
作者&投稿:都朗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


ability能力; absent缺席的; abroad到国外; accept接受; achieve获得,实现; activity活动; actual实际的,真实的; advanced先进的,高级的; adventure冒险,奇遇; advantage优势; address地址; admit承认,允许进入; advertise登广告; affect影响; afford买得起; agriculture农业; announce宣布; anxious焦虑的,渴望的; apologize道歉; appearance出现,外表; appreciation感激,欣赏; arrival到达; astronaut宇航员; atmosphere大气,气氛; attempt企图,尝试; attentively专心地; attract吸引; audience听众; average平均; appetite食欲; attitude态度; ★B
balance平衡; bargain讨价还价; basically基本地,主要地; benefit利益; beyond超过; biology生物学; bitter苦的; branch分支,部门; broadcast广播,播送; breathe呼吸; behaviour行为; belief信仰,信念; ★C
camera照相机; capital首都,省会; captain队长,船长; ceiling天花板; celebrate庆祝; century世纪; chain链子;连锁; challenge挑战; channel航道, 海峡,频道; character特征; charge收费,索价; chat聊天; Christmas圣诞节; citizen公民; cigarette香烟; climate气候; coal煤炭; collar衣领; comfortably舒适地; communication通讯; competition竞赛; complete完全的,彻底的; composition作文; concert音乐会; conductor售票员,导体; confident自信的; congratulation祝贺; construction建设; continent大陆,大洲; convenient方便的; conversation交谈; cough咳嗽; course过程,课程,一道菜; courage勇气; cousin堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹; crowd人群; curtain窗帘; culture文化; curious好奇的; custom习俗; customer消费者; conclusion结论; contribution贡献; ★D
daily每日的; dangerous 危险的; decade十年; definitely明确地,肯定地; deliver投递; declare宣布; deserve应受,值得; description描述; design设计; devote专心,致力于; determine决心,决定; dialogue/dialog对话; dictionary字典; direction方向;指导; disaster灾难; disappear消失; discussion讨论; disturb 打扰; diary日记; digital数码的; download下载; dustbin垃圾箱; decrease减少; department部,局,处,科;系; dynasty王朝,朝代; ★E
economical经济的,节约的; educate教育; effective 有效的; efficient 效率高的; effort努力; electricity电; equality平等; encourage鼓励; energy能量;精力; entrance入口; envelope信封; environment环境; escape逃避; especially尤其,特别; exhibition展览会; expert专家; extremely极端地; eventually最终地;
familiar熟悉的; failure失败; finger手指; flour面粉; fluently流利地; forbid禁止; foreigner外国人; forgive原谅; fortunately幸运地; freedom自由; frequent频繁的; fresh新鲜的; fruit水果; friendly友好的; fuel燃料; furniture 家具; festival节日;
generation一代; generally一般地; generous慷慨的;大方的; geography地理; glove手套; government政府; graduation毕业; gradual逐渐的; grammar语法; guest客人; guide导游;
habit习惯; handkerchief手帕; handwriting书法,笔迹; harvest收获; healthily健康地; height高度; honor尊敬; hunger饥饿; humourous幽默的; ★I
idiom习语; island岛; imagine想象; immediately 立即,立刻; increase 增加; income收入; industry工业,勤劳; inform通知; internet因特网; interview采访,面试; interrupt打断,打扰; inventor发明者; insurance保险; ★J
journalist记者; judge法官; justice正义,公正; junior初级的;
kindergarten幼儿园; kite风筝; knowledge知识; kitchen厨房;
labour劳动; lack缺乏; ladder梯子; language语言; lately最近; latter后者; lawyer律师; league联盟; lecture演讲; level水平; librarian图书管理员; local当地的; luggage行李; luckily 幸运地;
magazine杂志; majority多数; market市场; marriage结婚; material原料; meanwhile同时; measure测量,尺寸; medical医学的; memory记忆力; mental精神的; menu菜单; mention提到; merry欢乐的; merely仅仅,只不过; message消息; metal金属; mirror镜子; monitor班长; monument纪念碑; mostly主要地;大部分; museum博物馆; media传媒; minority少数,少数民族; mobile移动的; motto格言; mystery神秘;
narrow 狭窄的; nationality国籍; naturally自然地; neatly整洁地; necessary必要的; neighbour邻居; nephew侄子,外甥; niece侄女,外甥女; normal正常的; nowadays现在; nurse护士; nutrition营养;
obey服从; object物体,反对; ocean海洋; offer提供; operation操作,做手术; opposite相反的; organize组织; overcome克服; obvious明显的; Olympic奥林匹克的; outstanding杰出的;
palace宫殿; paragraph段; park停放(车); particular特别的; partner搭档; panda熊

