
作者&投稿:璩祝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

如:My mother wouldn’t let me go to the film. 我妈妈不会让我去看电影的。I don’t like milk, but mother made me drink it. 我不喜欢牛奶...There is a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means( )trouble. (CET-4 1997, 1) A) making B) to make C) ...

Thus, modem Britain has largely emerged from superstition, and the future seems to consist not of devils, but of matter and machines. 31. The ...A) needn't have written C) had writtenB) mustn't have written D) wrote75. I have not found my book yet. I'm not sure I could have ...

Thus, modem Britain has largely emerged from superstition, and the future seems to consist not of devils, but of matter and machines. 31. The ...A) needn't have written C) had writtenB) mustn't have written D) wrote75. I have not found my book yet. I'm not sure I could have ...

跪求never had a dream come true 吉他谱。要六线谱,万分感谢~!_百度知...
Everybody's got something they had to leave behind F Cm Dm Eb Gm One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time Bb Dm There's no use looking back or wondering Bb Dm How it could be now or might have been Gm F C Oh this I know but still I can't find...

prayer http:\/\/\/down?cid=D1489AC3139333338B37E6562E0EFD34B70AE5AC&t=0&fmt=- elegie http:\/\/\/down?cid=2100FF155373851F48FA90C060AE7F82639C3D9B&t=0&fmt=- children of the river http:\/\/\/down?cid=78317411ED748ADE6BF710EC3...

31.What a pity___is___you didn’t arrive by daylight.A.there;because;thatC.he;when D.that;for32.The question he asked was___the electrical equipment should be stored.A.what B.which C.where D.because33.___we can’t get seems better than___we have.A.What;what B.What;...

大学英语 单选题
C seems D are seemed 正解 C 表示时间,距离,金钱等的复数名词作主语表达一个整体概念时,谓语动词常用单数,但若强调数量,谓语动词可用复数.当然 seem “看起来” 不用语被动语态 题目意思: 15英里对于我来说看起来还是很长的一段距离 更多主谓一致请查看连接 http:\/\/\/view\/84523...

A. how toB. what should IC. how I shouldD. what I should 4. Can you tell me how many English words ___ since 1996?A. have you learnedB. did you learn C. you have learnedD. you learned 5. Miss Li wants to know ___ next week.A. when my uncle leavesB. when ...

高一英语——非谓语动词练习题编题者 王仁造 答案
A.refers toB.referC.referredD.referring 33、, ice will be changed into water.A.HeatingB.HeatedC.If heatingD.To be heated 34、The foreigner seemedhis be have missed have lostD.missed 35、Don’t leave mealone at stayB.stayC...

this:“Twohundredyearsoldforthistypeoftortoiseisn’t inconceivable” (a)Itispossibleforatortoisetolivefor200years (b)Atortoisecouldnotpossiblylivetotheageof200 (c)No200-year-oldtortoisehaseverbeenfound (d)Manytypesoftortoiseslivetobeveryold (注)以上五道题目中带阴影部分皆是再次回放的内容。 解析: 新...

宦柳13793832510问: something 的用法 (比如他前面接什么形式,后接什么形式) 急啊~~~~~~~~~~~~ -
下陆区甲泼回答: something属不定代词,意思为“某事,某物”,具有名词性质,在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语等成分,它的前面连接没什么特别之处,就是在接形容词作它的定语时,要把定语后置,例子如下: There is something strange in the sky. 该句里的形容词strange置于something 之后.

宦柳13793832510问: it's time后面什么时候加for什么时候加to -
下陆区甲泼回答: for后加名词,代词 .to后加动词或词组.例如it's time for lunch(到午饭时间了)it's time to go to bed(到睡觉时间了)

宦柳13793832510问: it is 后加形容词还是副词? -
下陆区甲泼回答: 加形容词,后面的形容词作表语,修饰BE动词,这句话里的BE动词就是is.副词则是修饰实意动词,比如: It moves normally.这时的normally作为副词,修饰move这个实义动词.

宦柳13793832510问: 英语句子什么词前面或后面要加动词原形?(初中学过的单词) -
下陆区甲泼回答: 1.情态动词后面加原型:can,may,should.......2.助动词后面也是:do,did,does3.to后面是要加动词原型的,不过一些固定搭配也有to后面加动词ing形式的,比如说,make a contribution to doing; look forward to doing..........不能光看to哦,O(∩_∩)O~希望对你有帮助哈!

宦柳13793832510问: 初中有哪些词后面加doing 或to do 或原型 -
下陆区甲泼回答: 只能加to do 的词/词组:want, decide, would like, ask, ,tell,get 只能加doing: enjoy, finish, suggest, look forward to, practice 只能加原形:have, make, let 既能加to do,又能加doing: like, love 既能加do,又能加doing: see, hear, watch. 既能to do,又能加do: help 应该比较全了,可能有个别遗漏,希望对你有帮助.

宦柳13793832510问: 单词后面加es,什么规律? -
下陆区甲泼回答: 当主语是单数第3人称时,动词加s 比如He reads book. 当动词以s,es,th,sh,o结尾时,动词应加es 比如He goes too fast. 当句子是现在进行时时,动词加ing 如:He is reading book. 第三人称单数后面动词要加s,动词结尾是ch,sh,x,s的时候加es,...

宦柳13793832510问: it's后可接哪些词性的词 -
下陆区甲泼回答: 如:it's me!加人称代词 如:it's a dog!加名词 如:it's done!结束了!加过去分词 如:it's raining! 下雨了,加动词ing形式 如:it's finished!完成了,加动词过去分词

宦柳13793832510问: 什么介词后面加什么 -
下陆区甲泼回答: 1)at ,in, on, to,for at (1)表示在小地方; (2)表示“在……附近,旁边” in (1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示“在…范围之内”. on 表示毗邻,接壤,“在……上面”. to 表示在……范围外,不强调是否接壤;或“到……” 2)above, over, ...

宦柳13793832510问: to后面加的是什么?adj还是动词?too后面加什么? -
下陆区甲泼回答: 楼主你好!to放句中,too放句末.to tired:太累,help sb to cook:帮助某人煮饭tired是adj,cook是n动词.所以to可以加adj或n.至于too后面只能加动词.I to tired too cook:我太累而不能做饭,望采纳,不懂可以追问

宦柳13793832510问: to后面加什么词 -
下陆区甲泼回答: 可以加名词,如:Come to me!; 可以加动词原形,如:I want to try this.

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