
作者&投稿:糜榕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

from a faire[ to do ]源自 a faire[ 做 ]a[ to ]a[ 向 ]fromLatin ad 源自拉丁语 ad See Also : ad- faire[ to do ]faire[ 做 ]from facere 源自 facere See Also : dh¶- In Appendix affair business concern lookoutThe central meaning shared by these nouns is “...


forget\/remember to do ask to listen to have to ... watch\/hear\/see\/feel\/taste等感官动词加动词原形 还有好多呢,一时间只给你想了这么多~ 回答者:victory的眷恋 - 见习魔法师 二级 5-9 22:40a(an) art. 一(个、件……) ability n. 能力;才能 able a. 能够,有能力的 about prep. able ad. ...

十二.句型1:too +adj.\/adv.+to do The boy is too young to go to school.这孩子太小不能上学。 句型2:adj.\/ad v.+enough to do The girl is old enough to go to school.这女孩到了上学的年龄。 句型3:...in order to do He stood up in order to see better.他站了起来,好看清楚...

avoid doing sth.是什么意思?
avoid to do sth. 是语法错误。avoid doing sth. 是正确语法。意思是“避免做某事”。avoid英 [ə'vɒɪd] 美 [ə'vɔɪd] 是一个英语单词,可以用作及物动词,可以翻译为避开、避免,等等。v.(动词)vt. 回避; 避开; 躲避 预防; 防止 prevent sth bad ...

in order to do so as to do so that… in order that… 9、表示让步 though\/although no matter+疑问句 in spite of whatever\/however\/whoever even if\/ even though 10、表示递进或强调 besides 况且 what's more 更重要地是 thus 这样 above all 首先 indeed 的确 in fact\/ as a matter of fact ...

"What do you mean?" " Nothing in particular." “你是什么意思?" “没什么。"I noticed his eyes in particular, because they were very large. 我特别注意到他的眼睛,因为他的眼睛很大。11. tend to: be likely to do sth. or happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually...

Do you want to be successful in municating in english?now,just look at this book:,it not only give you the most popular slang,but provide the background information.no matter the english standerd you are now, you surely can use it,for the content is simple and fresh,even if you are...

The room is big enough for us___.为什么是to live in而不是to live...
首先需要知道这个关于enough的用法,可以看一下词典中enough的词条:(used after vs, adjs and advs 用於动词﹑ 形容词和副词之後)~ (for sb\/sth); ~ (to do sth\/for doing sth) to a satisfactory degree; sufficiently 达到满意的程度; 足够地; 充足地 这里,to do sth 修饰被enough修饰的...

agree to后面加do还是sth\/sb
没有agree to do和agree to sb用法。一般的,agree to sth,agree with sb.

邵弯18584776881问: have done doing是什么时态 -
伊通满族自治县西利回答: have done是现在完成时,后面加doing 没见过.have done和have been done有什么分别 一个是主动语态,一个是被动语态. 例如: 1、I have done my homework. 2、My homework has been done. 都可以解释为:我已经做完作业了.但是2中...

邵弯18584776881问: “had to” 后面的动词可以用过去式吗 -
伊通满族自治县西利回答: 不可以用过去式这个用法是have to do sth 不得不做某事这里变had 只是是时态0过去式,用法是不能变的所以to 后面还是要用原型````````````````````````````````````````答案有帮助还望及时采纳、谢谢、祝学习进步、

邵弯18584776881问: had,have 怎么用啊
伊通满族自治县西利回答: had 本身是过去时 用于过去时 had+过去分词表示发生在过去带给现在带来一定影响或还在继续 have 用于完成时态 have gone表示已经完成. 两个都有 用、吃喝、有的意思 have to/had to +do不得不怎么样 have表示主语本身就拥有的东西 The tree have leaves. 于 There be 不同的是there be的主语是被拥有

邵弯18584776881问: Europe has had to wait until the end of the 20th century for the Channel Tunnel.has had to do是什么时态? -
伊通满族自治县西利回答:[答案] have done是现在完成时,所以has是助动词 have to是不得不,所以have是实义动词

邵弯18584776881问: 被动语态什么时候用to do或doing -
伊通满族自治县西利回答: diong改为doing to do一般表目的,doing一般表原因(正在进行时) be动词过去分词+to do/doing是表示过去式的被动语态.而to do就是一般现在时.用过去式表将来时是不存在的,只有用现在进行时表将来时,但也只有部分动词有这个用法,比如come.i am coming!这句话是说 我就要到了 而不是 我正在来 .

邵弯18584776881问: 英语基本时态总结 -
伊通满族自治县西利回答: 时态(Tense)是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式.因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式. 英语时态分为16种:一般现在、一般过去、一般将来、过去将来时,以及这四者的进行时、完成时和完成...

邵弯18584776881问: have to的用法 -
伊通满族自治县西利回答:[答案]一、have to 与其他情态动词一样也是后接动词原形,表示外界的强制作用,强调被迫性.含有不情愿的色彩,常译为“必须,不得不”. 二、have to 可用于多种时态,而且不同时态使用不同的形式:一般现在时中,主语为第三人称单数时用has to ;...

邵弯18584776881问: have与had的用法 -
伊通满族自治县西利回答: 当主语是(I, we, they)时用have,had 是have的过去式.用法:1、后接过去分词,构成现在和过去完成、完成进行时.例如:2、 have had也可以作为一般动词,意为“拥有”“进行”“吃”“使得”“让”等.如果后接不定式,意为“不得不...

邵弯18584776881问: had had to 是什么时态 -
伊通满族自治县西利回答: 是动词 have to的过去完成时

邵弯18584776881问: have to有had to的用法吗 -
伊通满族自治县西利回答: 1、有had to 的用法,含义为不得不; 必须; 只好; 需; 必须 必须; had to 是have to 的过去式.2、例句 I had to keep in with the people who mattered. 我得和管事儿的人保持良好关系. I had papers relating to the children which my wife and I had to sign. 我有一些关于孩子的文件需要我和妻子签字. I felt I had to give him a chance. 我觉得自己必须给他个机会.

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