期间,体面地安葬死者。 Every drop of magical bl...

32、总有一天你会变强,强到让现在嘲笑你的人害怕。 One day you will be strong, strong enough to let the people who laugh at you now fear. 33、人生最大的敌人是自己怯懦。 The greatest enemy of life is cowardice. 34、我从来不想羡慕别人,因为那只会提醒我我没有。 I never want to envy oth...

fear that a land war now looks very probable.恐怕陆地战爆发的可能性很大。14. People are afraid to venture out for fear of sniper attacks.由于害怕狙击手,人们不敢冒险外出。15. He stared at his favourite child, dismayed, filled with fear.他惊愕地盯着自己最宠爱的孩子,满心恐惧。

fear 英 [fɪə(r)] 美 [fɪr]n.  害怕; 惧怕; 担忧v.  害怕; 畏惧; 惧怕; 担心; 担忧; (引出不好的事情)恐怕 牛津词典 noun 害怕;惧怕;担忧the bad feeling that you have when you are in danger, when sth bad might happen, or when...

fear to do表示害怕做“某一件”具体的事;fear doing 表示一贯性的害怕做某事。举两个例子给你比较:I fear to ask the boss for a raise now, because he's in a bad mood today. 我不敢现在去找老板要求加薪,他今天心情不好。I fear speaking in the public. I'm so shy. 我害怕...

A friend of mine told me a horror story today,I'm now really scared at a mere thought of it!a friend of mine用来表达”我的一个朋友”再道地,再简洁不过了 at a mere thought of it”我只要一想到(就怕的不得了)”如果硬要用,the more I think about it,the more I'm ...

求lily allen唱的not fear的歌词
You know I've never met a man你知道我过去从未遇见过一个男人 who's made me feel quite so secure谁象他这样让我拥有安全感 He's not like all them other boys他不像其他那些男孩 They're all so dumb and immature他们都如此无语和幼稚 There's just one thing但是只有一个问题 that's...

There Were Roses 歌词
Now fear it filled the countryside There was fear in every home When late at night a car came Prowling round the Ryan Road A Catholic would be killed tonight To even up the score Oh Christ, it's young MacDonald They have taken from the door There were roses, roses There ...

匡育19769194916问: 请大家帮忙翻译:无知者无畏 这句话 -
峨边彝族自治县拉米回答: He who knows not fears not.可以查大词典,know和fear可以做vi.古语不用do not do,而用do not 或者The ignorant are fearless.

匡育19769194916问: fear加不定式等于fear加动名词吗 -
峨边彝族自治县拉米回答: 据牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary),二者意思没有任何区别,且均为正式用法.原文和译文如下:fear to do something (formal):害怕做某事 (正式),如:She feared to tell him the truth.她不敢告诉他真相.fear doing something (formal):害怕做...

匡育19769194916问: fear语法 -
峨边彝族自治县拉米回答: 【fear用法】1)fear作动词用,其后一般接不定式或动名词或者that从句,如fear to offend her或者fear offending her或者I fearthat I may offend her;2)普遍日常用语中,用be afraid比fear更常见,而fear后加lest从句更加不常见.We were afraid (that...

匡育19769194916问: fear的用法 -
峨边彝族自治县拉米回答: 词典解释 名词 n.1.害怕,恐惧[C][U][(+of)][+(that)] She has a great fear of water. 她很怕水. 2.可能性[U][(+of)][+(that)] There is no fear that he'll be late. 他不会迟到的. 3.担心,忧虑7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333264623931[C][+(that)] My ...

匡育19769194916问: 动词fear的用法我知道fear有担心、害怕、恐惧的意思,可以加that从句,也可以作fear for .那有没有fear to do 或者 fear doing的用法? -
峨边彝族自治县拉米回答:[答案] fear用法归纳:1.用作动词,注意以下用法:(1) 表示“恐惧”“害怕”,其后接动词时,可用不定式或动名词(注:用不定式比用动名词常见).如:He feared to speak in public.他害怕在公共场合讲话.He fears to tell [tell...

匡育19769194916问: 英文翻译成汉语 -
峨边彝族自治县拉米回答: 回答和翻译如下 :A previously unknown disease, SARS has entered our daily vocabulary. Now we live in its【1】A previously unknown disease, SARS has entered our daily vocabulary. Now we live in its【1】While SARS【2】center stage, an ...

匡育19769194916问: fear什么意思
峨边彝族自治县拉米回答: fear n. 1. 害怕,恐惧[C][U][(+of)][+(that)] She has a great fear of water. 她很怕水. 2. 可能性[U][(+of)][+(that)] There is no fear that he'll be late. 他不会迟到的. 3. 担心,忧虑[C][+(that)] My worst fears were quickly realized. 我最大的忧虑很快成了现实...

匡育19769194916问: 汉译英,'我不知道你害怕什么?'和'我不知道你为什么害怕?'都翻译成英文!谢啦! -
峨边彝族自治县拉米回答: I do not know what you are afraid of.I do not know why you are afraid. 两个都是肯定句,不可以用问号 ,而且宾语从句要用陈述句语序

匡育19769194916问: 怕她知道怕她不知道英文
峨边彝族自治县拉米回答: In great fear that she might know fear she doesn't know

匡育19769194916问: Now we are not afraid,Although we know there's much to fear.We will stay together forever -
峨边彝族自治县拉米回答: 现在我们不害怕,尽管我们知道有很多的事情是可怕的,我们将永远在一起

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