
作者&投稿:贝寿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A.What facility do you think a good school should have? good teaching facilities and qualified teachers.
B. What is value reading letters that famous in history had written?
it helps us know sth about the past and gives us experience to handle the problems we are facing to now.
A.Nowadays, what kind of people need to held in China? And why?(这个问题有错误)
B.What kind of people you would like to be friends with state there reason? a brave and kind person.kindness is a rare character now.and Courage brings more opportunities.

A.What do you think are the most serious environment problem we are incountering today? And how have they changed our environment?the greenhouse effect.
B.What do you think are the main advantage of an electron automobile?it helps prevent the environment.

A.Describe the place you like very much when you are a child?i hoped t could live in a house built on tree,and i could make friends with bird.
B.Recommend on of your favourite restaurant or cafe?KFC brings me lots of convenieces

i think the payment you have gave doesn't worth more answers.
历史我不会 理科生。
A.If you are an English teacher today, how can you make every student like English? trying to teach english in an interesting way and making friends with them.
B.What kind of people will you like to be and why?a brave people,becuase i could have more chance if i am brave enough to have a try.

A.Do you agree with using animal for experiments?no

B.Do you think we should always help beggars on the street?no.because some of them are richer than me.

A.How have computers change every one’s life?we can use computer to learn more than we read in books.
B.The negative influence of mobile phone may bring us?students may text messages in class.

A.If my country wants to attack foreign investment, how can we do so?China is a peaceful country and there won't be the day that we want to attack others.
B.How can companies improve conditions for workers to encourage them to work harder? give higher payments.

A.On what basics you choose your employer?his ability and character.
B. What are character of successful business ?the experience.

. I meet academic in the school graduate student to be vice-minister, conducts one semester one time responsibly “the large abundant rostrum”. At the same time, conducts “the hot spot topic” regularly the academic seminar, makes the commentary now together with everybody to society's hot topic of discussion, open field of vision, exchange emotion. will be literary arts department minister in the economical institute's graduate students, the organization conducts the recreational activity, like costume ball, hoodlum festival fraternity, for monotonous academic life addition color. at the same time , the participation economical institute “the university student psychologically healthy activity group”, positive initiative and each kind of disposition's schoolmate exchanges, each other exchange life feelings, like the employment, the pressure, lonely, love, the friendship, lose and so on mood, faces the life by the health point of view, facing the future.

1.skilled 是熟练的 ; skillful灵巧的;熟练的;制作精巧的

2. one of 后加名词复数,一般情况下谓语动词是加单数形式。
He is one of the boys who enjoy playing basketball.定语从句修饰the boys。
He is the only one of the boys who enjoys playing basketball.one前面有定冠词the的时候,定语从句是修饰one的,所以动词要用单三形式。

warn sb to do
warn sb of sth
warn sb of (against) doing sth

4.base有很多意思的。。不过base on基于,以 为依据 是主要考点啦。。。
(1)根基,基底。例子:the base of a pyramid金字塔底座;
(2)出发点,根据。She used her family's history as a base for her novel.她以家族史作为小说的素材。
(3) 来源,源泉,基础。These policies have a broad base of support.这些政策受到广泛支持。
(4)据点,总部。The town is an ideal base for touring the area.这个镇子是这一地区旅游观光的理想据点。


1.one of 后加名词复数,谓语动词用单数形式;
2.因为one of 后加名词复数,那么在定语从句中先行词就是这个复数名词,而从句谓语动词单复数根据句子主语来定。如果这个先行词充当从句主语那么谓语动词用复数形式。
3. warn sb to do sth. The police warned us not to go out at night. 警察告诫我们夜间不要出门。
4.base 主要的考点就是,base on基于,以 为依据。This novel is based on the author's real life。不要心急,放平心! 休息好,保持良好的心情~ 加油

