
作者&投稿:丛卷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

keep有多种词性,分别为:vt.保持; 保留; 遵守; 阻止;vi.(食品)保持新; 保持健康;n.保持,保养; 供养,抚养; 生活,生计; 饲料;牧草;1、读音:[英][ki:p] [美][kip]2、例句:1、Why would you keep it?翻译:你为什么留着它?2、Can you keep a secret?翻译:你能保守秘密吗?3、...

keep 的用法???
keep加形容词的用法是用的,意为:保持……的状态。keep后还可以加v-ing的形式。延伸:kept, keeping 保留;保守 I keep old letters.我保存旧信。I'll keep the original copy of your report on file.我会把你报告的原件归档的。It's an interesting suggestion and we'll keep it on ice....

keep it real什么意思
字面意思:保持真实。Keep it real有很多种解释,最简单的理解就是保持真实,keep it real就是指你最好说的真的东西而对自己而言,Keep it real就是种信仰与初衷,保持自己热爱的东西与真实。例句:I'm gonna keep it real with you. don't nobody know my sister like I do.我也跟你说清楚...

1.keep+adj 保持某种状态 e.g keep heallthy 2.keep+ n.+adj 使某人(某物)处于某种状态 e.g keep the room clean 3.keep doing sth. 一直做某事 e.g keep working 4.keep on dong sth 反复做某事 e.g keep on thinking about the game.5.长时间的借。e.g How long may I keep...

keep连接心率设备,选择搜索心率设备选项。等待搜索完毕后,点击设备后方的加号图标即可。Keep是一个app,于2015年2月4日上线,致力于提供健身教学、跑步、骑行、交友及健身饮食指导、装备购买等一站式运动解决方案。Keep已开设线下运动空间Keepland,并发售KeepKit系列智能硬件产品。被App Store评为“2015年度...

keep boarders.为寄宿生提供食宿 To raise:抚养,饲养:keep chickens.养鸡 To maintain for use or service:备有:为利用或服务而持有:a city dweller who didn't keep a car.没有汽车的城市居民 To manage, tend, or have charge of:管理、照管或负责…:Keep the shop while I'm away.我...

给高一学生提供学习方法和生活建议的英语作文:I am a high school student。I like English very much and my English score is also very good。Do you know how I learn? Here are some ways you can try。In class, you should listen to the teacher carefully and keep active all the ...

3. 您的Apple Watch可能没有与iPhone配对。因为KEEP的训练功能需要与iPhone配对才能使用。4

如何保持健康的英语作文 怎么写?
译文:这是非常重要的。What’s more, keep yourself happy.译文:更重要的是,让自己心情愉快。Try to smile every day.译文:试着微笑面对每一天。Please follow my good advice, everyone! I eagerly wish you fit and robust.译文:每个人请按照我的建议来做,我热切地希望您身体健康和强壮。

keep和keep on 的区别
keep和keep on 的区别: 区别1:用法和意义 keep:通常用于表示维持某种状态、持续性的动作或保持某物在一定位置或状态。它可以涉及保持规则、条件、情感等。 例子1:Keep the door closed, please.(请把门关上。) 例子2:I try to keep calm in stressful situations.(我试着在紧张的情况下保持冷静。) keep on...

闫迹18395979855问: 阿姆给青少年的10条忠告 -
天门市肿节回答: 10.keep it real 认清现实,保持清醒9.No one's ever regretted a tattoo 没人后悔纹过身8.with foreign markets volatile,Now's a good time to invest in bonds 由于国外市场不稳定,现在是买债券的好机会7.Go see "toy story 3",the toys are back in ...

闫迹18395979855问: keep it real是什么意思? -
天门市肿节回答: keep it real保持真实

闫迹18395979855问: Keep.it.real中文翻译 -
天门市肿节回答: 保持真实/坚持自我

闫迹18395979855问: keep it real 是什么意思 -
天门市肿节回答: 面对现实,认清事实,别装xx

闫迹18395979855问: 求 keep it real 翻译 -
天门市肿节回答: 要在意颜面到什么时候? 即使不那样大人们也是为所欲为的. 大人们那些无聊的道理我没有兴趣. 我要批判新闻节目里面的白痴教授那一副了不起的德行. 疯狂的想象,this is现状. 不要被束缚! keep it real毫无恐惧,诚实面对自己真是的感...

闫迹18395979855问: keep it real 是什么意思?
天门市肿节回答: 面对现实保持真实. 具体看语境来翻译

闫迹18395979855问: keep it real是什么意思
天门市肿节回答: 保持真实

闫迹18395979855问: keepitreat中文是什么意思 -
天门市肿节回答: 你好,高兴为你回答. 你的拼写有点错误, 应该是 keep it real 意思是:保持真实 请采纳,谢谢!!

闫迹18395979855问: keep it real and stay whit the fight -
天门市肿节回答: 认清现实,丝毫不要忘记保持战斗状态 keep it real: 认清现实 stay the fight : 保持战斗 whit: 一点点,丝毫 [主要用于否定结构]:

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