猫; passenger乘客; patient耐心的,病人; peaceful和平的; peasant农民; performance 表演; period时期; permit允许; persuade说服; phenomenon现象; physical身体的,物理的; pillow枕头; pilot飞行员; population人口,人数; poisonous有毒的; pollution污染; position位置; practical实际的,实用的; pressure压力; precious珍贵的,宝贵的; president总统; pretend假装; program节目,项目; project工程; pronunciation发音; purpose目的,意图; potential潜力; private私人的; privilege特权;
quality质量; quantity数量; quarrel争吵; quarter四分之一; queue队,行列;
raise提高,抚养; rare稀有的,罕见的; recently近来;recognize认出; record 记录; recover恢复; recycle回收,再利用; reduce减少; refuse拒绝; refer 参考,提到; regular规则的; relative相对的,亲戚; remain保持,剩下,仍然; remind提醒,使想起; remove去掉; resign辞职,放弃; request要求; research调查,研究; respect尊敬; restaurant饭馆; resource资源; review复习; responsibility责任心;
safety安全; salary薪水; satisfaction满足; scene场景; scenery风景; scientific科学的; secretly 秘密地; secretary秘书; seldom很少; senior高级的,年长的; sense感觉,辨别力; serious严肃的,严峻的; service服务; separate分离,单独的; shape形状,制作; share分享,份额; sheet被单; shelf架子; shortcoming缺点; shoulder肩膀; similar类似的; situation形势; slightly轻微地; smoothly光滑地,平坦地,平稳地; society社会; spare抽出(时间、人手); spread传播; square广场; standard标准; steal偷窃; straight直的,直地; stranger陌生人; strangely奇怪地 suffer受苦,遭受; system系统; selfish自私的; sensitive敏感的; sincerely真诚地; strengthen加强; sympathy同情;
task任务; technique技术; temperature温度,体温; theatre剧场,戏院; therefore因此; thief贼; thirsty渴的,缺水的; thorough彻底的; thunder雷声; title标题; tobacco烟草; toilet洗手间; traffic交通; translate翻译; traveller旅行者; trousers长裤; typical典型的; throughout贯穿,在整个……期间; tourism旅游业; traditional传统的,传说的;
umbrella伞; uniform制服; union协会,联盟; university综合大学; universe宇宙; upstairs在楼上; unique唯一的,独特的;
vacation假期; valley山谷;流域; value价值; variety变化,多样性; various各种各样的; vegetable蔬菜; victory胜利; villager村民; vocabulary词汇; voyage航行,航海; volunteer志愿者;

waste浪费,无用的,垃圾; weather 天气; wedding婚礼; weight重量; willing愿意的; welfare福利; wonder想知道,奇观

