
作者&投稿:徐妻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

glass(ass) [ a:s ]as或ass组合 ask问;class班级;glass玻璃杯;pass传递;grass草;last最后的;ear(ear) dear亲爱, near附近, hea听见r, clear清楚, ear耳朵, beard胡子 )字母组合ear在词尾时还可读\/iə\/beard中的ear虽不在词尾,也读\/ iə\/,另外还有一例外:heart,其中ear读\/...

资力13855284968问: 英语单词“health”与“healthy”的区别区别与用法,还有例句 -
伊吾县尼尔回答:[答案] health 名词'健康' healthy 形容词'健康的' Doing exercise is good for our health.锻炼有益于我们的健康. We should keep healthy.我们应该保持健康.

资力13855284968问: healthy和health的区别 -
伊吾县尼尔回答: health是名词,意为“健康”。 healthy是由名词health加后缀-y派生出来的同义形容词。 healthy意为“健康的”、“强壮的”,其同义词为fit, 相当于well或strong.其反义词是unhealthy或者weak. 例如: His health is not good. 他的身体不好。...

资力13855284968问: healthy和health有什么区别?例子…… -
伊吾县尼尔回答: healthy形容词 health名词 I am healthy. Health is very important.

资力13855284968问: health与healthy的区别 -
伊吾县尼尔回答:[答案] health 是名词,健康 healthy是形容词,健康的

资力13855284968问: health和healthy的区别 -
伊吾县尼尔回答: 前者是名词,后者形容词 做个比方: health 意为健康 健康是我们最大的快乐 Health is the biggest happiness to us. health 就是名词,不能用healthy了 healthy意为健康的 我们要使自己变得健康 We should make us become healthy. healthy就是用作了形容词了,不能用health了

资力13855284968问: health和 healthy有什么区别? -
伊吾县尼尔回答: health 是名词 ,常用于短语be in good health 中,表示健康之意 healthy 是形容词,常用于短语keep healthy =stay healthy 中,healthy=fit,

资力13855284968问: health和healthy的区别,在用法上有什么不同?在什么情况下用health什么情况下用healthy? -
伊吾县尼尔回答:[答案] health名词,卫生,保健 Fresh air and exercise are good for the health. 新鲜空气和运动有益于健康. It is believed that health is above wealth. 一般人都相信健康重于财富. Smoking is not good for your health. 吸烟对你的健康没有好处. Smoking is ...

资力13855284968问: health与healthy的区别 -
伊吾县尼尔回答: 前者是名词,如Exercise is good for our health.运动对我们的健康有好处 后者是形容词,如He exercise everyday so he is healthy.他每天都运动所以他很健康 解决问题请采纳

资力13855284968问: healthy和health有什么区别阿 -
伊吾县尼尔回答: healthy是形容词,意思是” 健康的“ ,作表语或定语.health 是名词,意思是“ 健康' 作宾语 如1 We should take more exercise and keep healthy .我们应该多锻炼保持健康.2 Eating fruit and vegetables is good for our health .吃水果和蔬菜对我们的健康有益.

资力13855284968问: healthy和health具体有什么区别 -
伊吾县尼尔回答:[答案] health名词,卫生,保健Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.新鲜空气和运动有益于健康.It is believed that health is above wealth.一般人都相信健康重于财富.Smoking is not good for your healt...

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