
作者&投稿:包孙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

燃烧瓶,喷漆罐 kjkszpj 全武器2,专业的工具 uzumymw 疯狂武器 hesoyam 恢复生命值, 防弹衣, $250000 sjmahpe 9mm冲锋枪 zsoxfsq 补充每一个(火箭筒)主角属性相关秘籍 秘籍 作用 cainemvhzc 无限生命,除了爆炸和跌死 btcdbcb 变胖 jysdsod 强壮值全满 kvgyzqk 变瘦 aezakmi 不会被通缉 ...

高二语文《项链》原文 不要直译!要原文!
bronze candelabra, and of two great footmen in knee breeches who sleep in the big armchairs, made drowsy by the oppressive heat of the stove. ...They looked, thunderstruck, at each other. At last Loisel put on his clothes. "I shall go back on foot," said he, "over the whole route...

答:英语语法填空题是广州的考试题型。类似完型填空,但不提供选择项,只提供词义(中文或英文),要求变形(如本题),或只给出首字母,或就是填空。如2、3题 这第一题应该有上下文。作为孤立的句子,这个过去将来时没有了参照时间。第一句话只表达了(在过去某个时候,比如上个月,或去年7月5日...

凭借将人们从多个太阳的炙烤下解救了出来,后羿被奉为英雄,并获得长生不老药以作奖励。However, the elixir only had enough for one person, and both Chang'e and Hou Yi didn't want to leave each other.但是这个长生不老药的量只够一个人服用,并且嫦娥和后羿也都不想离开对方。But one ...

50个玩具的名词,100个形容词,100个动词,50个 副词
~ heat炽热\/pain an ~ lady 热情的女子 intensive: deep and thorough 精深的, 集中的 ~ reading\/study彻底研究\/agriculture密集农业 9) respectable: ...respective: belongs to each of these 分别的,各自的 They sat on their ~ chairs. 10) imaginable: that can be imagined 可象想的 ~ difficulties ...


琼斯先生正在看报纸。琼斯夫人正在喝果汁。萨丽琼斯和肯琼斯正在和狗玩。吉米琼斯正在弹吉他,汤姆琼斯正在睡觉。琼斯家庭今天非常高兴。这是美好的一天,因为他们在院子里 四年级的英语小故事 Spring in the Green Season Spring is coming. Spring is the first season of the year. In China, spring ...

歌词里有"哈利路亚(Hallelujah)", 女声, 英文的一首歌.
So that each and ev'ry woman 帮助每个单身女 Could find a perfect guy.找到完美真命男 Ooh 噢~It's rainin' men 天上下起了男人雨 Yeah.耶~Humidity is risin - humidity is risin 湿度在上升 Barometer's gettin' low - it's gettin' low 气压在下降 Low 下降下降 Low . . .下降.....

abroad, accept, accident, traffic accident, according to, active, actor, actress, address, admire, admit, advice, advise, afford, afraid, afternoon, again and again, against, age, at the age of, ago, agree, agriculture, air, airport, alive, allow, almost, alone, already, ...

With these markings it is possible for motorists from all over the world to drive with greater safety.7、20世纪40年以来,美国商人一直在借助调查手段来研制、命名、包装和促销产品。Since the 1940s American businesspeople have been developing,naming, packing,and promoting products with the ...

照变15756112172问: heath和heathy的用法 ,举例 -
咸宁市威氏回答:[答案] health n.名词 1.健康[U] Smoking does harm to health. 吸烟有损健康. 2.健康状况[U] She is in poor health. 她身体不好. 3.祝健康的干杯[S1][U] We all drank a health to the bride. 我们都为新娘的健康干杯. healthy adj.形容词 1.健康的;健全的 The country's ...

照变15756112172问: heathy and heath 的所有用法,谢谢! -
咸宁市威氏回答: keep healthy = stay in healthy = keep in good health 保持健康. keep,stay 表示:保持,后面要接形容词作其表语,而不能接名词health.heath 表示:健康,是名词. healthy 表示:健康的,是形容词. heath名词,意思是身体,形容词修饰名词,如 good {形容词] heath 【名词】. heathy是形容词,意思是健康的,形容词修饰名词. 如heathy body 健康的身体.

照变15756112172问: heathy and heath 的所有用法,谢谢!
咸宁市威氏回答: healthy是形容词 健康的health是名词 健康

照变15756112172问: heath,heathy与healthily是什么词 -
咸宁市威氏回答: heath,名词 heathy形容词 healthily副词

照变15756112172问: heath的名词、形容词、副词跟比较级? -
咸宁市威氏回答: health 名词 healthy 形容词 healthier 比较级 healthily 副词 more healthily 比较级

照变15756112172问: 是heathier and heathier还是more and more heathy -
咸宁市威氏回答: healthy的比较级理论上应该是healthier, 包括词典里也给出healthier. 但日常生活中more healthy也是被外国人接受的用法,所以不算错. 尽量用前者吧.

照变15756112172问: heathly与heathlier区别 -
咸宁市威氏回答: healthy 美: ['helθi] 英: ['helθi] adj.健康的;健壮的;有益于健康的;反映健康的 healthier是healthy的比较级

照变15756112172问: health和healthy的区别,在用法上有什么不同? -
咸宁市威氏回答: health是名词,意为“健康”.healthy是由名词health加后缀-y派生出来的同义形容词. 一、读音不同 health英[helθ]美[helθ] healthy英[ˈhelθi]美[ˈhelθi] 二、词性不同 health n.(名词)健康;卫生;保健;兴旺 healthy adj.(形容词)健康的,健全的;有益于健康的 三、用法不同 health healthcare卫生保健 publichealthn公共卫生;公共卫生设施 mentalhealth心理健康 healthy healthylife健康人生 healthyfood有益健康的食物 keephealthy保持健康

照变15756112172问: heath的名词、形容词、副词跟比较级? -
咸宁市威氏回答:[答案] health 名词 healthy 形容词 healthier 比较级 healthily 副词 more healthily 比较级

照变15756112172问: health,healthy,healthily的区别及用法 -
咸宁市威氏回答: 首先,你要知道英语词性(Parts of speech)共有八种. 1.名词(Noun)例如:Apple, Mother, Computer... 2.形容词(Adjective)例如:happy, beautuful, amazing... 3.副词(Adverb)例如:happily, smoothly, quickly... 4.动词(Verb)例如:run, ...

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