
作者&投稿:麻媛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《娇娃春情》 (1956)...Silva Vacarro《阵容》 (1958)...Dancer《豪勇七蛟龙》 (1960) ...Calvera《七贼》 (1960)...Poncho\/Baron von Roelitz《乱点鸳鸯谱》 (1961)...Guido《西部开拓史》 (1962)...Charlie Gant《第一幕》 (1963) ...Warren Stone《胜利者》 (1963)......

churches o(r o连读)ld schools. Bu(t 失去爆破)due to some reason,I can'(t 失去爆破)go there. Fo(r e连读)xample,sin(ce I连读)'m stil(l a 连读)student,I canno(t失去爆破) ge(t a连读) credi(t失去爆破) card,which means I cannot reser(...

Early in his reserches he noted the pollination of Orchis pyramidalis by a particular moth, and studied such unusual adaptations as the " flinging " of pollen onto the pollinator in the genus Catasetum and the pollination of Ophrys by pseudo-copulation. The studies were of such interest to D...

求一篇 英语小短文
The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree.Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift ...

One day, Susan took her two-year-old daughter Annie to the outskirts of the zoo to play. At the zoo, when Anne went before a gorilla cage, Anne found that gorillas face with a heavy heart, stroke it was approached. Unexpectedly, this female gorilla has just gone through丧子...

1.Mary, you are wanted on the phone(by someone)!2.Did John make a reserbation last at the airport?3.Come at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow.4.He old man doesn't do shopping once a week.5.How many cosumers has the salesman visited since last Tuesday?6.Tom Smith was asked to ...

But anyhow, that was just a film. I am sure people in the future will be much better off than in the old times. Technology will be used wisely by us and will make our life more easy and comfortable than ever before. In order to achieve it. We as students now should ...

求GBC上的一款游戏英文名叫“shadow gate”的rom下载地址
过桥后,碰到另一老头(Old Trinket),他告诉你说,不久前,他看到老鼠向Delfran的藏身处去了。等你到了Delfran的藏身处,会提示你看到老鼠什么什么的,就是说,Delfran的藏身处就在附近。Delfran的藏身处(Delfran's Hideout)进入Delfran的藏身处,粗厉的笑和大声的呼喊回荡在门厅,他们似乎在庆祝对村庄掠夺的成功...

衅勉18529567169问: “保留”单词怎么拼 -
安宁市万苏回答: reserve

衅勉18529567169问: hold 的用法 -
安宁市万苏回答: 基本用法 1. hold 拿住,握 英解:to have or keep in hand A: Can you guess who the suspect is? 你猜得到谁是嫌犯吗? B: It's easy - the bald guy holding the knife. 简单,那个拿著刀的秃头男子. 2. hold 抱 英解:to maintain a grasp; remain ...

衅勉18529567169问: 英文hold是什么意思,hold翻译解释,hold中文意思,hold用法及读音 -
安宁市万苏回答: hold英 [həʊld] 美 [hold]vt. 持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制 vi. 支持;有效;持续 n. 控制;保留 1拿着; 托住例: Hold the knife at an angle. 斜握着刀. 2.N-COUNT Hold is also a noun. 拿; 托住 例: He released his hold on the ...

衅勉18529567169问: 英语关于hold的词组.大侠帮我整理下啊.我记得乱啊 -
安宁市万苏回答: 词义: hold [hEuld] n. 把握, 把持力, 柄, 控制, 监禁, 掌握, 货舱 vt. 拿着, 保存, 支持, 占据, 持有, 拥有 vi. 支持, 保持, 有效 n. 习惯用语: 控制, 保留 hold court 接受朝拜;接待成批的崇拜者 hold good 有效 hold hands (with) 握手 ...

衅勉18529567169问: I have a reservation.是什么意思 -
安宁市万苏回答: I have a reservation 我有保留 I have a reservation 我有保留

衅勉18529567169问: 怎样做好电话礼仪英文版 -
安宁市万苏回答: 以自我介绍开始电话交谈:“Hello,this is Peter Jones. 如果你在接电话的时候对方没有表明他是谁,你可以说:“May I ask who's calling,please?” Asking for someone / Making a request 如果你打电话给特定的某个人的话,那么你得用礼貌的问...

衅勉18529567169问: reservation是什么意思 -
安宁市万苏回答: reservation 预订 双语对照 词典结果:reservation[英][ˌrezə'veɪʃn][美][ˌrɛzɚˈveʃən] n.保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; 复数:reservations 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

衅勉18529567169问: 有关hold+介词的短语 -
安宁市万苏回答:[答案] hold[hEuld]n.把握,把持力,柄,控制,监禁,掌握,货舱vt.拿着,保存,支持,占据,持有,拥有vi.支持,保持,有效n.习惯用语:控制,保留hold court接受朝拜;接待成批的崇拜者hold good有效hold hands (with)握手Hold it!不要...

衅勉18529567169问: hold是什么意思 -
安宁市万苏回答: 在英语中,“hold”有拿、抱、握住、顶住、控制、掌控等意思. “hold住”就是指面对各种状况都要保持住、坚持、把持住,充满自信,从容应对一切. “要hold住”也有给力、加油的意思.

衅勉18529567169问: reservation什么意思 -
安宁市万苏回答: reservation [英][ˌrezəˈveɪʃn][美][ˌrezərˈveɪʃn] n.保留; 预订,预约; 保留地,专用地; 复数:reservations 例句:1.I will cancel mr. white's reservation from october 18th for 4 nights. 我将帮您取消怀特先生从10月18日开始4个晚上的预订.2.I am mr. brown. We have got a reservation for tea this afternoon. 我是布朗先生,我们已预订好了今天下午的差点.

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