
作者&投稿:柴山 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

flourish 有两个意思,其中一个是 thrive 的同义词,
两者皆有 蓬勃发展、茁壮成长 的含义,

a flourishing relationship (a thriving relationship 好像很少看到)
a thriving business (不过我有听过 a flourishing business)
a thriving economy (如果说 a flourishing economy 人家会觉得很怪)

至于什么时候用 flourish, 什么时候用 thrive 呢?
而且,有些句子里 flourish 和 thrive 是一起用的,例
Children will flourish and thrive In a loving family.

对我们这些初学外语的 greenhorns (新手)来说, 这一个独特的英语奥妙,只有从多读,多听才能领会出来。


Abstract: bicycle traffic from individual quasi-public transport traffic to the transformation of the city to implement bus priority strategies, urban transport strategy of sustainable development one of the important policies and measures. 自行车交通发展的关键是要采取与城市自身发展相适应的模式。 Bicycle Transportation in the key is to adopt and adapt the city's own development model. 在对国内外公共自行车交通系统实施现状研究的基础上, 综合考虑泉州市的城市规模、人口密度、交通政策以及现状自行车发展状况等因素, 提出泉州自行车交通在综合交通体系中的功能定位是机动化交通的辅助性交通工具,主要功能包括服务于短距离出行、与公交系统接驳以及休闲、健身等。 In the domestic and international public the status of implementation of bicycle transportation system, based on comprehensive consideration of Quanzhou city size, population density, transportation policy, and development status of bicycles and other factors, make Quanzhou bike traffic in the comprehensive transportation system in the function of positioning mobile transport of supporting the traffic, the main functions include services for short distance travel, and public transportation system connecting and leisure, and fitness. 应用GIS技术,从规模估算、布局自行车租赁点选址的影响因素、网点布局典型模式、押金及租赁费用等方面阐述了公共自行车系统的规划内容, 同时介绍了公共自行车的技术系统以及运营管理上的特点。 Application of GIS technology, from the estimated size, layout, Bicycle Rental Location of a factors, the typical mode of distribution network, deposit and rental fees and other aspects of the planning public bicycle system elements, also introduced public bicycle systems and operations management features. 公共自行车系统建设不仅为居民带来方便,还有利于缓解道路交通拥堵,改善城市环境。 Public Bike System not only bring convenience to residents, but also help alleviate traffic congestion, improve the urban environment.

【关键字】: 公共自行车空间分析技术系统布局模式泉州市 【Keywords】: Spatial analysis of public bike system layout mode Quanzhou
问题补充: Questions added: 题目改了为:基于GIS的泉州市区公共自行车系统租赁点选址与系统实施研究,麻烦再翻译一下谢谢! Title changed to: GIS-based public bike system rental Quanzhou area site selection and system implementation study, translation problems and then look at Thank you!


park(ar) [a:] ar组合:
  car小汽车;far远的;star星星;card卡片;scarf围巾;marker水彩笔 market市场 department store百货商店 apartment building公寓;

glass(ass) [ a:s ]as或ass组合

ear(ear) dear亲爱, near附近, hea听见r, clear清楚, ear耳朵, beard胡子 )字母组合ear在词尾时还可读/iə/beard中的ear虽不在词尾,也读/ iə/,另外还有一例外:heart,其中ear读/a:/。

pair(air) air空气;hair头发;chair椅子 stairs楼梯

photo(ph) ph读/f/,例如:elephant大象, photo照片, telephone电话,phone电话, alphabet字母表, pharmacy药店, paragraph段落, physics物理, phrase 成语

picture(ture)读[t∫ε] 如:'picture照片,'nature自然,'mixture混合, culture文化 lecture演讲

wash(sh) mash cash ash读/∫/。例如:sheep绵羊, ship轮船, shape形状, shake摇晃, shave刮, shut关闭, shoulder肩膀, shoe鞋子

chair(ch) 例如:China中国, chip薯片, child小孩, cheese乳酪, teach教 , bench板凳, catch抓, watch观看, 但在源出希腊语的单词ache,character,chemical,chemist,chemistry,school,stomach,technical,technique,technology中,ch发/k/

