
作者&投稿:秋翠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

artistic D.J.[ɑ:'tistik]形容词 adj.1.艺术的,有美感的,风雅的 2.有艺术天赋的;(尤指)有美术才能的 1. artistic exaggeration 艺术夸张 2. artistic intuition 艺术直觉 3. artistic creation 文艺创作 4. artistic charm 艺术魅力 5. artistic sensibility 对艺术的感受力 6. ar...


人教版七年级上册英语预备篇第七页(预备二单元的第一页)的单词_百度知 ...
thanks [WANks] int. 谢谢; n. 谢谢(只用复数)ok [EJ5keI] adj. 好,不错,可以; adv. 好,不错,可以 ===预备篇Unit 2 what [(h)wCt] pron. 什么; int. 怎么,多么 is [Iz;] v. 是 what's [wCts] =what is this [TIs] adj. pron. 这,这个 in [In] prep. 在,在...之内...

名著精读《飘》第二章 第22节
You admit ‘tis true. What would you be doing with a hu *** and like Ashley? ‘Tis moonstruck they all are all the Wilkes.” And then in a wheedling tone: “When I was mentioning the Tarletons the while ago I wasn’t pushing them. They’re fine lads ...

三年级英语PEP下册单词表(第一单元)三年级下册u1 boy \/ bRi\/n.男孩girl \/ gE:l\/女孩 teacher \/ 5ti:tFE\/老师student \/ 5stju:dEnt\/学生this \/ Tis\/这;这个 my \/ mai\/我的friend \/ frend\/朋友 nice \/ 5nais\/adj.精密的;美好的;细微的;和蔼的meet \/ mi:t\/n.集会vt.满足;遇见;对付 g...

4、statistics (stuh-tis-tiks), [stə'tɪstɪks] n. 统计 5、ethnicity (eth-nis-i-tee),[eθ'nɪsɪtɪ]n. 种族划分 6、philosophical (fil-uh-sof-i-kuhl), [fɪlə'sɒfɪk(ə)l]adj. 哲学的 7、provocatively(...

adj. 独立的essay\/?esei\/n. 文章pass\/p?:s\/vt. 超过frequently\/?fri:kw(?)ntli\/adv. 时常;经常 disadvantage\/dis?d?v?:ntid?\/n. 弊端;缺点average\/??v(?)rid?\/adj. 平均的statistics\/st??tistiks\/n. 统计数字shorten\/???:t(?)n\/vt. 缩短sideways\/?saidweiz\/adv. 横着地;斜着地...

认证-TIS TIS(灵敏度)测试 中frame 的意思是使适合(某一特殊用途);frame [英][freɪm][美][frem]n.框架; 眼镜框; 组织; 边框;vt.陷害; 设计; 表达; 使适合(某一特殊用途);adj.有木架的,有构架的;

aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolie 这是最长的英文单词,是英国医学作者爱德华▪史特罗哲创造的字,是专用来形容英格兰格洛斯特夏布瑞斯陀这个地方的矿泉水成分的。是十大世界上最长的单词中的第二名。但这个是正宗英国哥给出的英国词,第一名是个爱尔兰人整的,不好说 ...

链接:提取码: jmsa 派生法(derivative)是英语主要的构词法。这方法是借前缀或后缀之助,制造出派生词(derivative words),主要有名词、形容词和动词三种。

偶耍13051978934问: 造句 用"It is+adj+to do sth" 造两个句子造句 两个 -
李沧区苏为回答:[答案] It' hard to solve this problem. It' hard to do the housework. It' hard to make a model. It' hard to answer this question. It' late to go to school now.

偶耍13051978934问: 请求一下,请给我2句It is+adj+to do的句型例子!!!! -
李沧区苏为回答: it is nice to have a picnic in the park. it is important to read English everyday. it is wonderfui to go on a trip to a foreign country. it is rare to see this kind of bird in this area. 希望我的回答对你有所帮助

偶耍13051978934问: It is+adj+to do的句型 -
李沧区苏为回答: It's good to eat fruits. It's right to read English every day. It's interesting to play soccer. It's convinient to take a bus to go to school.

偶耍13051978934问: 用It is+adj.+to do sth.造句 -
李沧区苏为回答: It is easy for me to answer this question.It is good for people to go for a walk after supper.It is nice for her to help the granny.It is important to learn English well!

偶耍13051978934问: 造句:1、It is +adj.+to do.2、It was +adj.+to do.3、It will be +adj.+to do. -
李沧区苏为回答:[答案] it is important to keep a balanced diet. it was late to take the train yesterday. it wil be boring to stay at home tomorrow.

偶耍13051978934问: 请给我4句It is+adj+to do的句型例子!不要过於复杂的东西!只要句子而已! -
李沧区苏为回答:[答案] It's good to eat fruits. It's right to read English every day. It's interesting to play soccer. It's convinient to take a bus to go to school.

偶耍13051978934问: it's+adj+to do sth 造句 -
李沧区苏为回答: it's happy to help others 帮助别人是快乐的

偶耍13051978934问: 用it is+adj+to do sth造句 -
李沧区苏为回答: It is easy to learn English only if you work hard.同义转换:Learning English is easy only if you work hard.

偶耍13051978934问: 造句 用"It is+adj+to do sth" 造两个句子 -
李沧区苏为回答: It is useful to study English 学习英语是很有用的 It is necessary to eat breakfast 吃早餐是很有必要的

偶耍13051978934问: It is +adj +to do sth.是什么句式啊? -
李沧区苏为回答:[答案] It is +adj +to do sth.就是这样的句式啊如:It is hard to slove the problem.it在这里作形式主语,真正的主语是(to) slove the problem,相当于:To slove the problem is hard.很难解决这个问题(或:解决这个问题...

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