1 accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速 【例】accelerate the rate of economic growth 加速经济增长 【派】acceleration n. 加速 accelerating a.加速的 2 account n. 账户、考虑 【考】take sth. into account 把…考虑在内 3 accustom vt.使习惯 【考】be accustomed to 4 adapt vi. 适应 【考】adapt to…适应 5 adjust vi.适应 【考】adjust to...适应… 6 advocate vt. 宣扬 7 affluent a.富裕的 【派】affluence n.富裕 8 annoy vt.使烦恼, 使恼怒 【派】annoying a. 令人恼人的; annoyance n. 烦恼;?annoyed a.颇为生气的 9 ascribe vt.把…归咎于 【考】ascribe..to 归因于 10 assess vt.评估 【派】assessment n. 评估 11 assign vt.指派,选派;分配,布置(作业) 【派】assignment 作业 12 assume vt.假象、假定 13 attain vt.获得 【考】attain one's ideal 达到理想 14 attribute vt. 把…归因于 【考】attribute sth.? to 把...归咎于 15 attribute vt.归咎于 【考】be attributed to? attribute sth. to … 16 automatically ad. 自动地 17 boost vt.提高,推动,使增长 n. 推动,增长 【例】boost the economy 推动经济增长 【派】booster n.支持者,推动器 18 brilliant a.光辉的、辉煌的 【派】brilliance n. 19 collaborate vi.合作 【考】collaborate with. sb. 20 comprehensive a. 综合的 【考】综合性大学 21 conscious a. 有意识的 【考】be conscious of sth. 对 …有意识 22 conserve vt.保存、节省 【考】conserve energy 保护能源 23 considerate a. 考虑周到的 24 contribute vt.贡献 【考】contribute to 导致、带来、为…贡献 25 convenient a.方便的 n.convenience 方便 26 convey vt.传达 27 cooperate vt.合作 【考】cooperative a.合作的 28 coordinate vt.合作 29 cultivate vt.培养 30 derive vt. 出自、源于 【考】derive from … 31 despair vi.绝望; n. 绝望 【考】despair of 绝望; sb. be in despair 某人处于绝望中 32 disapprove vt. 不批准、不赞同 【派】disapproval n. 不赞同 【考】 express strong disapproval 33 dismiss vt.撤销、免职 【考】be dismissed by one's company 被公司解雇 34 distinguish vt.辨别 【派】distinguished a.? 突出的 35 distribute vt.分配、分发 【考】distribution n.分配、分发 36 dominate vt. 支配、统治 【考】male-dominated society 男性主导社会 37 embarrass vt.使窘迫, 使尴尬; 【派】embarrassed a.(某人)尴尬的; embarrassment n. 沮丧 embarrassing a. (某事)令人尴尬的 38 employ vt. 雇佣;使用 【考】in the employ of 受雇于 【派】employer n. 雇主;employee n.雇员 employment n. 雇佣, 工作 unemployment n. 失业 39 engage vt. 从事、订婚 【考】be engaged in sth. 从事… 40 enhance vt.加强 41 enroll vt.注册、使…入会 【派】enrollment 42 evacuate vt. 撤走、疏散 43 evaluate vt.评价、估计 【派】evaluation n. 44 evaluate vt.评价、估计 45 excessive a.过度的 46 frustrate vt.使沮丧, 使灰心 【派】frustration n. 挫折; frustrating a. 令人沮丧的 47 genetic a.遗传的 48 guarantee vt. 保证 49 identify vt.鉴别、验明 【考】idenfity theft 辨别偷窃 50 immigrate vt. 移民 【派】immigrant n.移民immigration 51 implement vt.实施 【派】implementation n. 52 incline vi.倾向 【考】be inclined to do sth. 倾向于做某事 53 inferior a.下级的、下等的 【考】be inferior to 比…低级 54 injure vt. 受伤 【派】injured a.受伤的; injury n. 受伤 55 inquire vi. 询问 56 instinct n.本能、直觉 【考】human instinct 人类本能 57 integrate vt. 使结合、使一体化 【派】integral a.一体的;integration n.一体 【考】as an integral whole 作为一个整体global economic integration 全球经济一体化 58 internship n.实习 59 inverse a.倒转的、反转的 60 justify vt.证明…是正当的 61 launch vt. 发射、开展 【考】launch the spacecraft 发射飞船launch a movement 发起一项运动 62 negative a.消极的 63 notify vt.通知、告诉 【派】notification n. 64 obligation n.? 责任、义务 【考】legal obligation? 法律责任 65 obstacle n.障碍 66 optimistic a. 乐观的 【考】be optimistic about sth.对…很乐观 67 originate vt.由…产生 【考】originate from 由…产生 68 overcome vt.战胜, 克服 【例】overcome difficulties 克服困难 69 phenomenon n.现象 70 positive a.积极的 71 potential a.潜在的 【考】potential customer 潜在客户 72 preferable a. 更好的 73 prevail vt.压倒、胜过 【派】prevailling a. 流行的 74 priority n. 优先 【考】sth. is the top priority 优先考虑… 75 proceed vi.进行、着手 76 prompt vt.刺激、推动 【考】prompt sb. to do sth. 77 proportion n.比例 【派】proportional a.相应的、成比例的 78 pursue vt. 追求 【派】pursuit n. 追求 【考】pursue one's dream 79 qualify vt. (使)胜任,(使)具有资格 【考】qualify for sth. 使具有…的资格 【派】qualification n.资格,条件;qualified a.有资格的 80 recommend vt.推荐 81 reference n.参考 82 remind vt.提醒某人注意 【考】be reminded of sth. 83 relevant a. 有关的,切题的【考】be relevant to 与…有关 【派】relevance n. 有关,相关;irrelevant a. 不相关的;不切题的 84 restore vt. 恢复、修复 【考】restore reputation 恢复名誉 85 restrain vt.遏制 【考】be restrained to do sth. 86 resume n.简历 87 reverse vt.颠倒、反转 88 sacrifice vt.牺牲 89 starvation n.饿死 90 submit vt. 提交 【考】submit sth. to sb. 把…提交给某人 91 subsidy n.津贴、补助 【考】provide subsidy for sb. 为…提供津贴 92 superior a.高级的、高等的 【考】be superior to 比…高级 93 survive vt.幸免于…【考】survive sth. 从…中幸免 94 transmit vt. 传播 95 tropical a.热带的 96 undertake vt. 承担,着手做;保证,同意 【考】undertake sth. 从事… 【派】undertaking n.事业,任务 97 vanish vi. 消失 98 victim n. 受害者 99 visiable a.可看见的 100 vision vt. 视力、眼光

