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I‘m gonna graduate from Wuyi University句子语法有错误吗?_百度知 ...
答:我们认为I‘m gonna graduate from Wuyi University. 这个句子是有错误的。应该把 ‘m gonna (=be going to)改为will.虽然be going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事。但是,两者的意义与用法还是有区别的。be going to 表示根据主观判断将来可能要发生的事情,或者计划将来去做...

graduate 1、作及物动词 vt. 时,有这几个意思:1.【美】准予...毕业;授予...学位 2.把...分等级;将...累进化 3.给...标上刻度 及物动词后面要带宾语 2.不及物动词 vi. 时有这几个意思 1.【英】大学毕业;【美】毕业[(+from)]2.取得资格[(+as)]3.逐渐变化,发展[Q]不及物...

一个二级、两个七级、一个十二级,居然给不出一个全对的答案。。。Which school did you graduate from?Where did you graduate from?凡是用do而不用did,或用了graduate没跟from的,都是取法基本英语语法知识

where did you graduate from?还是which university did you graduate...
这两个句子都对,不及物动词是可以跟介宾短语的。I graduated in Cambridge University.

“我毕业于…”用英语 I (was?) graduated from…
我毕业于...可以直接说:I graduated from ...graduate 可以直接是动词,因此在其之前不用加be动词,也不用其被动形式。比如说,我毕业于云南大学,可以直接说:I graduated from Yunnan University.用graduated过去式,表示已经从云南大学毕业了。

在语法和使用方法上,两者最明显的不同是,graduate可以用作动词和形容词,而postgraduate只能用作形容词和名词。此外,postgraduate强调深造和攻读研究生学位,而graduate则更强调已经获得学位。具体用法举例如下:Graduate:He graduated from Yale University last year. (他去年从耶鲁大学毕业。)Graduate:...

但因为 postgraduate 只有(形容词性:研究生的,与研究课程有关的)和(名词词性:研究生),而没有动词词性,也没有 postgraduation 的用法,所以 graduate 作为动词和 graduation 作为名词实际上可以用在任何的(毕业)。比如:He graduated from Peking University with a doctoral degree.(他从北京...

英语单词:关于graduate这个单词 到底是“我毕业”还是“我被毕业...
问1:这两个句子都是对的,其中第一句中的graduated为动词过去式,而第二句中的graduated为形容词,意为“毕业的”问2:I graduated from+学校名称 in+时间(年份\/月份)一般来说是地点在前时间在后,但如果说反了也不错。

leave school和graduate都有毕业的意思,有什么不同
leave school 的正确意思是“离校”,不一定是毕业,有可能是辍学、肄业。graduate是毕业的意思。所以它们还是有区别的。例句:After leaving school I went to the restaurant for dinner.这里 leaving school 意思是下课,放学。He needs three more credits to graduate.他需要再修3个学分才能毕业。

是这样的,朋友。语法上说,主谓宾。I是主语,graduated from 是不及物动词加介词构成谓语,宾语就是school了。I do not want study是错的,。要在want 后加to介词。if what,for what ,等它不在句首,还有I don`t kown what```类。不过一般是句首的。do 这个词很灵活,我告诉你,这个词以后...

邰力15014237175问: 结合graduate from 用下面几个词造句:1.Simon,a technical school2.the students,secondary sister,the college -
永修县降脂回答:[答案] Simon is in the ninth garde.He will graduate from a technical school.The students will graduate from secondary school this summer,My sister has graduate from the college since I began to study English

邰力15014237175问: 结合graduate from 用下面几个词造句: -
永修县降脂回答: Simon is in the ninth garde.He will graduate from a technical school. The students will graduate from secondary school this summer, My sister has graduate from the college since I began to study English

邰力15014237175问: graduate做动词时常与介词……连用 -
永修县降脂回答: graduate做动词时常与介词(from)连用graduate from意思是“从....毕业”. 例如:I graduated from Beijing University last year. 我上一年毕业于北京大学.

邰力15014237175问: 英语造句 -
永修县降脂回答: 1.graduate from (从...毕业) a. Simon graduated from a technical school. b. The students graduated from secondary school. c. My sister graduated from sthe college. 2.further one's study (深造,继续学习) a. I further my study in the college. b. ...

邰力15014237175问: “我毕业于…”用英语 I (was?) graduated from… -
永修县降脂回答: 我毕业于...可以直接说:I graduated from ....graduate 可以直接是动词,因此在其之前不用加be动词,也不用其被动形式.比如说,我毕业于云南大学,可以直接说:I graduated from Yunnan University.用graduated过去式,表示已经从云南大学毕业了.

邰力15014237175问: gradual的简单造句 谢谢 -
永修县降脂回答: He is a graduate in medicine. 他是医科毕业生. He is a graduate of Tokyo University. 他是东京大学的毕业生. He will graduate from the school in May. 他将要在五月份毕业. He eventually graduated from clerical work to his present role. 最终他从普通文员逐渐发展到现在的职位.

邰力15014237175问: 请问“毕业于…”这个英语词组怎么写? -
永修县降脂回答: graduated from含义: 毕业于1When John graduated from school, he decided that he was done with study for good and all.约翰从学校毕业时,决定永远不再和学习打交道了.《汉英大词典》2When the boys graduated from high school, Ann ...

邰力15014237175问: graduate in和graduate from 有什么区别? -
永修县降脂回答: graduate in: 毕业于...学科 例句与用法: 1. He is a graduate in medicine. 他是医科毕业生. 2. My son hopes to graduate in law, so as to become a lawyer. 我的儿子希望在大学攻读法律毕业成为律师. 3. He hopes his son to graduate in law, so ...

邰力15014237175问: 2个英语造句 -
永修县降脂回答: 1. a.Simon is graduated from a technical school. 西蒙毕业于一家技术学校. b.The students are graduated from a secondary school 学生们从中学毕业 c.My sister is graduated from the college. 我妹妹从大学毕业2. a. I further my study in the college. ...

邰力15014237175问: 英语短语造句,求求你们看看吧!(1).It is obvious (to sb) that … …是显而易见的/明显的 (2).be curious about/as to :对…好奇 (3).graduate from :从... -
永修县降脂回答:[答案] 1. It is obvious that she is wrong. 2. I am curious about the universe. 3. I graduated from Chongqing University. 4. They'll work on till sunset. 5. Sometimes I go by car. 6. Many boys dream of becomi...

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