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①详细了解失物的形状、特征、价值,分析可能的丢失时间地点,积极帮助寻找 Detailed knowledge of the shape,feature,value of the lost good,as well as the time and location when good was lost.This will aide in the search.②若是进关时登记并需复带出境的或是贵重物品,接待社要开具证明,...

2, water shape wins, natural beauty series State AAAA-class tourist scenic spot Baiyangdian, surface area of 366 square kilometers, lake areas are 39 villages, more than 3700 of ditch trench, 12 million mu of reeds split into size, shape 143 different lake park is a bird in H...

3D MAX9 英文版 英文翻译
Show Transorm Gizmo 显示变换指向器 Show Ghosting 显示克隆 Shade Selected 光滑显示所先物体 Show Dependencies Match Camera to View 匹配相机到视 Add Default Lights to Scene 添加默认球境灯光到场景 Refraw all Views 重画所有视图 Deactivate All Maps 取消所有贴图预览 Update During Spinner Drag ...

求医药类高手帮忙翻译超声检查报告(中译英),请按标准报告格式翻译~! 中...
子宫长径Uterine length xxmm ,前后径anteroposterior diameter xxmm ,横径 diameter xxmm ,大小正常ormal size,后位 rear position 子宫内膜厚度endometrium thickness Xmm, 回声均匀echo uniform.宫颈形态正常 the shape of cervix is normal(这一句直译的),宫颈管结构显示 cervical canal structure shows...

群组菜单命令的英文是:Group视图菜单命令的英文是:Views保存当前顶视图命令的英文是:Save Active Top View显示视图背景命令的英文是:Viewport Background显示变换指向器命令的英文是:Show Transorm Gizmo自定义菜单命令的英文是:Customize 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 ...

Generally, I try to achieve something quite humble in its materials and not screamingly loud in its shape.?\/i> In complete contrast, Ron Arad makes expressive furniture out of metal, glass and even concrete. Inspired by the 憄unk?movement in Britain in the late 70s and 80s, he formed ...

spring 该怎么理解?
spring n.春季, 春天 青春, 初期 跳跃, 跳起, 弹回 弹性[力], 活力 弹簧, 发条 泉; 源泉 [常用复]根源, 动机, 原动力 [pl. ]大潮期 裂缝, 裂开;【航海】倒缆, (甲板的)上翘, 转向锚索;【建】起拱点[面]【杓球】棒的弯曲 make a spring at sth.向某物扑去 a hot spring 温泉 th...

and there is a river, the hole hole, known as the "first wonders" lingnan. "The laudatory name" lingnan first wonders in zhaoqing QiXingYan zhumadian city. Seven difform sheer stands on the lake and its limestone shapes layout in heaven, "the big dipper QiXingYan". Lang named...

Show Transorm Gizmo 显示变换指向器Show Ghosting 显示克隆Shade Selected 光滑显示所先物体Show Dependencies Match Camera to View 匹配相机到视Add Default Lights to Scene 添加默认球境灯光到场景Refraw all Views 重画所有视图Deactivate All Maps 取消所有贴图预览Update During Spinner Drag 当拖动时屏新Exper ...

Route Xiaweidian—Dingjiatan—Dajuesi river valley
(2)Paleo-river valley:Look westf rom the massif(where there is a telephone pole),where one will see a low-lying,u V”shape valley,trending E-W.The botto m o f the valley is approximately as high as the massif,o r a little higher.This valley is a paleo-river valley. Deep-cut me...

上咳13224864630问: shape,form的区别 -
永寿县先凌回答:[答案] shape 主要指物体的形状 form 主要指事物的形式 望采纳

上咳13224864630问: form做动词有没被动语态 -
永寿县先凌回答: form 可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词,在句子中当不及物动词时,没有被动语态,当及物动词时,可以有被动语态.如:vi. 形成,产生; 排队,整队A queue forms outside Peter's study. 彼得书房外面排起了队.The teacher gave orders for the students to form into lines. 老师命令学生们站成几排.vt. 形成; 构成; 组织; 塑造Huge ice sheets were formed. 巨大的冰层形成了.

上咳13224864630问: shape和form有什么区别? -
永寿县先凌回答: shapen. 形状;模型;身材;具体化 vt. 形成;塑造,使成形;使符合 vi. 形成;成形;成长formn. 形式,形状;形态,外形;方式;表格 vt. 构成,组成;排列,组织;产生,塑造 vi. 形成,构成;排列

上咳13224864630问: style fashion shape form 这几个词的区别?style fashion都有“款式、时尚、风尚”的意思,shape form都有“形状”的意思,它们的具体含意、用法有什么不... -
永寿县先凌回答:[答案] style常指个人风格 而fashion是流行风尚 shape是具体物体的外观形状 form是抽象事物的组成

上咳13224864630问: shpae form figure 的区别
永寿县先凌回答: form , figure , shape 这三个名词的一般含义为“形状”或“外形”. 是个最普通、使用范围最广、含义最多的词,哲学上讲的“形态”,文艺上讲的“体裁”,雕刻艺术上讲的“形状”,以及普通含义的“方式”或“形式”等,它都可以表示....

上咳13224864630问: mold 和form ,shape的区别,请详细一点 -
永寿县先凌回答: mold是霉菌、模具的意思!figure; shape;form 这组名词都有“形状”的意思. shape 着重指人或物等的比较具体的整个外形,不太正式;form指有实体结构和看得见的某种特殊形状或是抽象的形式;figure指物时,侧重指轮廊,指人时,着重...

上咳13224864630问: shape 做动词时后面加远行还是doing -
永寿县先凌回答: shape作动词时后面接doing,因为只有情态动词或者使意动词后面可以接原形,而shape做动词表示的是“塑造,使……成型”,虽然有使用的意思,但是如果是“使……成型”后面接不了动词了,只能接一个名词,所以shape和其他一般动词一样,接doing和不定式to do(不定式可以表目的状语,塑造XXX来...)

上咳13224864630问: form ,type,shape,kind的区别和用法谢谢 -
永寿县先凌回答:[答案] form form AHD:[fôrm] D.J.[f%8rm] K.K.[f%rm] n.(名词) The shape and structure of an object. 形状:物体的样子和构造 The body or outward appearance of a person or an animal considered separately from the face or head; figure. 形体,身材:动物...

上咳13224864630问: form和way的区别? -
永寿县先凌回答: 这两个单词一般不会有关联,估计楼主之所以这么问是因为form和way都有近似“方法,方式”的意思.form更强调客观物质的形式,方式,格式, 例如 【Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water.冰、雪、蒸汽是水的不同形式. 】way则强调事情解决的方法,form则不可以用来作为事情解决方法.例如 【They are trying to find a way of settling the dispute.他们正设法寻找解决争端的办法.】

上咳13224864630问: form和pattern区捌是什么 -
永寿县先凌回答: form 外形,形状 pattern 模式 shape 形状;形态 way 方式,方法

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