
作者&投稿:蓝钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

【1】If the sun were to rise in the west, Id never change my mind to love you forever 即使太阳从西边出来,我对你的爱也不会改变。(顺便温习一下虚拟语气吧) 【2】Im so happy with you in this starry night 在这繁星闪烁的夜晚,跟你在一起非常快乐。 【3】I love stars, and y...

1、歌词:WellIheardtherewasasecretchord我听说有个神秘的和弦 ThatDavidplayed,anditpleasedtheLord大卫弹奏以取悦主 Butyoudontreallycareformusic,doya?可你并不关心音乐,不是么?Wellitgoeslikethis它这样奏起 Thefourth,thefifth四度,五度(2)Theminorfallandthemajorlift小调降,大调升 Thebaffledki...

These non-intelligence factor in the growth process, the talented person having the effect that cannot ignore. A high level of intelligence, if he's non-intellective factor not well developed, often without much success. Instead, one of the average intelligence, if he's got a good development...

with its dynamic writing and its harsh, rebarbative fugue, and op.110, which also has fugues and much eccentric writing at the instrument's extremes of compass; there is a great Mass and a Choral Symphony, no.9 in d Minor, where the extended variation-finale is a setting...

1 above - below 2 after - before 3 always--never 4 ask - answer 5 At night—in the daytime 6 back - front 7 bad - good 8 behind--in front of 9 big - small 10 black—white 11 borrow - lend 12 borrow—give---back 13 bring-take 14 Busy- free 15 buy - sell 16 ...

blue tiger造句 blue tigerの例文 "blue tiger"是什么意思
The "' Blue Tiger "'( manufacturer designation : "'DE-AC33C "') is a type of high powered diesel-electric lootive developed by ADtranz in association with General Electric.She has signed a contract with Fresno, Capf .-based Blue Tiger Records, and was planning to return ...

纳峡13173432802问: five. 的用法 和变法 -
宣州区益肝回答: 基数词:five 序数词:fifth 你的采纳是我们继续答题的动力O(∩_∩)O~

纳峡13173432802问: four out of five和four fifths有区别吗 -
宣州区益肝回答: four out of five和four fifths的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、含义不同 1.four out of five 释义:五分之四的. 例句: Because when I was pitching, I hit Victor four out of five pitches. 因为我投球时五次有四次击中维特呢! 2.four ...

纳峡13173432802问: 英语数词有哪些用法? -
宣州区益肝回答: 数词分基数词和序数词.基数词表示数目,序数词表示顺序.1. 基数词的用法(1) 基数词在句中主要用作主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语,例如:Thirty of them are Party members. (主语)--- How many would you like ?--- Three , please .(...

纳峡13173432802问: 第18题为什么选D.five和fifth在这句话里有什么区别?谢谢啊 -
宣州区益肝回答: five 是基数词五而fifth是序数词第五

纳峡13173432802问: 英语:基数词和序数词的区别 -
宣州区益肝回答:[答案] 序数词 英语上数词分为两大类:基数词和序数词.序数词:是指表示顺序的数词.其主要形式: (1)从第一至第十九 其中,one— first, two— second, three— third, five— fifth,eight—eighth,nine—ninth,twelve— twelfth为特殊形式,其它的序数词都是由...

纳峡13173432802问: 英语中基数词与序数词的区别和用法 -
宣州区益肝回答: 基数词表示数量的多少序数词表示事物的先后顺序,往往与定冠词the 连用 基数词变为序数词,大多数加th.特殊:one–first two–second three–third five–fifth twelve–twelfth nine–ninth eight–eighth 以y结尾的整数,去y改为ie,再加th 例如twenty–twentieth thirty–thirtieth thirty-five,twenty-two这类基数词变为序数词,将"-"后面的那个基数词变为序数词就行了 例如 thirty-five–thirty-fifth twenty-two–twenty-second (以上用法并不完整,欢迎补充)

纳峡13173432802问: 基数词和序数词怎么用 -
宣州区益肝回答: 表示数目和顺序的词叫做数词.数词又分基数词和序数词,基数词表示数量,序数词表示顺序. 4.1基数词的构成和用法 (1)最基本的基数词如下表所示: (2)基数词的写法 ① 21~99 的两位数,十位与个位之间用连字符“-”.例: ◇ 21 twenty-...

纳峡13173432802问: 50的英文是什么 ? -
宣州区益肝回答: fifty/ ˈfɪftɪ; ˋfɪftɪ/ pron, det 50; one more than forty-nine 50, 五十(个). =>App 4 见附录4.> fiftieth / ˈfɪftɪəθ; ˋfɪftɪɪθ/ pron, det 50th; next after forty-ninth 第50, 第五十(个). n one of fifty equal parts of sth 五十分之一.fifty n 1.the...

纳峡13173432802问: fⅰve英语怎么说? -
宣州区益肝回答: five 英 [faɪv] 美 [faɪv] n. 五,五个;五美元钞票num. 五,五个adj. 五的;五个的n. (Five)人名;(挪)菲弗[ 复数 fives ]词组短语: five hundred 五百分(牌戏,一种以得500分为胜局的游戏) five star 五星级的;第一流的 five dynasties 五代 ...

纳峡13173432802问: 谁知道数词的具体使用规则可以给些例题解释 一定要详细、明了(不然不给分) -
宣州区益肝回答:[答案] 数 词:主要分为基数词和序数词两类. 一、 数词的分类 1. 基数词 表示数目的词称为基数词.其形式如下: A.从1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten. B.从 11——19 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,...

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