
作者&投稿:毋鱼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.拿 例句:I did remember to take the present.我的确记得拿了礼物。2.取 例句:I will take every one of you! 我将取下你们中每一个的首级!3.采取 例句:Take whatever measures you consider best. 采取任何你认为最好的措施。4.接受 例句:Your trouble is that you can't take ...

如 Could you take my schoolbag.take 表示“花费时间”之意,其常用句型为“ It takes sb. some time to do sth. ”,意为某人花多少时间。二、take的短语归类如下:1.take back 收回,接回,退回。如:I’m sorry, I take back what I said. 对不起,我收回我说过的话。They wouldn’t ...

lt takes an hour to go there .到那里去要花一个小时。It takes two to make a quarrel.[谚]一个巴掌拍不响, 两个人才吵得起来。Do you take me for a fool?你以为我是个傻瓜吗?Don't take it so seriously.别把这件事看得这么严重。Do you take me?你懂我的意思吗?If you take 3 from 10...

sb sth \/ take sth to sb 给某人带去某物。Take her some flowers. \/ Take some flowers to her. 带一些花给她。10 . take sb for [to be ]……把某人当作……。如:11 . I t takes some time to do sth 做某事花时间。12 . I t takes sth to do sth 某做某事花精力。

英语shirt 和T-shirt有什么区别

Can'T Have It All At Once 歌词
It takes time Why can't I get anyone's attention out there It takes time I get too caught up With counting all the things I can't do right I'm just around the corner from the crucifixion Just around the corner from the crucifixion Something started happening to the people I...

A good relationship doesn't take place in coincidence.It take...

it doesn't take a lot of strength to hang takes a lot of...
翻译:握住不放不需要花费很多力气。放手需要很大的力量\/勇气。句子结构分析:知识点分析:It (形式主语)doesn't (助动词构成否定句)take (谓语)a lot of (定语)strength(宾语) to hang on(动词不定式做真正的主语).It (形式主语)takes (谓语)a lot of (定语)strength(宾语) to ...

brⅰng sth to和tαke sth to的区别?
这两个短语的区别主要在于动词bring(带来) 和take(带去)的方向上:bring sth. to sp. 把某物带来到某地 take sth. to sp. 把某物带去到某地 He takes books to school. 他把书带去学校。He brings books to school. 他把书带来学校。

it doesn't take a lot of strength to hang takes a lot of...
翻译:握住不放不需要花费很多力气。放手需要很大的力量\/勇气。句子结构分析:知识点分析:It (形式主语)doesn't (助动词构成否定句)take (谓语)a lot of (定语)strength(宾语) to hang on(动词不定式做真正的主语).It (形式主语)takes (谓语)a lot of (定语)strength(宾语) to ...

愚祁13120802919问: It takes me two hours to finish work every day -
零陵区力达回答: 这是固定结构,it take sb. +金钱/时间+ to do sth. 做某事花费了某人多少钱或时间.two 是数词,不用加S.如果三单后是加实义动词,那实义动词就要变三单.

愚祁13120802919问: It takes 句型 -
零陵区力达回答: it takes me two hours 属于双宾语,其中 me 是 take 的间接宾语,two hours 是直接宾语.

愚祁13120802919问: 【英语填空】it takes him two weeks - --(work) on the farm -
零陵区力达回答: to work (it takes sb some time to do sth 花费某人时间做什么事) libraries (how many 问数量,后面是are ,肯定用复数) me (of是介词,后面用宾格) best(三个以上比较,最高级) has (he是单数第三人称,又是一般现在时,所以用has)

愚祁13120802919问: It takes sb. time to do sth. -
零陵区力达回答: 它带着某人在某个时间去做某事.it takes sb.是它带着某人的意思,time是相应的时间点,to do sth.是去做某事.这句话是一个固定的搭配.

愚祁13120802919问: It takes sb sth to do 造句+解释.8句. -
零陵区力达回答: It takes me 3 hours to prepare the dinner. 做饭花了我三个小时.普通句 It takes me a long time. 我花了好长时间.次级高手句 It takes me quite a long time. 我花了相当长的时间.高手句 It takes me quite a long time to understand. 我花了相当长...

愚祁13120802919问: take.spend.pay表示“花费”时的用法区别.. -
零陵区力达回答: spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:(1) spend time /money on sth.在……上花费时间(金钱).例:I spent two hours on this maths problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时.(2) spend time / money (in) doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事.例...

愚祁13120802919问: It take st.for do sth.有这个句型吗 -
零陵区力达回答: It take st.for do sth.有这个句型吗 没有以上句型,只有以下两个句型 It takes sombody some time to do sth (花费某人一些时间做某事情) It is +adj+ for somebody to do sth (IT 是形式主语,FOR SB TO DO STH 是句子正真主语,意思,做某事对某人来说是怎样?) 希望满意并采纳 谢谢!

愚祁13120802919问: it take me two hours take要加s吗 -
零陵区力达回答: 必须用takes. It takes me two hours 什么事情用了我两个小时的时间. 例句: It takes me nearly two hours to get to work during the rush. 在交通高峰时,花费了我近两个小时去上班.

愚祁13120802919问: It takes two hours t0 d0 my homew0rk every day的同义句 -
零陵区力达回答: 用take 的同义句:Homework takes me two hours to do every day.To do my homework takes me two hours every day.还可以用:I spend two hours (in) doing/on my homework every day.

愚祁13120802919问: it takes all sorts是什么意思 -
零陵区力达回答: it takes all sorts 世界上各种各样的人都有 例句筛选1.I saw a girl with green hair today, but it takes all sorts I suppose.今天我看见一个绿头发的姑娘,不过我想世上的人是形形色色的.2.Well, it takes all sorts to make a world. He probably thinks you waste yourtime and money on collecting antiques.噢,各有各的爱好啊.他可能会认为你收集古玩是浪费时间、浪费金钱呢.

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