abroad, accept, accident, traffic accident, according to, active, actor, actress, address, admire, admit, advice, advise, afford, afraid, afternoon, again and again, against, age, at the age of, ago, agree, agriculture, air, airport, alive, allow, almost, alone, already, always, America, angry, animal, answer, anxious, anything, anywhere, appear, army, arrange, arrive, article, artist, ask, asleep, pay attention to, aunt, Australia, Australian, author, autumn, average, baby, back, bad, bag, ball, balloon, banana, bank, basic, basket, basketball, bath, bathroom, be able to, bear, beautiful, because, because of, become, go to bed, bee, beer, before, begin, behind, believe, belong to, bench, beside, besides, do one’s best, better, had better, between, bike, big, biology, bird, birthday, birthplace, bite, black, blackboard, blame, blind, blood, blow, blue, boat, bone, book, be born, borrow, boss, both…and, bottle, bottom, bowl, box, boy, brain, bread, break, break out, breakfast, have breakfast, breath, hold one’s breath, out of breath, breathe, bridge, bright, Britain, British, broadcast, brother, building, burn, bus, business, busy, be busy doing sth., be busy with sth., by, by bus/car/plane/train/ship/air, bye-bye, cake, call, calm, camera, can, Canada, Canadian, candle, cap, capital, card, care for, take care of, careful, careless, carry, cat, catch up with, cause, cave, , center, century, certain, certainly, chair, chairman, chalk, chance, change…into, charge, cheap, check, chemistry, chicken, China, Chinese, choice, Christmas, church, cigarette, cinema, go to the cinema, city, class, have classes, after class, classmate, classroom, clean, clear, clerk, clever, climb, clinic, clock, close, cloth, clothes, cloud, club, coal, coat, cock, coffee, coin, cold, catch cold, collect, college, go to college, colour, come back, come from, come in, comfortable, common, company, compare, complete, composition, computer, concert, condition, congratulate, consider, continue, control, convenient, conversation, cook, cool, copy, corner, correct, cotton, cough, count, country, couple, courage, course, of course, cover, be covered with, cow, crop, cross, crowd, cruel, cry, cup, cure, curious, custom, damage, dance, danger, dangerous, dare, dark, date, daughter, day, day after day, day and night, one day, the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the other day, deal with, a great deal of, dear, death, decide, deed, do a good deed, deep, defeat, degree, delay, depend on, describe, desert, design, desk, destroy, develop, development, devote, dialogue, diamond, diary, dictionary, die, die of ; die from; difference, different, difficult, difficulty, dinner, dining-room, direct, direction, director, dirty, disappear, discover, discovery, discuss, discussion, disease, distance, distant, divide, do some cleaning, do some cooking, do some shopping, do well in, doctor, dog, dollar, door, double, doubt, downstairs, dozen, drawing, dream, dress, drop, drunk, dry, duck, duty, each, each other, be eager for, be eager to do, ear, early, earn, earth, east, easy, take it easy, eat up, education, have …effect on, egg, either, either… or, electricity, elephant, else, empty, end, in the end, enemy, energy, engineer, England, English, in English, enjoy, enjoy oneself, enough, equal, be equal to ;equipment, Europe, European, even, even if, evening, ever since, for ever, every, everybody, everyone, everyday, everything, everywhere, exam, examine, example, for example, except, expect, excited, exciting, excuse, exercise, exist, explain, express, expression, extra, eye, face, make a face, fact, in fact, factory, fail, fair, unfair, fall asleep, fall ill, false, familiar, family, famous, fan, far, far away, far from, so far, farm, farmer, farther, fast, father, fault, feel like