bathe(th) bathe洗澡, breathe呼吸, leather皮革, further更远, father父亲,。

th---有清与浊 两种读音: (1) th位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音。在名词、动词、形容词和数词中th发清辅音。如:thing, theatre, thunder, thermos, Thursday, theory, theme, throat, thread, think, thank, thrive, thicken, thirteen, thirty, third, thousand, thick, thirsty, thoughtful, thorough 在代词和一些功能词中th发浊辅音.如: them, their, theirs, there, the, than, then, though, thus, therefore, they。只有介词through是个例外。 (2) th位于词尾(或音节之尾)时,其读音多数是清辅音,如:bath, breath, tooth, 等。只有在少数单词中,如:with, smooth 中读浊音。 (3) th在词中并且后面接er时,或者最后一个字母是不发音的e时,通常也发浊辅音。例如:feather, weather, whether, leather, further, father, bathe, breathe, southern, northern, either等。在其他情况下发清辅音。例如:author, faithful, method, nothing, anything, healthy, wealthy。 试读下列单词: mother, father, another, brother, health, wealth

gram(gr) green绿色 grade 年级,grapes葡萄,grss草,gr注意应该念谷罗而不念格罗。g产生了浊化,由哥变成了咕。


park(ar) art party chart mark
glass(ass) class classroom
ear(ear) tear pear
pair(air) air airplane airport airconditional
photo(ph) photograph photoshop photozoom photoscape
picture(ture) culture nature lecture literature
wash(sh) mash cash ash
chair(ch) cheer cheap chess chart
bath(th) path bathroom math matns
gram(gr) grammar grass

bark mark dark chart 剩下的下次写,本人现在忙。

新手级别:初中生 2500 高中生 3500 四级考试 4000 六级考试 6000 有一半来自四级词汇 转职国内:研究生入学考试 5500 这5500是包括了大量一词多义的,绝对不仅是5500个单词而已。上海中级口译和BEC商务英语中级及以上 6000+ 略低于雅思。转职国外:托福 8000~10000 雅思 7000~8000 GRE 13000~15000+ ...

1. 大声朗读出来 .识记单词的方法主要是掌握发音,因为绝大多数的单词是可以听音写出来,不规则的单词很少.可以这么说,如果你记住了单词的发音,再看过3遍,就可以拚出80%的单词,这一点也不夸张.一些同学没有体会到这一点,他们背单词的方法就是一本书、一叠纸和一根笔,狂练拼写.显然,这样做既枯燥又低效.记住,...

高手的英文:superior 一、词汇解析 superior 英[suːˈpɪərɪə];美[sʊˈpɪrɪɚ]adj. 上级的;优秀的,出众的;高傲的 n. 上级,长官;优胜者,高手;长者 例:We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many ...

These are the ones that come to mind:arm, arms武器 custom, customs海关 letter,letters文学,学问,文化修养,例如 man of letters文学家 glass玻璃,镜子,杯子,glasses眼镜,(杯子,镜子)spectacle景象,奇观,spectacles眼镜,(景象,奇观)minute,分钟minutes备忘录,(分钟)pain, take pains...

almost \/ nearly 几乎;差不多 also \/ too 也;同样 among \/ between 在……之间 around \/ near(by) 在周围 arrive (at \/ in) \/ reach, get to 到达 autumn \/ fall 秋天 baby \/ child 孩子 bad \/ ill, wrong 坏的;错的 become \/ get, grow, turn 变得;成为 begin \/ start 开始 ...

机械制图 计算机制图 machine cartography computer cartography 计算机基础 computer element 体育 Physical training 高等数学 专业数学 altitude math specialty math 机械设计 machine design 电子技术 electron technique 电工原理 electrician elements 电工电子综合技能实习electrician...

2.关于Food的词汇有哪些?3.关于clothes的词汇有哪些?4.关于sports的词汇有哪些?5.关于Electricequipment的词汇有哪些?(各30个词汇好的加分并采纳!~)... 2.关于Food的词汇有哪些?3.关于clothes的词汇有哪些?4.关于sports的词汇有哪些?5.关于Electric equipment的词汇有哪些?(各30个词汇 好的加分并采纳!~) 展开...

