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初一英语口语竞赛 题目为My hobby,内容要新颖,不能写成小学生写的那种...
So, this is my hobby, and I hope every one of us can enjoy his own hobby, en joy the simple, good things of life.2 I enjoy reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in them.Two years ago, I didn’t like reading very much. I had plenty ...

No one can play himself. A team should work together. So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. I should understand what my teammate...I have a very big,is the ideal to be a super inventor invented,because the inventor something very interesting.I want to be the inventor not ...

如果民主能很好的被理解,那么它就没有亲和力...对我来说,这听起来像历史修正主义。我觉得他的论点是基于对事实最初的誊本。创始者们意识到他们不喜欢用"民主"这一术语,有的甚至对“民主”充满鄙薄之情。以此为区别 但如果你断定,美国在一开始不是一个民主国家,那么你也会断定它今天也不是民主...

1.skilled 是熟练的 ; skillful灵巧的;熟练的;制作精巧的 前者用在系动词后做表语主要修饰人;后者还可以做定语修饰名词.2. one of 后加名词复数,一般情况下谓语动词是加单数形式。但是要注意下面的定语从句:He is one of the boys who enjoy playing basketball.定语从句修饰the boys。He is the...

reveal to us it is between the ideal and the reality of the sharp conflict between, good ideas and the thought in the imperfect material world to reflect its sharp contradiction between. The little prince admitted his mistake, but it's too late. One day he to his friend, tao ...

languages and races, we share the charm and joy of the Olympic Games, and together we seek for the ideal of Mankind for peace. We belong to the same world and we share the same aspirations and dreams."One World One Dream" is a profound manifestation of the core concepts of ...

以My ideal room写一篇小短文50个单词
My ideal room My ideal room should be like this. For one thing, the room must be big and the ceiling must be high; for another, a good air conditioner must be set. Besides I would like to paint this room with the colours of cake, of sea, and of snow. I also would ...

China's climate varies from bitter cold in winter to unbearable heat in summer.The Yangtze River serves as China's official dividing line between north and south. Given the size and varied landscape of the country, there is no one time in the year when weather is ideal in every...

【篇二】小学生英语演讲稿 Good morning everyone:It's a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. Then today I want to talk something about dreams and reality.As the famous Russian litterateur Lev Tolstoy said, “Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is...

越杭13887625765问: 好听小众简单的女生英文名有哪些? -
沧州市雌二回答: 1、Esmeralda:艾丝美拉达 2、Siren:塞壬 3、Fiona:佛尼亚 4、Zoey:佐伊 5、Eve:伊芙6、Lillian:莉莲 7、Daisy:雏菊 8、Iris:鸢尾花 9、Clara:克莱拉 10、Sydney:雪莉11、Fiona:菲奥娜 12、Evelyn:伊芙琳 13、Adalyn:阿达琳 14、Daphne:瑞香 15、Calla:马蹄莲16、Clover:三叶草 17、Azalea:杜鹃花 18、Madison:麦迪逊 19、Charlotte:夏洛特 20、Abigail:阿比盖尔

越杭13887625765问: 一个十二岁的女孩用英文怎么写 -
沧州市雌二回答:[答案] A twelve year old girl

越杭13887625765问: 黑客帝国3中那个小女孩是什么程序? -
沧州市雌二回答: 是和先知在一起的那个小女孩吧?第三集中,开始出现的那个小姑娘?困在火车站的那个? 如果是那个小姑娘的话,她是一个没有目的的程序. 她的诞生,其实很简单,就是他的父母,他的父母也都是程序,就是尼奥被困在火车站时候的那...

越杭13887625765问: 好想知道这个可爱的韩国小女孩叫什么名字啊? -
沧州市雌二回答: 超萌韩国混血小萝莉 克里斯汀娜 (Christina) ------------------------------------------ 欲知详情、亲可自行百度百科⌒_⌒ 如无疑问,记得采纳为最佳答案哦~~

越杭13887625765问: 找一部很久的动漫 关于一个老人和小女孩 -
沧州市雌二回答: 阿尔卑斯山的少女http://baike.baidu.com/view/919362.htm 小莲——一个来自阿尔卑斯山的小姑娘,小丸子一样的活泼可爱、小新一样的机灵幽默.活泼可爱的小姑娘小莲,自小与性格古怪但充满爱心的爷爷居住在美丽的阿尔卑斯山.小莲有一...

越杭13887625765问: 爱因斯坦和小女孩 -
沧州市雌二回答: 爱因斯坦与小女孩 1940年的一个下午,美国新泽西州普林斯敦市的一条小巷里,一个12岁的小姑娘放学后正蹦蹦跳跳地回家.她边走边玩,一下撞上了迎面而来的一个老人.老人蓄着一撮短而硬的小胡子,一双棕褐色的眼睛深陷在眼窝里,一...

越杭13887625765问: 求个寓意和海有关的英文名 是女生哦. 不要太普遍的那种 大家帮忙想想吧~ -
沧州市雌二回答: 如下: 1、Evan “Evan”这个名字是来源于古英语、希伯来语中,所以其是一个颇具有历史渊源的名字,其发音是['evn],中文也可以音译为埃文,是一个男孩英文名字,非常的简洁帅气,关键是这个名字的寓意也很霸气,寓意着仁慈的上帝,...

越杭13887625765问: 好听的女孩英文名字【带翻译】 -
沧州市雌二回答: 你好呀!现在我提供以下几个比较适合你的英文名供你参考: 01、carlota/洛塔 ——该“carlota/洛塔”英文单词在美国流行度有92%的人喜爱运用,并且认为该英文单词属于经典,是100%女孩英文名字类型.本义带有“自由人”的寓意,引申...

越杭13887625765问: 小时候看的美剧有个机器人小女孩,电视剧叫什么名字?? -
沧州市雌二回答: 《机器娃娃》也叫《电脑娃娃》

越杭13887625765问: 请问小眼睛女孩英语怎么说? -
沧州市雌二回答:[答案] girl with small eyes


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