
作者&投稿:巧菡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

fruits,my family needn't go to the street to buy them.when the spring is coming,the garden full of all kinds of flowers,that is very beautiful.My grandmother go to the garden every morning to fertilize the plants and remove weeds,and I often help her,I think that is very intresting. ...

关于未来职业的英语作文如下。I want to be a doctor in the future. Doctor is a very sacred profession. In this COVID-19, doctors played a vital role. Without their dedication, there would be no us today. In the future, I want to be a doctor who saves the lives and heals ...

That sounds very interesting.

Tom looked (worrying\/worried)on hearing the news.选哪个,为什么?_百...
通常情况下,以-ed结尾的形容词都是来形容人自己的主观感受的,即(人)觉得……而-ing结尾的都是表达对事物的评价,即(事)令人……再举一个例子吧,就像interested 和intresting,interested表示 对……很感兴趣(be interested in) 而interesting则是 来形容事物很有趣的,如 I think the news is ...

求英语演讲比赛的演讲稿,中学组的 三篇最好是范文
it’s a very intresting topic today. I think my Dad was a hero for me when I was a young child. We'd go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid. Every child has a good and great father, and so do I. My dad played a very important role in my daily life```exactly...

When he got to the classroom,nobody was found ___ in it .A seated B sitting down C to seat D seating 选D seating 作为伴随状语,用动词的ing形式,表示 没有人“坐在教室里”,不是被动,故不用A,而sit in it .表示坐在教室里,B项的 down 多余。如果C项的改为 to ...

有木有写英语作文高手啊 帮我写篇《l learned from reading》
I'm a good student now.but I didn't study well ago. something change my life.It's reading.I began to read one year ago.I really like reading books.It's very intresting.since I like reading,my grade have improved a lot.reading is good for me.I learned lots of things....

I like my English teacher.Even though she is very strict,she is also very kind.I like listening to her.Her English classes are reallly intresting.when I first contacted with English , I found learning English is so difficult.And I thought,I couldn't learn English well.But my English ...

Last year I had a wonderful summer vacation. I did what I liked best. I did a lot of housework and I often helped my mother with cooking. Sometimes I took part in club activities. Travelling is my favourite so I visited many places of interest with my parents.This year, I...

it’s a very intresting topic today. i think my dad was a hero for me when i was a young child. wed go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid. every child has a good and great father, and so do i. my dad played a very important role in my daily life——exactly spea...

强盼15567667460问: 英语中,interesting与interested有什么区别? -
大英县瑞易回答: interesting是"主动"形容词,即用于修饰人或事物本身,以外界的视角来观察被修饰对象,如The cat is interesting.而interested是"被动"形容词,即表示人或事物被赋予的意义,如I am intereated in the book bought yesterday.

强盼15567667460问: interesing与interesed的区别 -
大英县瑞易回答: 他们都是形容词,不同的是intresting是物做主语,而另一个是人做主语,经常会用在固定搭配中,be interested in中.举例,this is an interesting book I.m interested in this book

强盼15567667460问: intresting最近有种说法是什么意思 -
大英县瑞易回答: 表示“有趣的”.其实一般社交网络中用到的话,说好有趣啊,要么真心觉得有意思,要么看你大段言论只好敷衍一下表示回应.当然,斗图的时候也有Intresting的表情,那就是娱乐了.

强盼15567667460问: 求专业英语回答~~~ interesting有另一种写法为intresting吗? -
大英县瑞易回答: inTREsting是inTEResting在您说口语或方言时的另一个含糊音的变体, 因为绝大部分英语的词的意思或本词及词根的变体引申出来的意义均源自您的发音(Pronauciation, According to Phonectics), 而并非像中学老师教的那样,“词义来自拼写(spelling)”. 那可是一个天大的错误或误导.有很多简单的例子, 如 tire 与tyre, 2与to,O与0, Exercise与Exercize,乃至telephone与telefone....诸如此类, U等于you嘛! 呵呵!

强盼15567667460问: interesting.interest.interested的区别 -
大英县瑞易回答: interest是名词兴趣 爱好 或动词使产生兴趣 interesting形容词 令人感兴趣的 有趣的 interested形容词 感兴趣的 后面的两种形式,ing和ed,即现在分词和过去分词,都可以转化为形容词,这两类形容词的区别是 ing意为 令人……的人或事物 ed意为感到……的 再比如 exciting, excited surprising, surprised amazing, amazed boring, bored relaxing, relaxed

强盼15567667460问: intereting和intereted有什么区别 -
大英县瑞易回答: interested是 (人)感到有趣 形容人的主观感受 且多用于be / get / feel / become interested in结构中.a. be interested in sth.对某事感兴趣 b. be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣 eg:He is interested in the film. 他对这部电影感兴趣.I am ...

强盼15567667460问: 兴趣阅读用英语怎么写
大英县瑞易回答: interest reading

强盼15567667460问: 求大神帮忙,我得笔记本电脑连上无线,显示无Intere,安全怎么处理?? -
大英县瑞易回答: win10连wifi显示“无Internet,安全”需要设置,方法如下:“开始”->“运行”,输入“services.msc”然后点击“确定”,打开Windows的服务列表:在服务列表中找到并双击WirelessZeroConfiguration,将启动类型改为“自动”,点击“应...

强盼15567667460问: it makes me feel intresting 还是intrested -
大英县瑞易回答: 应该是intrested,instrested是感兴趣 instresting是形容某人或某物有趣.例如I am instrested in you because you are intresting.你很有趣,所以我对你很感兴趣.

强盼15567667460问: 他对有趣的故事书很感兴趣.(翻译为英语) -
大英县瑞易回答: He is very intersted in interesting books 我看重点是要考 interested 和intresting的区别吧

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