
作者&投稿:谢荔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Ugga: Mom, we're ready to leave. Mom?Gran: Still alive!Grug: It's still early.""Grug: Ideas are for weaklings.""Guy: Who are you.Eep: OH! Eep.Guy: Let me clarify Eep. The world is ending.Eep: What Guy: I am calling 'The End'""Guy: I am guy.Eep: Guy.Guy:...

Eep: It is with this family. Ugga: Mom, we're ready to leave. Mom? Gran: Still alive! Grug: It's still early." "Grug: Ideas are for weaklings." "Guy: Who are you. Eep: OH! Eep. Guy: Let me clarify Eep. The world is ending. Eep: What Guy: I am calling 'The End'" ...

Eep: It is with this family.Ugga: Mom, we're ready to leave. Mom?Gran: Still alive!Grug: It's still early.""Grug: Ideas are for weaklings.""Guy: Who are you.Eep: OH! Eep.Guy: Let me clarify Eep. The world is ending.Eep: What Guy: I am calling 'The End'""G...

电影求疯狂原始人的英文台词 全部

Eep: Quiet! I am not supposed to be out there.(Guy bite Eep’s foot)Eep: Ah!(Eep fight with Guy) Grug: Eep’s gone.Ugga: What? Grug!Grug: Stay in the cave.(Grug go out the cave.) Guy: Wow, you’re really strong.(The fire was dying.)Eep: No, it’s mine! Guy: ...

Eep: Make. Make. Make it! 小伊:快弄出来!(放下盖) Guy: You do this a lot. 盖:你太过分了!(说完倒地) Eep: Are you dead? Can I have your fire if you‟re dead? 小伊:你死了吗?(一把揪起盖)你死了火能不能归我? (皮带猴推开小伊准备弄醒盖) Guy: Hey, those are cold! You...

What's a pet?Guy: An animal you don't eatGran: We call those children.Eep: [Smitten with Guy] Isn't this fun? We're taking our first trip together.""Grug: Just think, our whole family packed together on a long, slow trip across country. We'll tell stories. We'...

Eep: Ah!(Eep fight with Guy) Grug: Eep’s gone.Ugga: What? Grug!Grug: Stay in the cave.(Grug go out the cave.) Guy: Wow, you’re really strong.(The fire was dying.)Eep: No, it’s mine! Guy: Please……Eep: No, no!Guy: But it is dying! Eep: I caught it!Guy: I ...

1 太阳升起,又是新的一天 With every sun comes a new day. 2 一个崭新的开始 A new beginning. 3 人们总是希望今天比昨天强 A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. 4 对我来说无所谓,我是伊普 But not for me. My name's Eep. 5 这...

英文歌曲《do re mi 》那些音符表示的事物,跟音符有什么关系?
你说的唱名的发音和后面的单词的英文发音谐音,它们的声母相同,比如do-deer(鹿)。(唱名6除外)歌词是为教孩子们记住音阶里各个唱名的发音。方法是借用谐音的孩子们熟悉的简单单词唱那个音。单词本身和唱名并没有逻辑关联。 就像有人用“山巅一寺一壶酒...”来帮助记忆圆周率3.14159...一样。这首...

丑享15789471427问: keep it real是什么意思 -
鸡泽县爱汝回答: keep it real 应该是 继续保持 吧!!

丑享15789471427问: keepitreat中文是什么意思 -
鸡泽县爱汝回答: 你好,高兴为你回答. 你的拼写有点错误, 应该是 keep it real 意思是:保持真实 请采纳,谢谢!!

丑享15789471427问: keep it real 是什么意思 -
鸡泽县爱汝回答: 面对现实,认清事实,别装xx

丑享15789471427问: keep it real是什么意思
鸡泽县爱汝回答: 保持真实

丑享15789471427问: keep it real 是什么意思?
鸡泽县爱汝回答: 面对现实保持真实. 具体看语境来翻译

丑享15789471427问: Keep it real, I don't give a damn! 是什么意思? -
鸡泽县爱汝回答: 美式口语 意思是 整点儿实在的好不 我都懒得理你 I don't give a damn/shit! 不发表评论的意思

丑享15789471427问: keep it real意思?用法(举例)? -
鸡泽县爱汝回答:[答案] keep it real 说实话,老实说,美国人说的很多,另外,你那个老外朋友临走和你道别时,他还说了别的话,他只所以说keep it real,是为别的话做铺垫,他可能说:“说真的,老实说,我很不舍得离开你”一类的话.

丑享15789471427问: keer it real 是什么意思 -
鸡泽县爱汝回答: keep it real释意:保持真实1. Keep it real 坦白说 2. keep it real short 很快的 3. Everything Keep it real 所有的事情一直都是真的

丑享15789471427问: Keep It Real 的情侣网名 -
鸡泽县爱汝回答: 她的网名意思翻译过来是 保持真实 楼主就用保持天真吧,Keep it naive 希望采纳!

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