
作者&投稿:用牲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

有谁会翻译:when he eame to,he found himself in the ward of a h...
当他醒来的时候, 他发现自己在一家医院的病房。When he came to himself, he found himself in the ward of a hospital .【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

After he woke up,he found himself___by a group o
find sb\/sth +过去分词 【发现某人\/某物被...】过去分词表被动 find sb doing...【发现某人做某事】现在分词表主动。

When he looked up,he suddenly found himself ___by a group of teen...
B 试题分析:考查非谓语动词和定语从句。第一空是“发现自己被一群十几岁的年轻人包围了。”用过去分词作宾语补足语表示被动,第二处用who 引导定语从句,修饰teenagers。句意:当他抬起头,他发现自己被一群年轻人包围,他们都焦虑的看着他。选B。点评:做题时首先分析句子成分确定是谓语还是非谓语...

when he came back,he found himself
选D, sit是不及物动词,所以主动形式是sitting,而seat是及物动词,所以要用被动seated;第二空是“手”被绑,所以用tied,综合选D 当他醒过来的时候发现自己坐在椅子上,手被绑在身后

When he turned the corner,he found himself ( )(tail)by a man i...
tailed 发现自己被尾随,被动,后面还有一个被动的象征词by。很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^

...他发现自己处境很危险用,英语回答When __ ,he found himself...
When he was climbing the mountain ,he found himself in a very dangerout situation.

After he woke up,he found himself ___by a group of villagers._百度...
选C 题目是他醒来后发现自己 被 一群村民围着 你看Find sb do\/doing 都不含被动的意味 这就像是Have\/make sb do 他们也会用到这种情况 Have sb done初中课本有讲过have my hair cut这里的cut是过去分词 希望能帮到你

求作业答案:He found himself __

after being a teacher,he found himself () his student badly,the...
从最后一句看,he was treated badly by his former teacher,他的老师以前对他很严厉,所以,the same way ,同样的,现在他也对他的学生很严厉,一直在发生的。选择C

When he came to himself,he found himself___(ty) to a tree,with...

俞鱼15259995051问: I found him seated there,reading. 为什么要用seated? -
翠云区促皮回答: seat 是及物动词, 在后面没有宾语的情况下只能用过去分词, 表【坐】这个状态, 等于不及物动词sitting 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

俞鱼15259995051问: I found her - ----at the desk - -----a letter 第一个空为什么用seated -
翠云区促皮回答: 其实是可以写成sitting的,但是用seat也可以,而用seat表示坐着需要用被动,所以就成了be seated来表示坐着的状态,这里的be是不需要放着的,就像不用写成be sitting一样,所以只留下seated就可以了

俞鱼15259995051问: 例句:Looking through the window,I found him seated in a sofa.问:(1) 本句为什么用seated做宾补而不用seating?(2) sit与seat的区别? -
翠云区促皮回答:[答案] seat当动词时有两种用法: 1.be seated. they are seated there. 2.seat oneself. they seat themselves there. 例句是个个省略句,完整的表达是i found that he was seated in a sofa.

俞鱼15259995051问: found后面什么时候接动名词,什么时候接过去式. i found him seated at a table. i found my doll missing -
翠云区促皮回答: seat是使动词,后面有宾语就用主动,没有宾语就用被动.你那个句子seat后无宾语,所以用seated,也就是你说的过去式.或者i found him seating himself at a table.(有宾语用ing)

俞鱼15259995051问: I found sb seated himself ,为什么是seated?? -
翠云区促皮回答: 使····坐下,前面的found决定他用过去式,seat是及物动词

俞鱼15259995051问: i found him seated on the bench.与he found my lecture interesting.这两句话中found为什么 -
翠云区促皮回答: 请坐是Please be seated.用的就是-ed形式.这与seat的用法有关.这两个分词都是作宾语补足语.

俞鱼15259995051问: I found him hidden behind the tress.为啥不是 I found him is hidden?什么规定不能加be动词,· -
翠云区促皮回答:[答案] 1.I found him hidden behind the tress这里主语是I 谓语是found 宾语是him hidden 是过去分词作为宾语补足语,来补充说明him,他正隐藏在树后面.2.I found him is hidden是错误的表述,可以表达成 I found he is hidde...

俞鱼15259995051问: 改错:I found him being a diligengt student. -
翠云区促皮回答:[答案] I found him to be a diligengt student. 应填 to be. 本题主要看found后面的代词是主格还是宾格. 1、I found him to be a diligengt student (to be a clever boy是him的宾语补足语.句型:find sb/sth ( to be )+adj./n./adv.觉得某人或某物.) 2、I found he was a ...

俞鱼15259995051问: 什么是宾语补足语 -
翠云区促皮回答: 具体说明:(一)副词作宾语补足语I found him in yesterday. (二)常接形容词作宾语补足语的动词有:keep, make, find等. 如:We must keep our classroom clean. (三)常接名词作宾语补足语的动词有:call, name, make, think等. ...

俞鱼15259995051问: i found it hard - ----(understand ) him为什么要填to understand -
翠云区促皮回答: it作形式宾语 find it +形容词+to do,实际上应该是find to do+形容词 ,但是由于宾语太长,所以用泛指代词it来代替,把to do 后置.

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