
作者&投稿:尘通 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

n something that follows something else, esp as a result the resultant clause in a conditional sentence an obsolete term for denominator 习惯用语 affirming the consequent the fallacy of inferring the antecedent of a conditional sentence, given the truth of the conditional and its conseque...

...什么后果的翻译要用到turn in ,on time ,consequ
What are the consequences if we don't turn in the paper\/ essay on time?希望对你有帮助

求 翻译 求大神帮我翻一下 下面的 英文 百度翻译 翻译不了。_百度知...
"lorem ipsum" 从拉丁语 "dolorem ipsum" 衍化而来,意为"痛苦本身",它出自哲学著作<De finibus bonorum et malorum>(善与恶的两端)中的一段论述,因为排版和缺页等问题,导致正文部分混乱无法理解,因此,这个短语后来被用来指代"一段胡说八道,毫无意义的文字".如今这个短语常见于出版业,特指"与正文无...

侯滢15797692199问: in consequence of 什么意思 -
宁城县依利回答: 由于的…缘故 In consequence of your bad work, I am forced to dismiss you. 由于你的工作很糟,我不得不把你解雇. 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

侯滢15797692199问: in consequence与consequence of 的区别 -
宁城县依利回答: in consequence 表示[结果], 因此, 在句中作修饰语, 放在句中或句尾. She studied hard, and in consequence she passed the examination.她努力学习,结果通过了考试. in consequence of 表示[由于...的缘故], 在句中作修饰语, 一般不作主词补语. In consequence of his bad work, I was forced to dismiss him.由于他工作表现不好,我只好把他辞退.

侯滢15797692199问: in consequence of能接句子不 -
宁城县依利回答: 不行,后面应该接名词或名词词组 In consequence of the embarrassed state of business and the currency, some ofthe States may meet with difficulty in their financial concerns. 作为商贸和金融窘况的后果,某些州也许会在其财政上遇到困难.

侯滢15797692199问: in consequence与consequence of 的区别
宁城县依利回答: 前一个是介词后一个是连词,连接两个句子.

侯滢15797692199问: on the grounds of 和in consequence of的区别 -
宁城县依利回答: on the grounds of 根据…,以…为理由 in consequence of 由于,因为…的缘故 没啥大关系

侯滢15797692199问: 求 【in+词+of】结构词组,如:in charge of,in need of,in spite of 要常用的,越多越好. -
宁城县依利回答:[答案] in the name of in terms of in the act of in the middle of in consequence of in consideration ofin control of in favor of in front of in the interests of in the hope of in the wake of in view of

侯滢15797692199问: consequence的用法 -
宁城县依利回答: consequence的基本含义 n.结果,后果;影响 【逻辑学】(逻辑上的)结论,推论,推理 因果关系 重要性;重大意义 重要地位;显要,卓越;举足轻重 趾高气扬,自命不凡近义词:effect, importance短语:as a consequence因而;结果in ...

侯滢15797692199问: 求 【in+词+of】结构词组,如:in charge of,in need of,in spite of 要常用的,越多越好.谢谢! -
宁城县依利回答: in the name of in terms of in the act of in the middle of in consequence of in consideration of in control of in favor of in front of in the interests of in the hope of in the wake of in view of

侯滢15797692199问: 求有关的consequence词组 -
宁城县依利回答:[答案] in consequence 因此,结果 in consequence of 由于…的缘故 as a consequence of 作为...的结果

侯滢15797692199问: 为啥in consequence of 没有冠词而as a consequence of 却有冠词呢.两者有啥联系么.谢谢. -
宁城县依利回答: 前一个强调原因,后一个强调后果

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