
作者&投稿:酉饰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If there is one company in the world that can bear down, dig in, and fix this over time, it is Toyota.尽管有人可能会认为一个人不用那么全力以赴也能完成一件工作,但这是不正确的。Although one might think that one can complete a job without sparing any effort,this is never ...

have had one too many 喝多了I think David’s had one too many. He can hardly stand up.我觉得戴维喝多了,他都站不住了。in one 集於一身;合为一体She’s a mother and company director in one. 她既是母亲,同时还担任著公司董事。It’s a public relations office, a press office and a ...

英语Keep good company怎么翻译?
英语Keep good company翻译成中文是:”结交朋友“。重点单词:company 单词音标:company单词发音:英[ˈkʌmpəni] 美[ˈkʌmpəni]单词释义:n. 公司; 商号; 商行; 剧团; 演出团; 陪伴; 做伴; 宾客; 在一起的一群人; 连队;短语搭配:to keep sb compa...

in one's company什么意思
如果是习惯用语的话,意思是陪伴某人。 要么就是 在某人的公司。

您好,假如仅仅是从字面上翻译:1)Two great legacies 可以译为【两款经典的款式】,可能是这件儿童上衣的厂家有两款富有版权而且造成一时轰动的款式;2)One great company 可以译为【一个伟大的公司】,应该是指这件儿童上衣的厂家了。

enjoy one's company是什么意思
enjoy one's company 享受某人的陪伴 enjoy 英 [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] 美 [ɛnˈdʒɔɪ]vt.喜欢; 欣赏; 享有,享受; 使过得快活 vi.使过得快活 第三人称单数: enjoys 现在分词: enjoying 过去式: enjoyed 过去分词: enjoyed 数据...

keep one's company
第二个 dogs keep us company.


Fine wines and cheese may improve with age, but Japanese consumers were probably shocked to find that one company executive thought Chinese spring rolls did too. That, at least, is what Reiko Yoshida, head of a small food firm in western Japan, told a news conference when asked ...

keep sb company有么有语法错误?
回答:是keep one's company 中间那个要用名次所有格,你说后面的没有错,可以。

宾界15054104529问: 公司名字叫 宏屹 ,现在要取个英文的名字 取哪个既不生硬 又寓意 好呢 ?请各路大神指教 -
安龙县达力回答: 建议使用英语谐音: Honey.Honey Company: 宏屹公司. Honey含义是“蜂蜜”、“(爱称)亲爱的,宝贝”, 也是人名、姓氏.

宾界15054104529问: 求英语高人翻译两句话!速求!希望正确、地道 -
安龙县达力回答: Certificate This hereby certify that the honey our company provide to the Qingdao Shanming Food Co., Ltd. is an acacia honey which do not contain sodium cyclamate and other additives that our country strictly prohibited.Quality Inspection Department of Qingdao Yulong Baofeng Foods Co., Ltd.

宾界15054104529问: 英语翻译证 明我公司提供给青岛善明食品有限公司的蜂蜜为洋槐蜂蜜,不含有甜蜜素和其它国家严禁添加的添加剂.特此证明!青岛裕龙宝蜂食品有限公司质... -
安龙县达力回答:[答案] CertificateThis hereby certify that the honey our company provide to the Qingdao Shanming Food Co.,Ltd.is an acacia honey which do not contain sodium cyclamate and other additives that our country str...

宾界15054104529问: 蜜园,公司名,翻译成英文怎么洽当 -
安龙县达力回答: honey garden,公司名不用太复杂,让老外一看就知道你们是做什么的就行.

宾界15054104529问: 在honey前加cups of是可数名词吗 -
安龙县达力回答: 不一定,可数名词或者不可数名词前面都可以加两次一类的来修饰 honey是不可数名词,必须这样来表示.且honey的形式不改变 如果是apple 那就可以这么说: some apples或者a bag of apples 从以上你可以发现:可数名词即便是前面用词修饰了,本身也是要变复数的.

宾界15054104529问: 英语邮件中称呼,“亲爱的某某公司主席Mike”怎么翻译啊? Dear ##company's chairman Mike? -
安龙县达力回答: 通常这是分开写的:To:The Chairman 或 The President,XXXX Company LimitedRe: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (如果是公函,要加这行提示有关事宜)Dear Mr. XXXX,【英语牛人团】

宾界15054104529问: 英语翻译我公司**一直和您联系,她由于个人原因离开了公司,现在我在接替她工作继续与您联系,恭贺圣诞快乐,在新的一年里有甜有蜜,有富有贵,有... -
安龙县达力回答:[答案] 译文 : ** Has been my company and contact you, as she left the company for personal reasons, I continue to work in succeeding her contact with you, to congratulate Merry Christmas, in the new year with a sweet honey, your rich, Zi have taste, of a Hong!

宾界15054104529问: 字母o,在单词中的不同发音,举例越多越好,最好能把o在单词中的音标并对应单词分分类,要小学所能接触到的单词 -
安龙县达力回答:[答案] o [[J] [J:] [Q] [[] [R] lode host cold note okay old home lose do who whose prove love some other mother honey company today tomorrow together control collect lost hot mock office soft honest

宾界15054104529问: honey bee公司的详细资料 -
安龙县达力回答: 声优数羊系列 数羊系列简介: “数羊”这种习俗起源于西方文化,大约是来自欧洲某些地区;一般来讲传统中的数羊方法都是让无法入睡的人进行无限只羊的想像,想像中一只只绵羊从矮栅栏上跳过,每跳一只就数一个数,如此无限延续下去...

宾界15054104529问: 英语中怎么根据读音记单词?给我讲一下字母的发音规则!
安龙县达力回答: 英语字母发音规则要想学好英语口语,应该学一些语音知识,以下是我总结的一些有... who whose prove love some other mother honey company today tomorrow together ...


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