
作者&投稿:贺子 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in site of sth. = despite sth 后面只能接词或短语 thougth \/even if...
你这样的学习方式不太对,死记句子成分不去理解,遇到长句的时候你就根本看不懂了。in spite of 与 despite 二者都是转折介词,都表示“尽管……”的意思,是先否定一个事实,再肯定一个事实的句式。所以 despite 后面必然要跟一个表述被否定事实的名词或名词性短语。例句:In spite of \/ Despite ...

...failed. B:Yes,but he's still cheerful.(Despite) 用Despite连接A...
Despite Peter failed, he is still cheerful.

despite和although的区别 一、读音不同 despite 英[dɪˈspaɪt] 美[dɪˈspaɪt]although 英[ɔːlˈðəʊ] 美[ɔːlˈðoʊ]二、释义不同 despite prep. 即使; 尽管; 尽管(自己)不愿意;n...

despite和in spite of 的区别是什么啊,后面接的东西部一样吧?是前者...
有时,我们会看到despite of mounting public discontent之类说法,但despite之后加of,一般被视为鄙俗甚至不正确,不宜仿效。In spite of或despite之后必须用名词或动名词(gerund),不能接普通子句(clause),例如不可说“Despite the public is getting increasingly discontented”只能说“Despite the ...

despite 和 in spite of 有什么区别
1、词性不同。despite是连词,in spite of是介词短语。2、衔接不同。(1)despite后面是句子,例如Despite It is raining hard,I go to school on time.(2)in spite of后面接名词或动名词或名词性句子,例如In spite of raining hard,I go to school on time.despite 1、发音 英 [dɪ...

But despite...,despite 为什么可与but 连用,而but 不能与although 连 ...
despit...,but...同although...,but...,均是错误的结构 。意思上不重复啊 ,但是尽管 的意思,在despite前加but,语气更强烈了。

despite和in spite of以及regardless of的区别,还有用法?
二:用法区分 despite 尽管;虽然(是介词,后跟名词或代词,构成介词短语),despite意为“不管”“任凭”,相当于in spite of,后接名词、代词或动词,但语气比后者轻,不如in spite of常用。regardless of:书面用词,指不受某事或某种原因的阻碍,语气轻于in spite of。三:典型例句 1、in spite of —...

although though 和 despite之间用法词性的区别,最好帮我举个例子哦...
4、接连词语气差异 "Although" 和 "though":表示让步,用于引导从句中的让步成分,语气较强。 例句:Although\/Though it was raining heavily, we still went for a walk.(尽管雨下得很大,我们还是去散步了。) "Despite":表示令人惊讶或反转的情况,用于转折或引出反过来的结果,语气较轻。 例句:Despite the heavy...

in despite of 和despite
in despite of 不管, 尽管 We shall be victorious in despite of difficulties.不管有什么困难, 我们一定会胜利。despite任凭;尽管 he remains a great leader despite age and infirmity.尽管年老体衰,他仍不失为一位伟大的领导者。用法,功能差不多。 都是介词 后接词组,别接句子 O(∩_∩)O...

英语时态 Despite concerns about heavy traffic, the driver...

但询18044875467问: despite后面可以直接接句子吗 -
宝塔区双红回答:[答案] 不能! despite后面只能是短语 一定要加句子的话 比如Despite the fact that........ 就可以啦

但询18044875467问: Despite可以跟什么从句? 谢谢 -
宝塔区双红回答: 汗楼上~~ despite 是介词 不跟从句 你给的这个例子实际上what还是相当于一个名词,以后见到what可以拆成the thing that这样就好理解了,把它看成一个名词+一个定语从句. 不过你也可以把它理解成一个宾语从句.但是这个地方what 是要充当...

但询18044875467问: despite可以跟从句吗? -
宝塔区双红回答: despite是个介词而不是连词,也就是说它后面是跟短语,而不能直接连接句子.despitr the fact that是个固定表达,可译为“尽管”.

但询18044875467问: despite引导什么句子 -
宝塔区双红回答: 这是一个介词,只能跟一个名词或者相当于名词的词,或者短语,当然还可跟一个宾语从句. 例如: Despite the heavy rain, they are still working outside. Despite what he said, he insisted on going there alone. 很高兴为你解答! 老师祝你学习进步! 望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^

但询18044875467问: despite引导名词性从句吗? -
宝塔区双红回答: despite后面可以跟从句,而不是引导, despite是介词,意思是“不管、尽管、任凭”, 后面可以接名词、动名词、或句子 .如: 1、He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 尽管病的很重,他还是来参加了会议. 2、Despite wanting ...

但询18044875467问: despite的用法
宝塔区双红回答: Despite用作介词时,与 in spite of同义,都表示“尽管”、“虽然”、“不顾”之意 放在句首时,要接成分,成分也就是句子的组成部分,由词或词组充当. 如: Despite his advanced years,he is learning to drive. 虽然年事已高,他现在在学驾驶汽车. Despite the drought,we expect a good crop. 尽管天旱,丰收依然在望.

但询18044875467问: despite是介词,介词是可以跟宾语从句的啊? -
宝塔区双红回答: despite是介词,不是连词,所以不能后接句子 in spite of后接名词,或名词性从句 比如有一道高考题:_____ has recently been done to provide more buses for the people,a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.答案是In spite of what 尽管最近已经采取了许多措施给人们提供更多的公交车,但公交车辆的缺乏仍是个严峻的问题. haha~,说清楚了伐?

但询18044875467问: despite和in spite of -
宝塔区双红回答: despite可以加句子的,但是in spite of只能后接名词.

但询18044875467问: despite后面要接ing形式么 -
宝塔区双红回答: despite 的用法?答:despite介词,“不管、尽管、任凭”,后面可跟名词、动词ing或句子,如: 1、He came to the meeting despite his serious illness. 尽管病的很重,他还是来参加了会议. 2、Despite wanting to see him again, she refused ...

但询18044875467问: despite的用法despite 后面接什么?在作介词后面接名词的时候,能否用一个定语从句修饰名词请具体回答我的问题不要复制的 -
宝塔区双红回答:[答案] despite介词,“不管、尽管、任凭”,后面可跟名词、动词ing或句子,如:1、He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.尽管病的很重,他还是来参加了会议.2、Despite wanting to see him again,she refused t...

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