
作者&投稿:登秦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

国贴17872069783问: 雅思作文范文:快餐和传统食品的区别的相 -
安源区美罗回答: Discuss the difference between fast food and traditional food, such as nutrition, and recipe?Living in a fast-paced society, the modern eaters are not longer interested in the contents of their food, but focused on whether a convenient meal is ...

国贴17872069783问: 英语作文 A report of body language 急用! -
安源区美罗回答: A Report of Body Language Body language is a supremely important nonverbal method of communication. These complicated, indescribable clusters of physical signals, postures, or even just one excessive blink of an eye, could mean a million ...

国贴17872069783问: 核事故等级 -
安源区美罗回答: 国际核事故分级标准(INES)制定与1990年.这个标准是由国际原子能机构(IAEA)起草并颁布,旨在设定通用标准以及方便国际核事故交流通信. 核事故分为7级,类似于地震级别,灾难影响最低的级别位于最下方,影响最大的级别位于最上方.最低级别为1级核事故,最高级别为7级核事故.但是相比于地震级别来看,核事故等级评定往往缺少精密数据评定,往往是在发生之后通过造成的影响和损失来评估等级.所有的7个核事故等级又被划分为2个不同的阶段.最低影响的3个等级被称为核事件,最高的4个等级被称为核事故

国贴17872069783问: turn round是什么意思
安源区美罗回答: turn round 英[tə:n raund] 美[tɚn raʊnd] (使)转身;(使)好转;改变意见;使变得完全不同 [例句]My nerve , always in short supply , threatens to desert me and several times I almost turn round.我的神经一直都不够用,此时更是威胁着要放弃我,好几次,我几乎就要转身往回走了. It is inescapably clear that they won't turn round. 显而易见,他们不会改变主意.来自柯林斯例句

国贴17872069783问: 英文老师能帮我讲解下下面这段四级真题内容?谢谢~ -
安源区美罗回答: When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it shapes isinescapably political—which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easilydismissed as unjust.时间状语从句:When the court deals with social policy decisions 主语...

国贴17872069783问: 请您帮我写一篇英语作文,谢谢. 大概100词左右 内容包括大学生活独立性和怎样做人 比较急 谢谢 -
安源区美罗回答: I believe that as a college student, probably about 18 years old, and it is high time for him to be independent.Being independent means that one should not rely on others and be self-reliant. College students have been matured psychologically and ...

国贴17872069783问: 让朋友少玩电脑的英语作文 -
安源区美罗回答: 具体题目没有,不知道是不是这份.不是的话可以借鉴以下 ( Jim过去成绩好,并且积极参加学校的各项活动,是一名优秀的三好学生.但是他现今留恋网络游戏,对学习已经失去了兴趣.上课不专心,不按时交 作业,眼看他如此不能自拔,...

国贴17872069783问: 根据下列材料,请回答 1~20 题: The ethical judgments of the Suprem...
安源区美罗回答:[答案] A Report of Body Language Body language is a supremely important nonverbal method of communication.These ... and even disgust.The interpretation of your internal emotions may be so diverse,subjective and inescapably inaccurate at times,that they ...

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