
作者&投稿:束治 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...can cook dinner for后面用themselves 还是them

among them是什么意思(them的区分)
among的句型 Thesongispopularamongtheteenagers.这首歌很受青少年的欢迎。Iamthetallestamongmyclassmates.我是我同学中最高的。Theremustbesomeonelyingamongthem.他们之中肯定有一个人在说谎。Afifteenyearoldgirlwasamongtheinjured.一个15岁的女孩是受伤人员之一 Wefoundtheirservicetobeamongthebestintown!

the words are too small.that old man can't___them
READ The words are too small, that old man can't read them. 字太小,那个老人看不清。

old socks have hoLes in them没有the是语法错误吗?
复数名词可以泛指。所以,不加冠词也可以。Old socks have holes in them.旧袜子上有洞。

幽默的英语故事 带问题
"i'll venture an answer, " said an old lady. "we have worn them off sitting here so long.". 教进化论的老师已经滔滔不绝地讲了快两个小时,他的话题又来了:“让我向进化论者提个问题——如果我们曾经像狒狒那样长着尾巴,那么现在尾巴到哪里去了?” “我来试试看,”一位老太太说。 “该是我们...

old 英[əʊld] 美[oʊld]adj. 老的; 古老的; 以前的; (用于指称被替代的东西) 原来的;n. 古时;[例句]He was considered too old for the job.他被认为年纪太大,不适合做这份工作。[其他] 比较级:older 最高级:oldest ...

how to deal with old streets 初二英语(70字左右)
How to deal with old streets There are used to be many old streets in HaiNan,and many old buildings in there old streets. They can be the cultural symbol of the city.But they are so old that affect the environment beautiful. So we must rebuilding them. We should...

old的音标是英 [əʊld]或美 [old] ,句中作为形容词和名词使用。一、词汇分析 old adj. 陈旧的,古老的;年老的n. 古时 二、短语 1、old age 老年 ; 晚年 ;老年期 2、old world 旧大陆 ; 旧世界 3、Old Testament 旧约圣经 ; 旧约全书 4、old hand 老手 ;熟练工人 三、...

The old man has three sons,...
原句The old man has three sons, but none of them is a doctor.中them不用用whom替换哦。分析:一,本句话是连词but连接的表示转折关系的并列句。换言之the old man has three sons和none of them is a doctor是并列关系,其中的人称代词宾格them代替three sons。二,whom做关系代词时要用在...

They held each other by the hand, as the old grand-father and grand-mother yonder in the New Booths did, and they talked exactly like them of old times, and of the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. The little maiden, with the blue eyes, and with Elder-blossoms in her hair, sat...

东野索17380514942问: 英语句子hold them for him汉语是什么? -
介休市四方回答:[答案] hold them for 持有 hold them for him 拥有他

东野索17380514942问: books in his hands和hold them for him 和glad to hel -
介休市四方回答: There are some books in his hands.Please hold them for him.I'm glad to go to the film with you.

东野索17380514942问: Hold the books to him有错吗 -
介休市四方回答: Hold 改为Take 把这些书带给他 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

东野索17380514942问: 英语中像cheer him up,宾语放在前面的还有后面的都是为什么,怎么用?
介休市四方回答: 遇到宾语是人称代词宾格,比如me, him, her, them, us, it等等,需要放在中间,其他的一般放在后面,比如put up your hands,put it down.不知道你问的是不是这个问题. hold on的用法跟上面的不一样,hold on是固定用法,有两种常用的用法,一...

东野索17380514942问: hold 的用法 -
介休市四方回答: 基本用法 1. hold 拿住,握 英解:to have or keep in hand A: Can you guess who the suspect is? 你猜得到谁是嫌犯吗? B: It's easy - the bald guy holding the knife. 简单,那个拿著刀的秃头男子. 2. hold 抱 英解:to maintain a grasp; remain ...

东野索17380514942问: 美军战术用语 -
介休市四方回答: .Follow me,and keep low. 跟上,低点注意隐蔽.! .Standyby.GO. 准备行动! .Contact.Enemy patril dead ahead. 目标接触!正前方有敌兵巡逻. .Stay low and move slowly.We'll be impossible to spot in our ghillie suits. 注意隐蔽,缓慢移动.我们...

东野索17380514942问: Hold on a minute,I will call for him."别挂电话,我要给他打个电话".这么翻译合理吗?如果合理,为什么还要用介词for呢,去掉不是也行吗?谢谢帮助!
介休市四方回答: 翻译合理, 但不用加 for.call 本身已有: 给…打电话 的意思, 而 call for 却没有call for : 来邀某人, 来取某物; 要求, 需要

东野索17380514942问: 英文hold是什么意思,hold翻译解释,hold中文意思,hold用法及读音 -
介休市四方回答: hold英 [həʊld] 美 [hold]vt. 持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制 vi. 支持;有效;持续 n. 控制;保留 1拿着; 托住例: Hold the knife at an angle. 斜握着刀. 2.N-COUNT Hold is also a noun. 拿; 托住 例: He released his hold on the ...

东野索17380514942问: hold的相关短语及例句 -
介休市四方回答: 1.hold up v. 举起,阻挡,耽搁,支撑,抢劫,使停顿,举出 例句与用法: Managed to hold up under the daily stress. 想办法应付每天的生活压力 I decided to hold up on the news until he was sure of it. 我决定暂缓发布消息,直到我确信准确无误....

东野索17380514942问: hold的词组及例句
介休市四方回答: 及物动词 vt. 1. 握着;抓住;夹住 He held a knife in his hand. 他手里握着一把刀. 2. 托住;支承 The roof was held up by pillars. 屋顶由柱子支撑着. 3. 使保持某种姿态等[O] She held herself erect. 她把身子挺直. 4. 拘留,扣留 The highjackers ...

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