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要一个很独特的英文名字 要有寓意的 越独特越好
Ruby,源于拉丁文 Ruber,意思是红色宝石;Sapphire,源于拉丁文Spphins,意思是蓝色宝石;Emerald,起源于古波斯语,后演化成拉丁语Smaragdus,大约在公元 16世纪左右,成为今天英文名称,意思是祖母绿;Jadeite,是西班牙语Picdo de jade的简称,意思是翡翠;pal,源于拉丁文Opalus,意思是“集宝石之美于一身”,...

造梦西游3白虎将军能学雷霆万钧吗 我看见别人有啊???

Android设代理通过webView连接Gmail登录时,怎么除掉“loading,please w...

高分求 泰国小天后lydia所有歌 ... 发我邮箱
52 to a friend 1197 53 为什么你不接我电话 泰国流行天后lydia主打作 1187 54 + 如果我可以说爱...167 tommai mai rub sak kee 62 168 winatee gor cha pai 62 169 浪漫 don't leave me here ...185 gieow gan mai 44 186 yoo nan nan nan 44 187 Tommai mai rub sak tee为什么不接我电话 ...

导演\/编剧:山姆·雷米 Sam Raimi\/山姆·雷米 Sam Raimi 主演: 托贝·马奎尔 Tobey Maguire 克尔斯滕·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst 詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco 托弗·戈瑞斯 Topher Grace 《蜘蛛侠3》的男主角仍然沿用1、2部的男主角,影星托比·马奎尔。托比·马奎尔因为在2002年科幻动作巨制《蜘蛛侠》(...

[owtw]HotKey=ZTip=Build Watch Tower -- (|cffffcc00Z|r)[otrb]HotKey=ETip=Build Orc Burrow -- (|cffffcc00E|r)[otto]HotKey=DTip=Buil|cffffcc00d|r Tauren Totem[ovln]HotKey=XTip=Build Voodoo Lounge -- (|cffffcc00X|r)[ofrt]HotKey=QTip=Upgrade to Fortress -- (|cffffcc00Q...

A AH 亚\/啊 AN 晏 AP 鸭 AU \/ OW 区\/欧 B BALL 波 BAN 班 BAU 包\/鲍 BAY 湾 BEI 费 BIK 碧 BIN 卞\/扁\/边 BING 冰\/炳 BIU 标\/布 BO 宝 BOK 卜 BONG 邦 BOON 胖\/盘 BOOT 砵 BOR 播 BUI 贝 BUN 彬 BUT 毕\/拔 C CAU 沟 CHA 查\/柴\/差 CHAI 柴\/齐\/仔 CHAK 泽 CHAM ...

Towghanjeerdee,keegee-arai,mangi-alaolaghan.Juparyisi angkkeghan keerbeez dalama,Saghenexim jalghaskkan askkar taolardan.Kooldoonoongem aibenem mangmang oolkeem,aseghamen mensaghan jeetowgee-eerteeng.muhuitte-attap xalghaida juurseem daghe,jeerjaanaate oozengseng maghan koorkeem...

造梦西游3极品号源 造梦西游3极品号源怎么用
龙金贴是准备让给轩辕枫的小儿,我争持了好几日这造梦西游3极品号源 造梦西游3极品号源怎么用才将大龙金贴要来。就让轩辕子去大龙院修习一段时间吧。哎……别再丢我们轩辕一族的脸面了。”“是,长老教训的是!”轩辕圣云谦恭地行了一礼,道:“您是轩辕造梦西游3极品号源 造梦西游3极品号源怎么...


德坚13618886055问: 以《how to keep fit》为题的英语作文100词左右 -
通辽市甲磺回答: 复制一篇给您参考.不是原作,请知悉,并请谅解.A healthy body is very important to every one of us. When you are sick, you feel painful all over your body, have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed. When you ...

德坚13618886055问: 英文作文How to keep fit?最好字数多点 -
通辽市甲磺回答:[答案] How to keep healthy? Everyone wants to keep healthy.But how do you keep healthy?If you want to keep healthy,you should eat more vegetables and fruit,because they are good for your body.If you want to keep healthy,you should go to bed early and get up...

德坚13618886055问: 请以how to keep fit为题写一篇100字左右的英语作文.(高一水平) -
通辽市甲磺回答:[答案] Everyone wants to keep fit.Here is a list of many helpful tips and strategies to keep fit and healthy.1.Sort out your diet.It is one of the most important components of a fit lifestyle.Many people ign...

德坚13618886055问: 英语HOwTOKeepFit作文80字 -
通辽市甲磺回答:[答案] A healthy body is very important to every one of us.When you are sick,you feel painful all over your body,have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed.When you are healthy,you can eat well,sleep well,sing and jump happily,...

德坚13618886055问: 英语作文How to keep fit -
通辽市甲磺回答:[答案] How to keep fit A healthy body is very important to every one of us.When you are sick,you feel painful all over your body,have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed.When you are healthy,you can eat well,sleep well,sing ...

德坚13618886055问: How to keep fit英语作文 -
通辽市甲磺回答: Health is the guarantee of one's happiness. Without a healthy body, one cannot do what he wants to, not to mention accomplishing his goals in life.One can keep fit in three ways. First, he is to pay attention to hygiene. Stay away from viruses, which...

德坚13618886055问: 求一篇关于How to keep fit 的英语作文80字左右 -
通辽市甲磺回答: Keeping yourself fit is to make you healthier. To be able to get fit, then there are lots of thing you can do. You would have to excise a lot, 1 to 2 hours everyday. It would be better if you excise in the morning outside, breath in some fresh air as you ...

德坚13618886055问: 保持身体健康很重要.请以How to keep fit?为题写一篇作文写的好的给加分 -
通辽市甲磺回答:[答案] Today,as the development of our economy,more and more people pay attention to heath .Then the problem is "how to keep fit".In fact,Health offten has much to do with what we eat and how we digest .So t...

德坚13618886055问: 以How to keep fit为题写一篇80到100词的英语短文,材料; 1,良好的生活方式 2合理的饮食习惯 3坚持体育锻炼 -
通辽市甲磺回答:[答案] 1, reasonable arrangements for meals and reasonable arrangements for meals, including healthy diet and good eating habits are two aspects. A healthy diet is the diet should be rich in essential nutrie...

德坚13618886055问: 英语作文 How to keep fit? -
通辽市甲磺回答: One way to keep fit is to sleep early at night and get up early in the morning. This ensures that the sleep hours are maintained at a good level. One also needs to exercise more to keep fit. But most importantly, one must eat more vegetables and ...

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