2,one of +n.(pl)+v.(单数)
3,warn sb to do sth
4,base on

warn sb from doing sth
A以B为依据A is based on B

1. skilled 指具备某种技能达到熟练的程度,通常修饰人
2. one of 后加复数名词,但是是指“...中之一”,所以后面谓语动词用单数;one of +定语从句,从句中的谓语动词用复数,是因为定语从句修饰的是复数名词,而不是指这一个,比如:
He is one of the students who have been to the USA.
他是去过美国的学生之一。 who后面的定语从句是修饰students这个复数名词。
3. warn sb (not) to do sth 警告某人做(不做)某事
warn sb of (against) doing sth 警告某人不要做某事
4. base 常用做名词跟动词,作动词有个固定词组 base on 基于;以...为基础
Our training base is at the foot of the hill. 我们的训练基地在山脚下。
His report is based on the false news. 他的报告以那个假消息为基础。

求几个英语问题(小学)!肯定so easy~(会追加)
s的发音取决于前一个音 如果前一个是轻辅音,s发\/s\/ 如果前一个是浊辅音,s发\/z\/ 如果前一个音是s或z,为了避免重音,s不发音 前者轻辅音,s发\/s\/ 前者浊辅音,s发\/z\/ 前者是s或z,s不发音

几个问题 口语考试 要用英语回答
你知道了一些以前不知道的知识是学会,改了以前的错误是学会,这些都是学会一些东西的表现。那些不认为学的越多学会的越多的人,要么是不认真学的,要么是觉得学会了就是要以某种外在形式被别人看到的。。。终于答完了。半分钟其实很快的 这几句话你语速不要太快的话够了 ...

英语达人来!有几个小问题, 1.-There is a wrong word in Line...
1.B 第二排 in line two 或者是 in the second line 固定用法。2.D 句型,make it +adj to do sth..it做形式宾语 3.B still 、now 现在仍然在增长 ,只有B符合 4.D with one's help 在某人的帮助下 5.B for 给 with 带着 6.D at the east 在福建的东方 7.C 考察healthy的比较...

1。be absent from school 是一个固定词组,意思是旷课。go to school 也是固定词组,意思是去上学。2.at the buther's涉及到英语中的’s用法的一种,在姓氏和职业后面加’s是某某家或某某店铺的意思。不加the的你就记住好了,学英语有时候就是要死记硬背,刨根问底有时候就是白白浪费我们的脑...

2. f连词,“是否”,引导名词性从句,但不能作主语从句,通常作宾语从句, 多用于口语。例如:I asked him if he knew the answer.我问他是否知道答案。if还可以引导条件状语从句,“如果”。例如:If you travel in India,you can use English everywhere.如果你到印度旅游,你可以到处使用英语。...

This dress needs to be taken in a bit at the neck.这件衣服的领子要改小一些。He took in what was happening and decided to get away quickly.他一眼就明白了是怎么回事,于是决定立即脱身。Which newspaper do you take in?你订阅什么报纸?The magician did many tricks,and the ...


1.upset是说情绪焦急,而nervous是紧张,带有精神紧张,故我的叔叔是因为画挂的颠颠倒倒而焦急。2.campaign有n. 战役,运动,活动。显然,在这里是指活动的意思,其余都表战斗。句子翻译为:活动的一个物品是更好地引起公众的注意关于防范一些色狼。3.关键你要明白定语从句要还原。in the case的复数为...

1、每当妈妈拿我和别人比较时,我就觉得厌烦。译:When mother took me when compared with others, I feel bored.2、我的学习进展很顺利。我相信我自己。译:My study is making good progress。I believe in myself 3、我想你应该告诉你的朋友不应该在上课的时候说话。译:I think you should ...

可能他没有看到他的短信。但是楼主不用着急的。老外比较随意的,如果他的确没有看到,你就可以等着他给你发I'm sorry了。但是如果他没有受到你的短信,很可能是你的小灵通的问题。事情如果实在紧急需要你马上打电话那就打电话,不要迟疑。他们很乐意接电话不是很喜欢打短信的,这跟中国人不一样。翻...