doing, feeling, fetch, fever, few, a few, field, figure, fill, fill in, film, finally, find out, fine, finger, finish, fire, at first, first of all, fish, fit, be fit for, flag, flight, flood, floor, flour, flower, fly, follow, be fond of, food, fool, foolish, on foot, football, force, foreign, forest, fork, form, found, four, fourth, fox, France, free, set free, freedom, French, fresh, fridge, friend, make friends, friendly, friendship, from, from now on, from then on, from… to, front, in front of, in the front of, fruit, full, be full of, fun, make fun of, funny, future, game, garden, gate, gather, geography, German, Germany, get in, get off, get on, get on with, sb., get up, gift, girl, give back, give out, give up, glad, glass, go back, go fishing, go shopping, go skating, go swimming, go for a walk, go on, go on doing sth., go on with one’s work, go out, go over, god, gold, good, be good at, government, grade, graduate, graduation, grammar, granddaughter, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, grass, great, green, ground, group, grow up, guard, guess, guest, guide, gun, habit, hair, haircut, half, half an hour, hall, hand, hand in, hand out, handsome, happen, happy, hard, hat, hate, have, have to, head, headache, have a headache, headmaster, health, healthy, hear from, hear of, heart, learn… by heart, heat, heavy, hello, say hello to, help, help sb. with sth., here, hero, hide, high, hill, hire, history, hole, holiday, on holiday, home, at home, go home, homework, do one’s homework, do one’s housework, honest, hope, hopeless, horse, hospital, hot, hotel, hour, house, how long, how many, how much, how old, however, hundred, hunger, hungry, hurry, hurry up, in a hurry, husband, ice, ice-cream, idea, if, ill, illness, importance, important, impossible, improve, include, increase, indeed, India, Indian, industry, information, ink, inside, insist, instead, instead of, interest, interesting, interested, a place of interest, introduce, invite, iron, island, itself, jacket, jam, Japan, Japanese, job, join, join in, joke, journey, joy, judge, jump, just now, just then, keep on doing sth., key, kill, kilo., kind, a kind of, all kinds of, king, kiss, kitchen, kite, knee, knock, knock at, knock into sb., knowledge, lab, lady, lake, lamp, land, language, large, last, at last, late, be late for school, later, laugh, laugh at, law, lawyer, lazy, League member, learn, lecture, left, on the left, leg, less than, lesson, do one’s lessons, have lessons, letter, library, light, like, be like, line, lion, listen, listen to, little, a little, live, lock, lonely, long, before long, long ago, long before, no longer, not.. any longer, look, look after, look at, look for, look out, have a look, loss, a lot of, lots of, love, low, luck, lucky, luckily, lunch, have lunch, machine, mad, be made from, be made of, manage, manager, mankind, many, map, market, marry, match, have a match, maths (math) , matter, may, maybe, meal, meaning, meat, medical, medicine, have some medicine, meeting, have a meeting, member, menu, message, take a message for, method, meter, middle, in the middle of, midnight, might, mile, milk, millions of, mind, never mind, make up one’s mind, mine, minute, in a minute, mirror, miss, Miss, by mistake, make a mistake, mix, model, modern, moment, just a moment, money, monkey, month, moon, more, morning, most, mother, mountain, mouth, move, Mr, Mrs, much (more, most), murder, murderer, museum, music, must, name, narrow, native, natural, nature, near, nearly, necessary, need, in need of, neighbour, neither, neither…nor, never, new, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, at night, nobody, nod, noise, make a noise, noisy, noon, at noon, north, nose, notebook, nothing, have nothing to do with, notice, now and then, number, nurse, obey, o’clock

