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it is said that the people who have friends live longer than the p...
主句: it is said , it 是形式主语. 后面的that从句作真正的主语 主从作真正的主语: that the people (主语)+ who have friends (定从, 修饰people)+ live (谓动)+longer +(比较状从) than the people +(定从,修饰people) who don't.句意: 据说有朋友的人们活得比那些没有朋友的人们要...

it is said that history refers to the stories of great people什么意 ...
it is said that history refers to the stories of great people的中文:据说历史是指伟大人物的故事 history 读法 英 ['hɪst(ə)rɪ] 美 [ˈhɪstrɪ]作名词的意思是:历史,历史学;历史记录;来历 短语 1、medical history [医] 病史 ; [医] 病历 ;...

It is said that robots can do many things ___ humans can’t do...
C 本题前面所选的选择是定语从句的关系代词,因而将AD排除,在电脑的控制下,用介词under,故选C

2.People in that village, it is said (或they say), are all kind-hearted. 3.He is not equal to the task, as it were. 4. He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. 5. With the illiterate audience, he felt himself as it were casting pearls before swine. 6. It isn't a very ...

be said, is\/ was said to do是什么意思?
1. Robert is said ___ abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in (NMET 1999) have studied study be studying have been studying 解析:动词不定式的完成式表示过去发生的动作,即study动作发生say之前,从后面studied所用过去时态可知这一事早已发...

用英语说牌子上写着,是it says还是it is said 还有用read有几种说法写...
这要灵活运用了,如果是之间看到的牌子,你可以说It said,如果你跟朋友正在开玩笑,可以用ing,比如。Hey,Look! It's saying 'Don't cross the road'.而表示陈述的时候,用三单。it reads\/it read是英语里常用的表示方法.I look at the blackboard.It reads,“No talking”.意思是:黑板上的...

aids is said ___ the biggest health challenge t...
答案D “It is said that+从句”这种句型的一种变形为:“sb\/sth is said to do\/to be doing\/to have done…”根据时间状语over the past few years可知,不定式要用完成形式。

积分5 在线时间1 小时 注册时间2007-7-11 板凳 发表于 2009-12-24 10:16 | 只看该作者 Unit3Topic11 stick to 坚持坚守+名词2 stick to+ving 坚持做某事3一般现在时被动语态:S+is\/am\/are+及物动词过去分词4 one day 将来有一天、过去的一天5 some day 只表示将来有一天6 can’t wait to do sth....

It is sad that... that引导的是什么从句?
that ...例如:It is said that many people waskilled in the earthquake. 据说很多人在这次地震中丧生了。itseems(appears \/ doesn’t matter \/ makes no difference \/ ...)that ...例如:It makesno difference whether he will attend the meeting or not.他是否会参加会议都无关紧要。当用it作形式...

问:Robert is said (to have studied) abroad, but I
这里直观的理解said 是被动形式,就是指罗伯特被说。。。翻译过来为了通顺可以翻译成据说。。。be said 后面接不定式或者从句。。完成时表示的是已经完成的状态。整句,据说罗伯特留过学,但是,我不知道他是在哪个国家学习的。

铎信18547391340问: it is said that通常翻译成?
楚雄彝族自治州达喜回答: 据......说,还有类似的.如:It is announced that....; It is reported that ...据报道...

铎信18547391340问: It says that ,It is said that和It is reported的意思和区别? -
楚雄彝族自治州达喜回答: It says that多用于表示标志、指示牌、警告、通知等物体上的内容,可以翻译为“…说…”.例如:It says “No Smoking”.It is said that是“据说”的意思,用于表述听说、传闻等不确定情况,例如:It is said that he will be fired.(据说他将被解雇) It is reported是“据报道,被报道”的意思,用于表述报刊新闻的内容.这个不用我细说,你应该懂的.

铎信18547391340问: it is said that的意思是?
楚雄彝族自治州达喜回答: It is said that....“据说...” 它可以变为:People say that.....或“从句的主语+be said to do(从句的谓语动词的原形).... 如:It is said that he is a good student.==People say that he is a good student.==He is said to be a good student. 类似的词:think, believe,know,suppose,guess等等.

铎信18547391340问: it is said that通常翻译成? -
楚雄彝族自治州达喜回答:[答案] 据.说,还有类似的.如:It is announced that.; It is reported that ...据报道...

铎信18547391340问: It has been said that是什么意思
楚雄彝族自治州达喜回答: It has been said that... =>正确翻译:据说曾经....此句一般有it is said that... 表示“据说...”,这2个句式都是常用的,在讲故事或回忆某件事时习惯性的表达方式,很地道的一句英语.

铎信18547391340问: 有it is said to do 吗? -
楚雄彝族自治州达喜回答: 有这种表达.如: It is said to rain this evening.听说今晚有雨. It is said to be a good book.据说这是本好书.

铎信18547391340问: 据说本性和环境两者共同决定你的个性itissaid?翻译 -
楚雄彝族自治州达喜回答: It is said that both the nature and the environment determine your personality

铎信18547391340问: It is said that是什么结构 -
楚雄彝族自治州达喜回答: 是主语从句.it 做形式主语,that 主语从句后置 翻译为“据说...” 不是宾语从句,... 是被说的 不是强调句,强调句是强调句子成分:主语,宾语,状语

铎信18547391340问: It is said that I don't love you!中文意思! -
楚雄彝族自治州达喜回答: 没错,这说明我不爱你 没上下文,只能这样先翻一下 可以理解成很多意思的

铎信18547391340问: it's used when something is not as good as it is said to be 翻译 -
楚雄彝族自治州达喜回答: 大致译文:当某些事物较之宣传/传说差时,(它)就有用了.it is said被动态,表示something是被动发生的,something is said 据说/(某事物)被宣传等意思.eg.The law is used when sth is not as good as it is said to be .当商品与传销不符时,法律就发挥作用了.

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