
作者&投稿:苑美 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

most of the time是什么意思
发音:英:[məust ɔv ðə taim]美:[most ʌv ði taɪm]例句:1.I realized that most of the time, all you have to do is ask.我因此认识到,大都数情况下你需要做的就是开口问问。2.But as an adult, I understand his heart was in the...

saiary adiustment是什么意思
The assessment will be regarded as the foundation of salary adjustment and saved as part of the employee file.评估将被作为薪酬调整的依据;把它作为员工的档案保存起来。2 Responsible for year-end assessment, salary adjustment, relegation and employee tryout assessment for all workers in ...

To heat and brown (bread, for example) by placing in a toaster or an oven or close to a fire.烤:通过把(比如面包)放入烤箱或炉子或接近火焰进行加热,使之变成棕黄色 To warm thoroughly, as before a fire:烘热:使…完全温暖,如在一堆火前:toast one's feet.烘脚 v.intr.(不...

the vote was three in favor and five opposed; on the second proposal, the vote was two in favor and six opposed.The Congress established the BA Program in 1986.Designed and developed in response to complaints and dissatisfaction with the UST Program, the BA Program was instituted ...

2009-12-29 (Tuesday) 7:00 pm to host the celebration evening banquet in the holiday hotel. The prestige has thanked Mr. happily Zhang Wei for many years support and the cooperation, General Manager UST electronic company invites him to attend the celebration evening banquet ...

Y In the new year, Y M ust be happy happy什么意思

which the SNUSToperates in partnership with Northumbria University in Britain, is Korea’s first dual-degree certification program. This program allows students to receive two degrees simultaneously from the SNUT and Northumbria University. The program, in which all the major courses are t...

When I was ung, I used t have s uch tie, but these das I get up earl and sta in schl all da. Then I g right he and eat dinner. Befre I started high schl. I used t spend a lt f te plaing gaes with friends, but I ust dn’t have the tie anre. In the evening, I ...

four-poster bed是什么意思
four-poster bed [英][fɔ: ˈpəustə bed][美][fɔr ˈpostɚ bɛd]n.四帷柱大床;复数:four-poster beds 例句:1.The royal suite on the 25th floor has a marble-and-gold staircase, leopard printcarpets, its own private lift and a...

2. There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.夏天路上的车子比冬天多。3. She spends more and more time alone in her room.她独自呆在房间里的时间越来越多了。4. I am becoming more and more irritated by his selfish behaviour.我对他那种自私的...

翁聪13412322847问: Just+in+time+to+practice+什么意思 -
兴隆县贝洛回答: Just in time to practice.刚好赶上练习.及时练习.及时实行.

翁聪13412322847问: In English,just like in Chinese,怎么翻译?just like in+语言是什么? -
兴隆县贝洛回答:[答案] just like:正如 这句话完整的意思是:在英文中,正如在中文中一样 in+语言 一般的意思是用…语言,如:Can you answer the question in English?(你能用英文回答这个问题吗)但在这里的意思的在……中

翁聪13412322847问: 求just\join in\take part in\attent的区别 -
兴隆县贝洛回答: join=\=join in join in= take part in join +团体,组织 I join a English club.我加入了一个英语俱乐部 join in ,take part in +活动 He joins in this party.他加入了这个晚会 而JUST就是 仅仅 的意思 I just a student.我只是个学生 attent....抱歉,目前英语词典里还没有这个单词 attention是 注意 的意思,名词,但attent不是它的动词形式

翁聪13412322847问: just to 是什么意思?在句子中怎么用 -
兴隆县贝洛回答: just to 只是,仅仅例句如下: just to have somewhere to go to 只是为了能有一个归宿 And I Give It All Away 于是我不断的付出,...just to have somewhere to go to 只是为了能有一个归宿...Give It All Away 不断的付出And i give it all away 将它们全部扔掉...just to have somewhere to go to 仅为拥有一个供我停泊的港湾...Give it all away 我放弃一切

翁聪13412322847问: just in your heart翻译是什么意思 -
兴隆县贝洛回答: 标准答案来了 就在你心里,just是表示强调,翻译成“就”

翁聪13412322847问: just in English,not in Chinese 求意思 -
兴隆县贝洛回答: 只是用英语,不是用中文.

翁聪13412322847问: just什么意思
兴隆县贝洛回答: just用法小结 just是英语中使用频率很高的一个词,下面我把just的含义及其用法来简单小结. 一、just可以作副词 1. 多用于完成时态中,置于动词与助动词之间,意为“刚才,刚刚”. I have just finished my homework.我刚刚做完家庭作业. 有...

翁聪13412322847问: just - in - time order是什么意思,国际商贸英语的 -
兴隆县贝洛回答: just in time order.只是时间顺序 例句:In order to growing globalization, the increasingly fierce competition between enterprises inChina, becoming the world ' s manufacturing factories in the 21st century long foothold,more and more Chinese ...

翁聪13412322847问: "just"是什么意思? -
兴隆县贝洛回答: just [dVQst] adj. 正义的, 公正的, 正确的, 应得的, 有充分根据的 adv. 正好, 仅仅, 刚才, 只是, 不过 just just 1 AHD:[j¾st] D.J.[d9(st] K.K.[d9(st] adj.(形容词) Honorable and fair in one's dealings and actions: 正派的,公正的:行为举...

翁聪13412322847问: Just jump in是什么意思 -
兴隆县贝洛回答: Let me just jump in. 我自己就跳上来了

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