
作者&投稿:黄维 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

再庙19761105406问: 求辣妈辣妹英文观后感 - --100词的就行 -
曲靖市奥硝回答: By all rights, "Freaky Friday" should have been little more than a cinematic footnote, the latest example of a movie remake that didn't need to be made. But sometimes the seemingly impossible happens, and filmmakers actually manage to ...

再庙19761105406问: 谁看过辣妈辣妹,帮我用英文写个观后感 -
曲靖市奥硝回答: I enjoyed watching The Freaky Friday, i dont care i love it

再庙19761105406问: freaky friday100字左右英文影评 -
曲靖市奥硝回答: I really enjoyed watching this movie. I have seen it a number of time and I see something new each time I see the movie. I though it was a great job of casting for the characters. Each character had their own way of making their role fit in the movie and...

再庙19761105406问: 辣妈辣妹(Freaky Friday)英文影评 -
曲靖市奥硝回答: To make Freaky Friday work perfectly; you would have to believe that Jamie Lee Curtis is Lindsay Lohan and Lindsay Lohan is Jamie Lee Curtis. Although at times it seemed that way, at other times, it just seemed like Lohan was trying to be Curtis ...

再庙19761105406问: 英文电影的观后感的题目怎么写? -
曲靖市奥硝回答: 观后感,就是看..之后的感受呗,感受是thinking么好像,自己再查查,那就是Thinking after seeing the film xxx(电影名)

再庙19761105406问: 辣妈辣妹(Freaky Friday)英文影评辣妈辣妹(Freaky Friday)英文影评 要英语的,2000词急 -
曲靖市奥硝回答:[答案] 给你4篇地道外国人写的英文影评,又长有专业,

再庙19761105406问: 跪求英语高手,帮忙翻译一段文章,高分
曲靖市奥硝回答: Recently we watched a movie "Freaky Friday", lets my feelings quite a lot, in the play mother and the daughter have many contradictions, between each other cannot understand mutually, mother decides the second marriage, the daughter likes the...

再庙19761105406问: 关于Freaky Friday里的一个女生
曲靖市奥硝回答:* 杰米•李•柯蒂斯(饰演“母亲”) 我们完全有理由相信,杰米•李•柯蒂斯可以用母亲的“老龄”身体演出女儿的叛逆性格.看看她在《一条叫旺达的鱼》中神乎其神的演出,在《真实的谎言》中大跳艳舞的开放尺度,在《月光光心慌慌》...

再庙19761105406问: 请用简单的语言帮我介绍《Freaky Friday》(辣妈辣妹)的剧情介绍!
曲靖市奥硝回答: 妈妈是个心理医生,女儿是个叛逆学生.妈妈受不了女儿的摇滚乐和青春期的问题.女儿受不了妈妈的新男友和对自己的管教.在一个中餐馆吃了老板送的曲奇饼,妈妈和女儿在第二天发现竟然互换了身分.在妈妈和女儿互换了身分的时间里,母女开始休验对方的生活,从而相互有了新的认同.然而妈妈马上就要结婚了,所以她们必须相办法变回原来的自己.在订婚酒会上,妈妈和女儿在彼此认同后,终于变回了自己.

再庙19761105406问: 电影《女男变错身》好看吗 -
曲靖市奥硝回答: 梦幻妈妈(virtual mom) 因为一张神奇的光盘,妈妈变成了女儿的同班同学…… 辣妈辣妹 (freaky friday 2003) 单身母亲和15岁的女儿总在斗嘴互不理解.一块神秘的幸运饼干的参与下,妈妈跑到女儿的身体中,而女儿则变成妈妈的样子. ...

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