
作者&投稿:咸朗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

honor可数不可数?用It's a great honor还是I'ts great honor?
It's a great honor.honor在此为可数名词。

it's 英 [ɪts]美 [ɪts]谐音:一此 abbr. 它的(it has);它是(it is)

The station ,being merely encampments or villages of yurts, are ,of course, easily moved,and the great difficulty the Government has to contend with in maintaining the institution in working order is that of preventing the Mongol owner from changing his position;but ,in spite of all...

the tsate is great 商标
1、I'm lovin'it.麦当劳 2、Obey your thirst.雪碧 3、We lead.Others copy.理光复印机 4、The taste is great.雀巢咖啡)5、Let's make things 6、Good to the last drop.麦氏咖啡 * 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽.7、Feel the new space.三星电子 8、Just do it.耐克 9、Focus on ...

初三英语课文翻译(附有文) 回答出来我会悬赏的!十万火急!9点以前...

1879年 3月14日生于德国乌耳姆一个经营电器作坊的小业主家


After their marriage, Einstein devoted himself to the research of the great theory of relativity. To give her husband more help,Marits gave up her own work, and became a good wife and assistant. She tried her best to encourage him whatever possible. She was sure that her ... view the new policy for college standents to marry in our...
second,a student is still young, and this peorid of time is precious for him or her to master knowledge.if he or she know a great amount of get a ideal job .third, marriage is based on economic, as a student he or she can mainly get money from his or her parents . ...

...stundents are at __ exhibition about great cities. 希望我的回答对您有帮助,有问题可以追问。满意请及时采纳,谢谢!

狄帖18997217040问: It.s,great翻译过来是什么意思 -
玉树藏族自治州风湿回答: It is great意为太棒了或这太伟大了.重点词汇解释:1、It pron. (指无生命的东西、动物、植物)它;这;那 pron. 指已提到或将提及的事物、活动、经验、抽象观念等 pron. 在不分性别或情况不详时指代 pron. 作无人称动词的主语,表示天气、...

狄帖18997217040问: it's great是什么意思 -
玉树藏族自治州风湿回答: 好极了棒极了

狄帖18997217040问: it's a great pity是什么意思 -
玉树藏族自治州风湿回答: 英文:it's a great pity 翻译:这是一个很大的遗憾. It 既是代词又是引词.作代词时,它可做人称代词、指示代词、非人称代词,用于前指、非确指或习语中.作引词时,它本身无实义,只起先行引导的作用.可作形式主语(it is + adj. + for/of ...

狄帖18997217040问: Its great fun to do还是doing请给出理由哦 -
玉树藏族自治州风湿回答: 用的还是那个句型:It is +adj. +for sb+to do sth.只是稍微改动了一下,在fun前加了一个great,不影响意思的

狄帖18997217040问: it,sgreart.什么意思 -
玉树藏族自治州风湿回答: It's great!太棒了!太好了!真伟大!非常好!........根据语境有不同翻译.

狄帖18997217040问: its great here yesterday was very hot的意思是什么 -
玉树藏族自治州风湿回答: 译为:昨天这里很热.

狄帖18997217040问: 英语翻译It is a great truth because once we truly understand and accept it.Then life is no longer difficult.Most do not fully see this truth.Instead they complain ... -
玉树藏族自治州风湿回答:[答案] 这是一个真理:当我们真正理解并接受生活,然后生活就不在困难. 大部分人没有充分认识到这个真理.相反他们抱怨他们的问题和困难就好像生活应该是简单的.对他们来说,困难就好像一种特殊的痛苦,强烈的压迫他们或是他们的家庭,群体,国家....

狄帖18997217040问: Great的中文是什么意思? -
玉树藏族自治州风湿回答: 形容词1.(数量、规模等)大的,巨大的2. 伟大的,优秀的3. 重大的,重要的4. 【口】美妙的,极好的5. 【口】对...拿手的;热衷的[(+at/on)]6. (程度)异乎寻常的7. 【口】(用来强调其后紧接的形容词)非常的8. 高贵的 名词1. 伟人们,大人物们

狄帖18997217040问: Great翻译成汉语是什么 -
玉树藏族自治州风湿回答:[答案] 答: Great 1.伟大的;巨大的;非常的;重大的. 2.万岁;太好了(语气词)=perfect. 3.网络上常用 gr8 表示

狄帖18997217040问: Yes,it's great.中文怎么写 -
玉树藏族自治州风湿回答: 是的,你很棒 其实这应该根据环境翻译的,在不同的环境中可能有不同的意思的哦

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