
作者&投稿:钭荔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in spite of和regardless of有什么区别?
regardless of:不管, 不顾;无;不拘 The fields give high and stable yields regardless of climatic circumstances.不管天气条件如何,这块地总是保持稳产高产。2、用法上的区别 in spite o一般是主观上故意去忽视,有时往往是好的条件,因素,或他人的建议,很可能导致不好的结果。In spite of one or...

despite 、despite of以及in spite of 的区别
despite、despite of、in spite of的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 1.despite:即使,尽管,尽管(自己)不愿意。2.despite of:尽管。 spite of:尽管;不管,不顾。二、用法不同 1.despite:despite书面用词,指不受某事或某种原因的阻碍,语气轻于in spite of。2.d...

不可能的、尽管、 用英语怎么翻译?
impossible [英][ɪmˈpɒsəbl][美][ɪmˈpɑ:səbl]adj. 不可能的,做不到的; 难以忍受的; 不会有的,不能相信的;n.不可能; 不可能的事;although [英][ɔ:lˈðəu][美][ɔlˈðo]conj. 虽然; ...

正确答案:1. B. spite in spite of 不管...不管遇到所有的困难,他最后都高潮完成他的目标。2.A. pack a pack of 一群,一堆 这个小男孩,约翰尼,已经有了一大堆想法。^^^ 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 不明白请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)^^^ ...

my teacher worked very hard in spite of his own health 怎么翻译_百...
我的老师工作非常努力,不顾及自己的健康。in spite of有两层含义:1.虽然;不管;不顾;纵使 2.尽管。 A.because of B.due to spite o
C 试题分析:一般说来,in spite of的语气较强,使用范围也较广; despite的语气较弱,多用于诗歌或正式的文体中。despite一般不与of连用。故选C。due to由于 because of由于 句意:尽管天气很糟糕,他们却度过了一个愉快的假期。点评:本题出现的介词属于考纲中必须掌握的短语,首先理解意思...

关于in spite of & despite的文法!!
1. Kate cannot municate with Kore in spite of the fact that she has studied Korean for o years. 2. In spite of the their extremely miserable situation the victims in the earthquake stay tough to rebuild their homeland. 3. Henry is determined to travel alone in spite of the ...

尽管的英文是although。英 [ɔːl'ðəʊ]   美 [ɔːl'ðoʊ]conj. 虽然,尽管,然而,可是 例句:Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy.翻译:我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。用法 1、although可置于句...

告诉我介词的短语的用法,though because of,despite in spite of...
in spite of 英 [in spait ɔv] 美 [ɪn spaɪt ʌv]不管 in spite of +名词\/代词,作让步状语 I went out in spite of the rain.尽管下雨我仍然外出。In spite of her hostility, she was attracted to him. 、尽管自己心存敌意,她还是为他所吸引。despite英 [...

1. diversity (n.) 多样性,差异性 2. open-minded (adj.) 思想开放的,虚心的 3. self-reliant (adj.) 自力更生的,独立自主的 4. transformative (adj.) 变革性的,有改变的能力 5. cross-cultural competence (n.) 跨文化能力,跨文化交流能力 中文翻译: 标题:出国留学的好处 出国留学是一个很好的机会...

沃佳17117408379问: in spite of 尽管 可不可以加句子?状元笔记上说可以... -
山丹县二维回答:[答案] 介词短语后面跟单词或者词组. 不过可以跟宾语从句. 例如:In spite of what he said,he went out. 很高兴为你解答! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!

沃佳17117408379问: “in spite of”可以加句子吗? -
山丹县二维回答: “in spite of”可以加句子in spite of释义:尽管;不管,不顾短语:in spite of itself 不知不觉In spite of rain 不顾雨水in spite ofregardless of 不顾近义词:in despite of , for all that例句:In spite of these insults, I managed not to get angry. 尽管遭到了这些侮辱,我尽力控制住自己没有发怒.

沃佳17117408379问: in spite of 尽管 可不可以加句子? 状元笔记上说可以...求解 -
山丹县二维回答: 介词短语后面跟单词或者词组. 不过可以跟宾语从句. 例如:In spite of what he said, he went out. 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

沃佳17117408379问: in spite of 后面可以直接接句子吗?
山丹县二维回答: A small grey spider is spinning in the dark,in spite of all the times the web is torn apart.(懂了?

沃佳17117408379问: in spite of这个短语怎么用?后面接短语还是句子?详细解释…… -
山丹县二维回答: 名词或短语 1.Linda is respective in spite of her AGE. 不管她的年龄,琳达是应受尊敬的.2.Her father was an old unmarried professor of mathematics, a brutal man and a braggart, who went out to give lessons in spite of his AGE 她的父亲是个性...

沃佳17117408379问: In spite of/ Despite 能否用在句子中间? -
山丹县二维回答: 这两个都可以用于句子中间

沃佳17117408379问: In spite of用法 -
山丹县二维回答: 1.两者都可以 2.可以 比如:In spite of the police brandishing their clubs and pistols,people showed not the slightest fear. 尽管警方挥动着短棍及手枪,但人们毫不畏惧.We arrived at the station in spite of the storm. 虽然有暴风雨,我们依旧准点...

沃佳17117408379问: 造句in spite of -
山丹县二维回答: I went out in spite of the rain. 尽管下雨我仍然外出.

沃佳17117408379问: in spite of怎么造简单句,用法,例句 -
山丹县二维回答: in spite of 英[in spait ɔv] 美[ɪn spaɪt ʌv] [释义] 不顾; 虽然, 尽管…; 别看;[例句] 1、The buyer simply will make a partial payment and then behave as if that is all they are going to pay in spite of the original agreed price. 买方只支付一部分...

沃佳17117408379问: in spite of....... -
山丹县二维回答: 因为这题是两个句子,故选连词although.而in spite of 或despite两个都有“尽管”之意,但都是介词或介词短语,不能引导两个句子.

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