一共有几个系列,请参考http://www.neworiental.org/publish/portal0/tab961/info322974.htm 我们将一一跟大家分享高考英语常考词汇辨析,本文为系列一。
  1 able / capable
  若说someone is able to do something意为某人能做某事,因为有知识或技能,或具备做该事的条件。
  Breslow wondered if he could be able to climb over the rail. 布雷斯洛不知道是否能爬过栏杆。
  They must be able to use their profiles for new investment. 他们必须能把利润用于新的投资。
  We were able to reduce costs. 我们能够降低成本。
  若说someone is capable of doing something 指某人如有需要的话,是具有做某事的知识或技能的,或指他有可能会做某事。
  Workers are perfectly capable of running the organizations which employ them. 工人完全有能力经营受雇的机构。
  She was quite capable of dropping off to sleep. 她往往会不知不觉入睡。
  也可说to be capable of a feeling or an action,意为具有某种感情,或会做得出某事的。
  I think he's capable of loyalty and seriousness. 我想他会忠诚,认真。
  Bowman could not not believe him capable of murder. 鲍曼不相信他会杀人。
  在谈及汽车或机器等的性能时,通常用capable of。
... water turbines, which are capable of producing more economical electricity. ……能降低发电成本的水动涡轮机。
  The car was capable of 110 miles per hour. 这车每小时能跑一百一十英里。
... the able and methodical King Charles V of France. ……能干、有条理的法国国王查理五世。
  This very able man totally failed to see the possibilities of the telephone. 这位非常能干的人根本没看到电话的潜在价值。
  Newborn babies are more capable than was once thought. 新生婴儿的能力比以前人们想象的要强得多。
  Well, you certainly have a capable gardener there. 哟,你的园丁一定能干。 
  2 above / over
  above 和over均用于谈及位置和高度。某物比另一物高,但并非在其正上方时,则用above。
  The trees rose above the houses.
  to go over something的意思是越过某物或某地,走到另一端。
  Castle stepped over the dog.
...a soaring seagull swooping over Central Park.
  穿两件衣服,一件套在另一件上面,可说you are wearing one over the other。
  Rudolph was wearing a sweater over a wool shirt, and a silk scarf.
  He opened a cupboard above the sink.
  She learned forward until her face was directly over the basin.
  above 和over 均可用于谈及度量。
  The plane flew at a height of over twelve thousand feet.
  So we had this beautiful relationship for over a year.
  The amount of tax you should pay is determined by what you earn above a certain figure.
  Any money earned over that level is taxed at the rate of 59 per cent.
  In each case I want to know the height of the man. Everybody above five feet eight inches is suspect.
  above 和over均可用于说明某人身份的高低及与他人比较的相对重要性。
... behaving as if she was in a position above even the staff, and certainly above us.
  Someone is over you意为某人可以对你发号施令或下达指示。
...an officer set in authority over him.

