
作者&投稿:华荷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“Dedicate”是一个动词,表示“献给、奉献、致力于”等含义,常用于描述将某个事物或行为献给某个人或某个目的的情况。例如:He dedicated his life to the cause of education.(他把自己的一生献给了教育事业。)The book is dedicated to my parents.(这本书是献给我父母的。)The artist ...

devote和dedicate的区别 一、读音不同 devote 英[dɪˈvəʊt] 美[dɪˈvoʊt]dedicate 英[ˈdedɪkeɪt] 美[ˈdedɪkeɪt]二、释义不同 devote v.致力于; 献(身); 奉献,投入(时间、精力等); 将(文章或讲...

"devote to do" 与"contribute to"有什么区别,它们分别又有什么用处...
devote to do give(oneself,one's time,etc.)freely to,dedicate to 致力于;献身于 She has devoted herself to the medical science.她一直致力于医学研究。contribute to 1.give(money or time)to;supply(written materials)to 捐(款);把(时间)投入;投(稿) to bring ...

and kit it out with the basics.贡献出一个小架子或一个抽屉来装午餐材料,将基本用品装备齐全。短语:dedicate to 献 ; 致力于 ; 奉献 dedicate oneself to 致力于某事 They dedicate their lives 他们牺牲他们的生命 ; 他们奉献自己的人生 ; 他们尽他们的所能 devote-dedicate 投身 ; 致力 ...

dedicate to 和be dedicated to 用法意思有什么区别吗?
be dedicated 是被动词,如果是以上的例子,用dedicated to比较合适

dedicate to doing?dedicate to后是加动名词吗
dedicate yourself\/ sth. to sth.dedicate yourself\/ sth. to doing sth.也就是说to后可以跟名词,也可以跟动名词。

1.dedicate[ˈdedɪkeɪt]vt.献身,奉献2.pursue[pəˈsju:]vt.追赶,追求;从事vi.追赶; 继续进行3.revise[rɪˈvaɪz]vt.修订; 修正; 改变;复习; vi.修订,校订4.yield[ji:ld]vt.屈服,投降; 生产; 获利5.imply[ɪmˈplaɪ]vt.暗示; 意味; 隐含; 说明,表明6.frustrate[frʌ...

dedicate to后跟doing 还是do???

第一句dedicate to而不是in 第二句改为teaching proposes,envelopement你是想说development吧?第二段第一句改为institutions,take part 后面加 in 最后不要用a high quality of scholarly level,因为需要的是“学术水平”而不是“高质量”。而且水平只有高低只说,而没有质量之说,因此建议改为...

● dedicate 正式用词,指某人对高尚的事业坚定的决心和信念,并为其奉献一切,乃至生命。devote 普通用词,指决心把全部身心、精力、时间等献给某一目标、人或事业,并不十分强调对理想的奉献,而更多地强调出于热心,爱好而奉献。两者只是意义侧重不同,常可替换。常用结构是:dedicate \/devote…… to...

兆眨13849039016问: dedicated to 与be dedicated to的用法有什么区别 -
宾阳县生血回答: 一,意义不同.“dedicated to”,奉献...来.....例如:I believe he was an honourable man, dedicated to the people and his union 我认为他是个品行高洁的人,一心奉献于人民和工会的事业.“be dedicated to”,致力于.....例如:China will ...

兆眨13849039016问: dedicate的用法 -
宾阳县生血回答:[答案] dedicate A to ( doing ) B :把A奉献到(做)B 上,如 1 We dedicate this book of our trips to our 78-year-old grandpa. 翻译:我们把我们的旅游记事这本书奉献给我们78岁的爷爷 2 She has dedicated much of her time to taking care of the old in the ...

兆眨13849039016问: “be dedicated to”是什么意思? -
宾阳县生血回答: be dedicated to致力于; 献身于造句: 1. A monument was dedicated to the memory of the national hero. 人们建立了一座纪念碑以纪念这位民族英雄. 2. The society was dedicated to furthering the cause of world peace. 该协会致力于推动世界和平事业.

兆眨13849039016问: decide to do怎么造句!!!!!!急用!!!!!!!!!!! -
宾阳县生血回答: 1、You first have to decide to do it.首先你必须下定决心去做. 2、We decide to do it on your suggestion.我们决定照你的建议做.3、What'd you decide to do about the movie?你决定那部电影该怎么办了吗? 4、We decide to do so.我们...

兆眨13849039016问: dedicate是不是献给,送给的意思 -
宾阳县生血回答: 献给,送给和奉献的意思都有 资料: dedicate vt. 献出, 贡献 相关资料 vt. 1. 以...奉献,以...供奉[(+to)] The monument was dedicated to the memory of the national hero. 这座碑是为纪念那位民族英雄而建造的. 2. 为(建筑物等)举行落成典...

兆眨13849039016问: dedicate造几个句子 -
宾阳县生血回答: dedicate ['dedikeit] v. 献出 词形变化: 名词:dedicator 动词过去式:dedicated 过去分词:dedicated 现在分词:dedicating 第三人称单数:dedicates 例句与用法: She dedicated her first book to her husband. 她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫. ...

兆眨13849039016问: dedicate to和devote to的区别 -
宾阳县生血回答: dedicate to:通常用dedicate sth. to(把某物奉献给…) devote to:主要用devote oneself to(把自己奉献给…事业)

兆眨13849039016问: 用 dictionary造句 -
宾阳县生血回答: 1. Throw me that dictionary. 把那本词典扔给我. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 2. She bought an English dictionary for me. 她给我买了一本英语词典. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 3. To my teacher I dedicate this dictionary in token of affection and gratitude. 我谨以此词典献给我的老师,以表示对他的爱戴和感激之情

兆眨13849039016问: devoted to 同义短语
宾阳县生血回答: dedicate to /give one's life for /contribute to

兆眨13849039016问: dedicate oneself to是什么意思 -
宾阳县生血回答: [释义]献身; 专心致力于; 全力以赴;

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