
作者&投稿:员贷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

4. I'd be sorry if you were to think that I disliked you.若是你认为我不喜欢你, 那我就太伤心了.5. We're sorry to hear of your father's death.我们获悉令尊去世, 非常难过.6. I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to accept the job.很遗憾, 我不能接受这工作.7. I...

Monta - I'm Sorry I'm sorry, you got me I'm sorry, you got me I'm sorry, you got me now I'm sorry, you got me I'm sorry, you got me I'm sorry, you got me now As the rain starts pouring down 当大雨倾泻而下时 You're looking at the ground 你正看着那地面上...

“很抱歉给您添了麻烦”用英语翻译应该是I'm sorry to have caused you trouble.have用作助动词时,可与动词的过去分词或“been+现在分词”连用,构成动词的各种完成时态。sorry作形容词时意思是对不起的;抱歉的;难过的;遗憾的。作感叹词时意思是对不起。cause的英式读法是[kɔːz];美...

2、don't 英 [dəʊnt] 美 [dont]n.不要,禁忌;莫;别;甭。3、know 英 [nəʊ] 美 [noʊ]v.知道;了解;认识;确信。n.知情。例句:1、Sorry. I don't know. I'm a stranger here.对不起,我不知道,在这儿我是一个陌生人。2、I'm sorry, I ...

[pred 作表语] ~ (to do sth\/that...) feeling sadness or regret 感到悲伤或遗憾: We're sorry to hear of your father's death. 我们获悉令尊去世, 非常难过. * I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to accept the job. 很遗憾, 我不能接受这工作. * I'd be sorry if you...

一道英语题: ——I'm sorry.That wasn't of much help...
个人觉得是D.Sure it was ——I'm sorry.That wasn't of much help.我很抱歉这没有多大的帮助。——Sure it was。And it was most helpful. 不,它有帮助,而且是最有用的那个。Sure it was应该是Sure it was helpful.的省略

I spilt your coffee. Sorry—that was clumsy of me. 我弄洒了你的咖啡。对不起,我真是笨手笨脚的。I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a moment? 对不起,打扰你一下,我能跟你谈一会儿吗?Afterwards she was sorry for what she'd said. 后来她后悔说了那些...

2pm的i m sorry 的中文歌词
i'm Sorry...对不起 i'm Sorry...对不起 i'm So Sorry..真的很对不起 [Chorus; Maliss V.]i'm sorry for all the pain,我为这些伤害而跟你道歉 i'm sorry for everythang,我为所有的一切道歉 i put you through,我让你承受了这些 Just keep the promises i made you,只是履行我对你...

pardon me和sorry有什么差别吗?
2、语气不同:sorry是单纯的表达抱歉或遗憾;而pardon me表示抱歉的意思时,还有一种请求被原谅的意思。两个词语的解释:1、pardon me原谅我,对不起。Pardon me for interrupting you.对不起,打搅你了。2、sorry adj.遗憾的;对不起的;无价值的,低等的;感到伤心的。I'm sorry that your husband ...

对不起,我不是故意的!英文:Sorry, I didn't mean!词汇解析:一、sorry 英 ['sɒrɪ] 美 ['sɔri]1、adj. 遗憾的;对不起的,抱歉的 2、int. 对不起,抱歉(表示委婉的拒绝等)二、didn't 英 [ˈdɪdnt]abbr.(did not )没有;不是 三、mean 英 [...

烛怨17113305995问: i am sorry ,后面接don't mention it 还是that's all right -
佛山市玉泉回答: that's all right:没问题,没事的,没关系 don't mention it :不算什么..没事儿,不用记在心上 这里可以联系中国人的语言习惯,可以更好地记住

烛怨17113305995问: I am sorry I dont know please ask[ ] ? A someone else B anyone else C else anyone D else someone -
佛山市玉泉回答: 你好,同学,才看到你向我发来的求助题,现在为你解答 正确答案:选A 即:I am sorry I don't know. Please ask someone else.翻译:对不起,我不知道,请问其他人.解析:someone 是不定代词,else 是形容词,当形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在不定代词的后面.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问,可以详谈嘛(*^__^*)

烛怨17113305995问: I'm sorry I don't agree - ______ - you.[ ] -
佛山市玉泉回答:[选项] A. with B. in C. on D. to

烛怨17113305995问: I am sorry和sorry有什么区别? -
佛山市玉泉回答: sorry英 [ ˈsɒri ]美 [ ˈsɑ:ri ]adj. 对不起的;无价值的,低等的;遗憾的;感到伤心的;I'm sorry.对不起; 希望对你有帮助, 春节愉快!

烛怨17113305995问: 求一首布兰妮的个,好像04年就有,其中有两句歌词是im sorry.....dont worry -
佛山市玉泉回答: Cinderella-birtney spears

烛怨17113305995问: 有个人刚学外语,这天在街上走,不小心踩了一个老外的脚,那人急忙说:“Im sorry.”是什么意思? -
佛山市玉泉回答: 有个人刚学英语,不小心踩到老外的脚,那人急忙说:I'm sorry(对不起),老外便说I'm sorry , too(two二)(我也很抱歉,要知道老外都很礼貌的,无奈too 被误解成two.)那人便又 I'm sorry three三,老外听不懂了,便问 What do you sorry for(four四)?(你说抱歉什么?无奈for被误解成four),那人便说 I'm sorry five五,弄得老外一头雾水.

烛怨17113305995问: l'm sorry,l really don't know - ----- - in the meeting -
佛山市玉泉回答: C know后边加宾语从句,what做宾语从句的主语 很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!有不明白的可以追问!如果您认可我的回答,请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢!

烛怨17113305995问: 英文书信中当一方说到I am sorry for my late reply. My son was sick.另一方应如何回复呢? -
佛山市玉泉回答: “I'm sorry to hear that .我很抱歉听到这个消息”最通常是这样回答,你可以后面接你想说的话.

烛怨17113305995问: 选择题I am sorry' - ----'be late again -
佛山市玉泉回答: C be sorry to do sth 遗憾做了某事 如有疑问,请追问.无疑后请采纳.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟.-----------与君共勉-----------

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