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...of the school computer network, Alice was in low spi"_百度...
答案B 本题考查非谓语动词。本句的句子主语是Alice,它与前面表原因状语的非谓语动词是被动关系,因此需选过去分词。blame sb. for sth.因某事而责怪某人。

uchar SPI_Read(uchar reg){ uchar reg_val; CSN = 0; \/\/ CSN low, initialize SPI communication... SPI_RW(reg); \/\/ Select register to read from.. reg_val = SPI_RW(0); \/\/ ..then read registervalue CSN = 1; \/\/ CSN high, terminate SPI communication return(reg_val); \/\/ return ...

spi 的single Dual quad模式分别代表什么意思?
Dual模式意思是可以发送一个命令字节进入dual mode,这样mosi变成SIO0(serial io 0),mosi变成SIO1(serial io 1),这样一个时钟周期内就能传输2个bit数据,加倍了数据传输。quad模式的意思是针对SPI Flash,Qual SPI Flash增加了两根I\/O线(SIO2,SIO3),目的是一个时钟内传输4个bit,所以对于SPI ...

SPI_InitStruct.DataSize = SPI_DATASIZE_16BIT; \/\/ 设置传输数据大小为16位 SPI_InitStruct.CLKPolarity = SPI_POLARITY_LOW; \/\/ 时钟极性为低电平时空闲 SPI_InitStruct.CLKPhase = SPI_PHASE_1EDGE; \/\/ 时钟相位为第一边沿 SPI_InitStruct.NSS = SPI_NSS_SOFT; \/\/ 使用软件控制片选信号 SP...

时序图 与SPI 极性相位CPOL CPHA问题

low-speed register的意思
low-speed register 英 [ləʊ spiːd ˈredʒɪstə(r)] 美 [loʊ spiːd ˈredʒɪstər]网络  低速寄存器

关于STM32 中模拟IIC或SPI管脚配置问题?

关于arm板上的 spi控制器 的工作原理
1. SPI控制器1.1 概述SPI总线是一种全双工串行同步通讯协议,SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface)串行外围接口能够支持串行数据传输,其包含两个独立的8\/16\/32位移位寄存器分别用于发送和接收。在SPI传输期间,数据同步发送(串行移出)和接收在(串行移入)。 1.2 SPI控制器支持下面的特征1) 全双工,表示可以同时发送和接收。

SPI是收发同时进行的方式,主设备给从设备发送数据的同时,也能侦测从设备是否有数据要发送给主设备,byte |= MISO 这个语句就是接收从设备的数据,因为先给从设备发送了数据 MOSI = (byte & 0x80); 所以,在发送的同时接收数据的话,对数据本身没有影响 ...

当传输数据时,先拉低片选,数据的每一位在时钟的上升沿完成传输。完成后,拉高片选。若使用模拟SPI完成数据写入,以51单片机为例,可使用以下函数:1. void SPI_WriteData(u8 Data) { unsigned char i=0; for(i=8;i>0;i--) { if(Data&0x80) LCD_SDA_HIGH; else LCD_SDA_LOW; LCD_SCL...

逄闵17518879607问: 高中阶段常见带介词的in短语归纳不错,不过有没有全一点的? -
玛纳斯县华安回答:[答案] (1) In the air:尚未确定的 Some neighbouring governments' concrete plans to alleviate their economic problems are still in the air. (2) In clover:(常和 "live"连用)生活舒适 Those living in clover will not be able to understand the misery of the poor. ...

逄闵17518879607问: 是in low spirit 还是in high spirits? -
玛纳斯县华安回答: be in good/high/low spirits (=be excited and happy) spirit 表示 the way someone feels at a particular time, for example if they are happy or sad [↪ mood]心情时常用复数 即spirits

逄闵17518879607问: 是in low spirit 还是in high spirits? -
玛纳斯县华安回答:[答案] be in good/high/low spirits (=be excited and happy)spirit 表示 the way someone feels at a particular time,for example if they are happy or sad [↪ mood]心情时常用复数 即spirits

逄闵17518879607问: “乘兴而去,败兴而归”这句话英语怎么表达. -
玛纳斯县华安回答:[答案] GO in high spirits,return in low spirits我认为是这样的

逄闵17518879607问: 心情非常不好!! 英文怎么说 -
玛纳斯县华安回答: 1、I'm in a bad mood! 2、The mood is very bad!重点词汇:心情:mood; feeling tone; frame of mind 非常:extraordinary; unusual; special; very 重点词汇解析:mood:情绪;心情;坏心境;坏脾气;气氛;氛围 发音:英 [muːd] 美 [muːd] 词...

逄闵17518879607问: 高中阶段常见带介词的in短语归纳 -
玛纳斯县华安回答: (1) In the air:尚未确定的 Some neighbouring governments' concrete plans to alleviate their economic problems are still in the air. (2) In clover:(常和 "live"连用)生活舒适 Those living in clover will not be able to understand the misery of the ...

逄闵17518879607问: 关于in的短语归纳例如in view,in case等等 -
玛纳斯县华安回答:[答案] (1) In the air:尚未确定的 Some neighbouring governments' concrete plans to alleviate their economic problems are still in the air. (2) In clover:(常和 "live"连用)生活舒适 Those living in clover will not be able to understand the misery of the poor. ...

逄闵17518879607问: 请帮我查一下单词 急用
玛纳斯县华安回答: in spite of 不顾 pressure 压力 is crazy about 着迷 as a whole大体上说 take a risk 冒险 go on with 继续 dejected沮丧的 whenever 每当 正解哈

逄闵17518879607问: "我今天心情很低落"翻成英语是?? -
玛纳斯县华安回答: I feel so low today.最地道!==================================== 解释:low 意气消沈;(feel depressed or in low spirits ) 感到沮丧或意气消沉;没有精神精神不振 例句:Since she was feeling low, we invited her out for dinner.由于她意气消沉,我们邀她一起出去吃晚饭.

逄闵17518879607问: ( )for the breakdown of the school computer network,Alice was in low spirits. -
玛纳斯县华安回答: in low spirits 意思是说他心情不好,可见应该是已经被指责过了,所以使用了Blamed,具体用法要连续上下文,看看语言环境.

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