吴起县17863942177: 麻烦回答几个英语小问题~请高手作答啊!要考试啦!拜托一定要精确啊!1.skilled与skillful有什么区别啊2.one of 后加名词复数,谓语动词是加单数形式还是... -
休战舒可:[答案] 1.skilled 是熟练的 ; skillful灵巧的;熟练的;制作精巧的 前者用在系动词后做表语主要修饰人;后者还可以做定语修饰名词.2. one of 后加名词复数,一般情况下谓语动词是加单数形式.但是要注意下面的定语从句:He is ...

吴起县17863942177: 两个关于英语的问题,请高手来回答.1、什么时候用the,什么时候用this或that,如Close the window和Read this book.两者不能互换吗?2、什么时候人称代... -
休战舒可:[答案] 1、什么时候用the,什么时候用this或that,如Close the window和Read this book.两者不能互换吗? 当你指示一个特定的事... 一般现在时的疑问句里,人称代词前用do或does.I,you,we,they用do,he,she,it第三人称用does. Do you(we,they,I) like English? ...

吴起县17863942177: 请英语高手过来帮我回答几个问题(看补充)每个问题回答尽量长一点不用回答的太复杂简单一点即可.谢谢.1 can you name some famous people you know ... -
休战舒可:[答案] 1 Ronald Beckham 2 Stephen Hawking He is disabled,but he has a great thinking.3 insist work hard4 NO,I want to live like a ordinary ,not to be interruptted by others.

吴起县17863942177: 英语高手麻烦来帮忙回答几个问题~明天要考口语哦~有两个问题~不知道怎么回答~麻烦啦~1.What do you do when you feel lonly?2.Do you think it is right to ... -
休战舒可:[答案] 1.what do you do when you feel lonely.(you spelled it wrong)when i'm lonely,i go to the park to take a walk.the park is near my home,so it is very convenient for me to go there everyday and walk aroun...

吴起县17863942177: 帮忙回答几个英语问题__求高手!~~ -
休战舒可: 1. He bought nothing in the supermarket. 2. What did you buy for yourself yesterday? 3. Everyone in our class has to keep a diary. 4 There is nothing to do but sleep. 5 My grandma seemed to be excited this afternoon.

吴起县17863942177: 一些英文问题 麻烦各位达人回答了!1 explain the difference between the terms hazard and risk.2 list five environmental hazards in your work or study ... -
休战舒可:[答案] 1.解释术语危害和危险之间的区别.2.请列举你生活或者学习环境中存在的五个环境危害问题.3,当你报告你工作环境中的危害和危险时,你需要遵循哪些程序?4,你会将你工作地点的危害或者危险报告给谁呢?5.解释为什么灯光很...

吴起县17863942177: 4道英语题、求高手回答、无聊人士请别进1.Lisa is (Mexican).(对打括号部分提问) - _ - __ - is Lisa?2.Mr Black was (very strong and friendly)three years ago.... -
休战舒可:[答案] 1.what nationality 2.how does 3.both and 4.exciting discuss

吴起县17863942177: 请高手帮我回答这些英语问题一、用括号里的词的适当形式填空.(1)Jane is( )of the three.【young】(2)This picture is( )than that one.【beautiful】(3)Sally is( ... -
休战舒可:[答案] 一、 more beautiful more helpful bigger best 三、journey west king funny more beautiful kindest role still famous 二、 Nvwa was a(girl ). One day,she took some (m ud )and made the first person. She liked the person and wanted to make(I ots )of people. ...

吴起县17863942177: 几道英语小问题,请高手指教,并做一些简单说明21.The planets are so far away that it is impossible - __ - in miles.A.that we measure it B.to us to measure ... -
休战舒可:[答案] 21 c 固定句型a 错在it 22 d 倒装句 23 b 虚拟语气 24 c 定语从句+familiar词组构成. 25 d 虚拟语气

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