2012-09-04 高考英语出现的高频率单词有哪些 29 2018-09-22 求高考英语1000个超高频词汇 3 2013-09-27 谁知道在高考中出现的高频单词啊?1500个左右就好,还要附带... 1 2013-04-01 谁有英语高考高频词汇1000个,要打乱顺序的... 2017-02-01 高考英语高频单词3500个有吗 2 2012-09-09 求几个高...

求高考常考或出现频率较高的高中词汇,主要针对完形填空和语法填空,求高人给我总结一下!有哪些词?... 求高考常考或出现频率较高的高中词汇,主要针对完形填空和语法填空,求高人给我总结一下!有哪些词? 展开  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 公司那些设施可以提高员工幸福感?静静的吃串串 2010-04-16 · TA获得...

马上高考了,词汇量不够,哪位仁兄大姐帮忙弄点常用词汇词组阅读和作文中常用的高中生水平的若得相助,必有重谢... 马上高考了,词汇量不够,哪位仁兄大姐帮忙弄点常用词汇词组 阅读和作文中常用的高中生水平的若得相助,必有重谢 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 已婚女性就应该承担家里大部分家务吗?茶虫子 ...

雕刻金银,装饰的十分工丽。形容文学作品词汇绚烂。 大而无当:虽然很大,但不实用。大放厥词:厥,其,代词,他的。一在指大发议论,多是贬义。椎心泣血:椎心,捶打胸脯;泣血,悲发得哭不出声音,就象眼睛中要流泪一样。形容悲痛到 了极点。 唇亡齿寒:嘴唇没有了,牙齿就会感到寒冷。比喻关...

考试总有一些知识是重点,英语也一样,有一些是核心考点,基本上是逢考必有。我整理了45个高考英语高频词汇2020(逢考必有),供大家参考借鉴。 45个高考英语高频词汇2020(逢考必有) 1. cost The ticket cost me ten dollars.(此句中cost用作及物动词,意为“花费”,这是cost的常用法之一。) The cost of ...

2010-08-19 高考中英语要考的语法有哪些? 8 2015-12-27 高中英语高考对语法要求的多吗 2013-05-16 什么考试考英语词汇和语法的多点 1 2009-06-10 高考英语语法填空常考单词... 8 2014-08-03 英语考高分一定要记住书上所有的单词和语法吗? 2015-07-17 英语高考的题型高考考的语法有哪些,有没有倒...

对90%的同学来说,完形填空得不了高分甚至做得惨不忍睹的最大原因是词汇量不够导致 文章 读不懂,选项看不懂。这次我给大家整理了高考英语完形填空常考高频词整理,供大家阅读参考。 目录 高考英语完形填空常考高频词整理 英语完型填空提分技巧 如何做好英语完形填空 高考英语完形填空常考高频词整理 1. ...

高中完型填空常考词汇有哪些?高考英语词汇是做完形填空和阅读理解的积累,拥有了大量的词汇,对理解全文含义就没有什么大的障碍。下面是高中完型填空常考必备词汇,供参考。高考英语完形填空动词 1“看” look看的动作\/ see看的结果; watch观察\/observe为了研究进行的观察; notice注意\/catch sight of看见;stare好奇地...

