
作者&投稿:乘管 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一、1.epression 3.icture 4.emon 5.ealth 二、1.with 4.for


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ot like eating lunch at school because th e food is not delicious. So they often go o ut of school to buy something they like t o eat. But I am afraid it is bad for their h ealth to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn’t healthy enough . 翻译...

1.用the an或\/填写,一个,康妮是中文的女孩。她出生在中国。她离开校园的三年前。现在她住在新西兰。她昨天收到了信,男孩名叫史蒂芬函数的男孩在中国生活。他看到她的姓名和地址的杂志称为“笔友寄点什么。”他想要她pen-friend。他想要的演员,在不久的将来。康妮很高兴已经信。她很快就会回答。2.首...

health course(不知道你是不是打错了,有听说过回答“of course”的,没听过e...)foreign example price 二 1 2 is perhaps 3 bought to me 1,l wanna put my bike under the tree.2,Today is Tuesday,Feburary 18th.3,A woman was asking the police for help .4,Please give me a ...

单词拼写答案:1 You'd quickly go to the r( ) station and take...
1. railway 2. receive 3. theirs 4. visitors 5.wealth 6. weigh 7. virtue 8. threw 9. technogy 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

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Help for Medical Workers
3.  h ealth care workers, 医护人员 4.  struggle with ,难以解决,与...作斗争 5.  shortage of ,短缺,缺少 6.  food-grade ethanol ,食品级乙醇 7. medical grade ,医用级 8.  worry about ,担心,担忧 eg. worry that\/ be ...

Next year the people of Shanghai will invite the world to visit the city during the 2010 World Expo. I am sure you will want your _visitors__to see what a beautiful and haronious city you live in. Good manners will help to show the world that Shanghai is truly a world-...

扶印13145579663问: 翻译health -
鲅鱼圈区咳喘回答:[答案] 答案:【health 】 翻译;健康. 解析;它是一个名词. 【亲!你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】

扶印13145579663问: Health中文什么意思 -
鲅鱼圈区咳喘回答: n.健康状况; 卫生; 保健; 昌盛,兴旺; 例句:Still, the unexpected resignation of jobs is raising new questions about hishealth. 不过,乔布斯的辞职出人意料,人们不禁再次纷纷猜测他的健康状况.

扶印13145579663问: health的中文意思 -
鲅鱼圈区咳喘回答: 健康

扶印13145579663问: health的形容词的翻译是:什么意思 -
鲅鱼圈区咳喘回答: 你好!health 英[helθ] 美[hɛlθ] n. 卫生; 保健; 健康状况; 昌盛,兴旺; [例句]Caffeine is bad for your health.咖啡因对人体健康有害.

扶印13145579663问: 身体状况良好翻译,用health造句 -
鲅鱼圈区咳喘回答:[答案] in good heath 如: My mother is in good health now because has balanced diet and she does exercise every day. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

扶印13145579663问: 健康的英文音译成中文应该是什么? -
鲅鱼圈区咳喘回答: 海奥斯

扶印13145579663问: health wellness 有什么区别么?health & wellness 在一起时要怎么翻译? -
鲅鱼圈区咳喘回答: 总体来说,二者没有太大的区别.health 名词,意为“健康”,health-healthy 形容词,“健康的”.wellness 名词,意为“好(的状态)”,well 形容词,“好的、健康的”-wellness

扶印13145579663问: 什么时候用health,什么时候用healthy?Carrots are____foot用什么(限填一词) -
鲅鱼圈区咳喘回答:[答案] health是名词 意为 健康 而healthy是形容词.意为健康的 通常表示什么是怎么怎么样一类的,这里用中文翻译是 胡萝卜是 的食物 股空格中用形容词,所以是healthy

扶印13145579663问: fitness 和 health 都翻译为健康?如果health翻为健康 那么为了区别 fitness应该翻为什么? -
鲅鱼圈区咳喘回答:[答案] health 的意思是健康,而fitness是的意思是身体质素

扶印13145579663问: 健康、快乐、幸福的英文翻译是什么? -
鲅鱼圈区咳喘回答: 健康 health 快乐 happy 幸福 happiness

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