第一图1.further2.Science3.famer4.thankful5.player6.skating7.oldest8.themselves9.careful10.heard11.clearly12.Edison’s13.slowly14.easily15.interesting16.runners17.foreigner 18.first, given19.safely20.teachers21.carefully22.never23.asleep24.Luckily25.kindly26.这句话有问题,应该是Are ...

英语词汇问题 高手进

quantifying difference “紧度” tightness “整幅厚度差” full breadth thickness difference “平滑度正反差” double-faced smothness difference “灰粉” grey powder “边缘渗透宽度” fringe penetration width “表面强度(正\/反)” case strength (potisive\/negtive)“伸长率”elongation rate ...

札达县14769331201: 求英语高手,词汇练习 1.House prices have (r ) so rapidly that I can't afford to have an apartment.1.House prices have (r ) so rapidly that I can't afford to have an ... -
尾瑶肾上:[答案] 1.risen 房价上涨2.decision make a decision 表示做决定3.realized 意识到4.weighs 表示这个行李箱重60磅 楼上第四题答案和我不一样用的是,把pound理解为英镑了也可以但是worth没有动词形式,只能用 be worth.所以这...

札达县14769331201: 英语高手快来!求求各位大哥大姐帮帮忙啊,帮帮小妹!题目:将下列词汇分类单词:my zero clock I five meet you your his answer look four seven phone ... -
尾瑶肾上:[答案] 表物体的词:clock phone 表示人称的词:I you 表示数字的词:zero five four seven eight nine 表示动作的词:meet answer look 表示所属关系的词:my your his her

札达县14769331201: 求高手补全单词,并说明什么意思.谢谢st -- yb -- k c - a -- r - an_ _ sw -- t - _ -- nt - nif -- m -
尾瑶肾上:[答案] storybook故事书 chafer金龟子 clamor叫嚷 crater坑 canal运河 sweater运动衫 aunt阿姨 uniform制服

札达县14769331201: 英语单词,求高手 -
尾瑶肾上: 1anyhow2signal3type;typewriter;typist4happen;happened;happened5character;characteristic6calculate;calculator;calculation 7simplify;simplification;simplified; simple;simply 8...

札达县14769331201: 英语词汇题,请高手解答. -
尾瑶肾上: are preparing foris full of is to think hard

札达县14769331201: 英语高手进来!补全单词1.I'm going to our school l________to read books about typhoon. 2.We shouldn't walk across the street u_________the traffic light ... -
尾瑶肾上:[答案] 1.library 2.until 3.hang 4.himself 5.different 6.means 7.dangerous 8.model 9.shouted 10.harbor 11.on 12. 13.beach 14.thphoon 15.rivers

札达县14769331201: 英语题目求高手请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词.注意:每个空格只填一个单词.When I opened my e - ... -
尾瑶肾上:[答案] 71.enthusiasm 72.constantly 73.Thanks 74.read 75.lifelike 76.Compare 77.of 78.technology 79.opinion 80.angry

札达县14769331201: 求英语高手帮助,单词问题?
尾瑶肾上: Rosy玫瑰色的,粉红的___rally团结,重整旗鼓___readily乐意的,愿意的

札达县14769331201: 统考词汇重组55题(26 - 55) 求英语高手帮助!3Q26. He had no choice but - __ - to see her.A. go B. went C. going D. to go 27. When he came back after an ... -
尾瑶肾上:[答案] 保证100%正确! 26.D have no choice but to do sth 毫无选择只能... 27.D 过去分词changed即表被动,又表示动作已经完成 28.B be bound to do sth 一定会... 29.B be grateful for sth 感激... 30.A in accordance with...与...一致 31.D identical adj.同样的...

札达县14769331201: 两道英语词汇题,求高手分析! -
尾瑶肾上: 1、答案选B. maintenance是维修、保管、保持的意思.本句话意思: 该杂志在消减房屋维修费用方面提供优惠.2、本题答案C.yield生产;gather聚集;assemble召集;generate产生翻译:对于电视的大量报道有助于人们对运动等活动产生浓厚的兴趣.

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