高考英语常考难词 高考的英语阅读试题中,有些词是常见,但是我们的课本里不一定会有的词,下面是我分享得这些高考常见英语单词的汇总,希望能帮到大家! 高考常考难词 alter v. 改变,改动,变更 burst vi.n. 突然发生,爆裂 dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of) blast n. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉 consume ...


林周县18293241218: 高考高频单词 -
冻鲍烧伤: A a (an) art. 一(个、件……) ability n. 能力; 才能 able a. 能够;有能力的 about ad. 大约;到处;四处prep. 关于;在各处;四处 above prep. 在……上面a. 上面的ad. 在……之上 abroad ad. 到(在)国外 absence n. 不在,缺席 absent a. 缺席...

林周县18293241218: 英语高考常考的词汇? -
冻鲍烧伤: 一共有几个系列,请参考http://www.neworiental.org/publish/portal0/tab961/info322974.htm 我们将一一跟大家分享高考英语常考词汇辨析,本文为系列一.1 able / capableable和capable均用于谈及某人能够做某事.若说someone is ...

林周县18293241218: 高中高考常考英语难词汇总考点单词总结 -
冻鲍烧伤: 去百度文库,查看完整内容>内容来自用户:w655mu高中、高考常考英语难词汇总【考点单词总结】1.accident〔5AksidEnt〕n.事故,意外的事2.adventure〔Ed5ventFE〕n.冒险;奇遇3.advertisement〔Ed5vE:tismEnt〕n.广告4.ambulance...

林周县18293241218: 高考英语全国卷一都考哪些单词 -
冻鲍烧伤: 高考英语全国卷考查的单词量应该在3500个左右,难度大的生僻词是不会考的.至于哪3500个单词记得以前我在记忆力博客网盘看到过,这里也发不上那么多.1、单词只是基础.掌握一定量的词汇量是必要的.平时要多读多记,结合文章记单词,结合语境记单词.2、还要系统地补一下语法,掌握句型时态规则,非常重要.3、培养语感,适当的多读、多背课文,至少要熟多课文.语境语感对单词、词组、语法的记忆都很重要.4、多做题,没办法,还得多练. 明年高考,你的这个成绩虽然不理想,但也不用怕,多努力一些吧.

林周县18293241218: 高考英语常考的词汇 -
冻鲍烧伤:常考的词汇也就是大纲上面的词汇 http://www.wpcsh.com/shitu/main/downloadcenter.aspx 这个是大纲词汇的下载地址

林周县18293241218: 高考最常考的英语单词是? -
冻鲍烧伤: 动词和介词 没有特定的 不过你要是往年的模拟题做多了 你会发现 考的频率差不多

林周县18293241218: 高中英语考试常见单词 -
冻鲍烧伤: 1 accelerate vt. (使)加速,增速 【例】accelerate the rate of economic growth 加速经济增长 【派】acceleration n. 加速 accelerating a.加速的 2 account n. 账户、考虑 【考】take sth. into account 把…考虑在内 3 accustom vt.使习惯 【考】be ...

林周县18293241218: 高考英语必须掌握的重点单词有哪些 ??? -
冻鲍烧伤: 小哥,估计你这个问题很多人会回答,他们都抢着要分,我还浪费时间会打做什么呢?但还是说一句吧.高考有纲懂吗?考纲.3500个单词,老老实实背过,到时候就见不到生词了,至于体能不能作对时另一回事了.最简单的办法:把书后单词...

林周县18293241218: 高考英语所涉及的单词 -
冻鲍烧伤: 高考涉及的单词填空都是教学大纲要求的`新课标单词都不作要求`阅读题之类的会涉新课标要求词汇或者常见词汇`如果你只是为了高考``目前没必要背4级单词.个人见解,还是要看你自己的具体情况``如果很有精力`多背也还是有好处的.

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