Help for Medical Workers

作者&投稿:学雅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Ethanol producers say that they can produce  millions of   gallons of  alcohol that could be made into  hand sanitizers .

Health care workers  across the US struggle with  the  shortage   of  hand sanitizer, and ethanol producers are  willing  to help. However, federal regulators have been  preventing  this from  happen ing.

The reason is that most  ethanol plants  make  food-grade  ethanol, which is a step  below   medical grade .  The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) worries about   allowing  people to put a lower grade alcohol on their skin. Some officials say that the FDA should  consider   loosen ing its  guideline s, which would allow ethanol producers to help with the hand sanitizer shortage.

In recent days, federal regulators have  relax ed  restriction s to support to production of  medical supplies  like gloves,  ventilators , and  coronavirus tests .


1  重点词汇表达

1. willing ,adj,ready, eager, or prepared to do something,愿意的,乐意的;副词是willingly,不愿意地
eg. be willing/ unwilling to  do sth,愿意/ 不愿意做某事;be reluctant to do sth,不愿意做某事

2. prevent ,vt,to stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something,阻止,阻挡,预防,防止;名词是prevention,防止,预防
eg. prevent/ keep/ stop sb/ sth from doing sth,预防/ 阻止某人做某事/ 阻止/ 预防某事发生

3. happen,vt,to take place, especially without being planned,(尤指偶然)发生,出现
eg. take place,(指根据安排或计划)发生,进行

4. below ,prep,at or to a lower level or position than sb/sth,在/ 到…...下面
eg. under/ underneath,在......下面;on/ above,在......上面

5. allow ,vt,to let sb/sth do sth, to let sth happen or be done,允许,准许
eg. allow sb to do sth,允许某人做某事;allow doing sth,允许做某事

6. consider ,vt,to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or decision,考虑,细想;名词是consideration,斟酌,深思;considerate,形容词,体贴的;considerable,形容词,相当大的,相当多的
eg. consider/ ponder/ meditate/ deliberate,深思熟虑,反复思考;consider doing sth,考虑做某事;consider/ regard/ take/把......看作/视作......

7. loosen ,vt,to make sth less tight or firmly fixed,to become less tight or firmly fixed,(使)放松,变松;loose,形容词,变松的;loosely,副词,宽松的,松散地
eg. tighten/ tight/ tightly,vt/ adj/ adv,变紧/ 紧的/ 牢固地

8. guideline ,noun, rules or instructions about the best way to do something,指导方针,指导原则;guide,动词,指导,引导
eg. follow/ issue guidelines,遵循/ 发布指导原则;clear/ strict guidelines,清楚的/ 严格的指导原则

9. relax ,vt,to allow rules, laws, etc. to become less strict,放宽(限制等)
eg. relaxing/ relaxed,使人放松的/ 放松的;exciting/ excited,令人兴奋的/ 兴奋的;amazing/ amazed,令人惊讶的/ 惊讶的;boring/ bored,令人感到无聊的/ 感到无聊的;interesting/ interested,令人感兴趣的/ 感兴趣的

10. restriction ,noun,a rule or law that limits what you can do or what can happen,限制规定,限制法规;restrict,动词,限制
eg. severe/ tight/ tough restriction,严厉的限制,严格的约束;accept/ be subject to restriction,接受约束/ 受制约

11. ventilator ,noun,a piece of equipment with a pump that helps sb to breathe by sending air in and out of their lungs ,呼吸机;ventilate,动词,使通风,使通气

 2      固定搭配

1. millions of  gallons of ,几百万加仑

2. hand sanitizers ,洗手液,消毒液

3.  h ealth care workers, 医护人员

4.  struggle with ,难以解决,与......作斗争

5.  shortage of ,短缺,缺少

6.  food-grade ethanol ,食品级乙醇

7. medical grade ,医用级

8.  worry about ,担心,担忧

eg. worry that/ be worried that + 从句,担心,担忧

9. medical supplies ,医疗用品

10. coronavirus tests ,新型冠状病毒的检测

11. ethanol plants ,乙醇工厂

eg. power plants,发电厂,发电站

 3     术语表达

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ,美国食品药品监督管理局,是美国卫生与公众服务部直辖的联邦政府机构,它是世界上最大的食品与药物管理机构之一。其职责是确保美国本国生产或进口的食品、化妆品、药物、生物制剂、医疗设备和放射产品等的安全,同时也负责执行公共卫生条件及州际旅行和运输的检查、对于诸多产品中可能存在的疾病的控制等。

北京第二外国语学院,英语 专业四级 TEM-4  

专业口笔译翻译经验,擅长展会 陪同口译 , 交替传译



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