
作者&投稿:兆昆印 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

irst是Infrared Search and Track的缩写,意思是红外线探测与追踪。或者是infrared signal translator的缩写,意思是红外信号转换器。eots是End of Test的缩写,意思是试验结束。美国海军官员授权波音公司防务、空间与安全部门全面开发红外搜索与跟踪系统(IRST),IRST系统用于F\/A-18E\/F舰载喷气式歼击轰炸机(...

irstf可以组成的单词是: first.

breakfast is important to people’s body health. In my opinion, I’m convinced that we should have breakfast because it is good for our body health.irst of all, breakfast offer us the energy we need for the day. Before breakfast, our body has consumed all the energy we get ...

他筛选在权证ofticer皇家工程cocpsrank战争结束后。retuinedto在electricaltrade onioneventuahy beuoming prcsident的德文郡和O R N W L L集团在上世纪20年代开始积极在理论inuclved口温lcnonh工党的dockyardbecane prominerot(吉姆尼)摩西、伯特美迪澜\/人哈利梅森time1926 plymowth的IRST abvur mayo...

那位兄弟 帮我找份 药物销售的外文文献啊 高分
英文摘要:During 2003 and 2004, marine pharmacology research directed towards the discovery and development of novel anti-tumour agents was published in 163 peer-reviewed articles. The purpose of this reviewis to present a structured assessment of the anti-tumour and cytotoxic properties of 150 ...

butter是什么意思中文 butter意思介绍
1、butter的中文意思是:黄油;奶油。2、例句:She buttered four thick slices of bread.她用黄油涂了四片厚面包。irst, melt two ounces of butter.先熔好两盎司黄油。Beat the butter and sugar; then blend in the egg.把黄油和糖打好,然后调入鸡蛋。 should study hard. A at first B first of all C for_百度知...
选B A at first 表示一开始,主要强调时间。B first of all 表示最主要的,最首要的。C for the fiirst time 第一次,for the first time ,i win the game。我第一次赢得了比赛。D the first ,用在句子中,不能单独拿出来做插入语。

Thanksgiving Day is o( n)the fourth Thursday of November.The f(irst )Thanksgiving Day was in( the)1621.On Thanksgiving Day,p(eople )in America get together with family and f( irends).People e(at )food like turkey(火鸡 )and pumpkin pies(南瓜馅饼 ).On Thanksgiving Day ...

meeting you is the happirst thing in mylofe 这句话是什么意思_百度...
meeting you is the happirst thing in mylofe. 翻译:遇见你是我生命中最快乐的事。重点词汇 meeting 会议 ; 集会 ; 与会者 ; 会面 ; 集合 ; 相遇 ; 相逢 ; 遇见 ; 开会 ; 会晤 ; meet的现在分词 thing 事情 ; 东西 ; 事物 ; 物 ; 物件 ; 物品 ; 用品,衣服 ; 用具 英语翻译技巧...

翻译英语作文 假设你是汤姆,正在北京学习汉语,准备下周去参观一些名胜...
Hey Tourirst Agency,I am planing to visit some place of interests in Peking.Now I want to ask you several questions abouts your advertisement.字数限制啦···

氐要13246667324问: 写英语作文中第一、二···中用什么词? first of all,secondly ,and then,finally还是first,second -
汤原县复方回答: 序数词:第一:first第二:second第三:third第四:forth第五:fifth 数字:one、two、three...... 顺序的词:首先 first of all,第二步:secondly ,然后:and then接下来next最后finally

氐要13246667324问: first 与 first of all有什么区别 -
汤原县复方回答: 来多一点比较,让你更明了 -------- above all;after all;first of all;in all用法辨析:①above all意为“最重要的是;尤其是”,强调要引起特别注意.如:We must work,and above all we must believe in ourselves.我们必须工作,尤其重要的是我们必...

氐要13246667324问: 中考英语写作常用短语.急 -
汤原县复方回答: 1.表文章结构顺序:First of all,Firstly/First,Secondly/Second… And then,Finally,In the end,At last2.表并列补充关系的:What is more,Besides,Moreover,Furthermore,In addition3.表转折对比关系的:However,On the contrary,but Although+clause( ...

氐要13246667324问: first of all与above all的区别 -
汤原县复方回答:[答案] 来多一点比较,让你更明了--------above all;after all;first of all;in all用法辨析:①above all意为“最重要的是;尤其是”,强调要引起特别注意.如:We must work,and above all we must believe in ourselves....

氐要13246667324问: first of all的同义短语 -
汤原县复方回答: the most important of all at first to start with to begin with firstly in the first place in the beginning at the beginning of

氐要13246667324问: first,at first,first of all,firstly之间的区别 -
汤原县复方回答: first形容词,细分为序数词,属于特指范围限定作用词.常与基数词连用.也可以当副词用. at first,一开始,起先 first of all首先,重要的是 firstly只能做副词用,首先,第一.

氐要13246667324问: fist of all与first的区别 -
汤原县复方回答: 他们没有什么根本上的区别 但是first of all 一般用在句首做一个引导下文的作用 但是 first 一般前面跟 at, in the 或其他的词组 所以这就是区别 如果还有问题的话找我 呵呵

氐要13246667324问: at first 与 first of all 有什么区别 -
汤原县复方回答: at first=at the beginning,表示“当初,起初(但后来……)first of all表示“首先”;“最重要的”,说明顺序,是时间上或一系列行动的开始,后面往往接next, then等.

氐要13246667324问: first of all,at first,in the beginning有什么区别 -
汤原县复方回答: first of all 表示“首先,第一”,相当于first.比如: First of all, allow me to extend to you my warmest welcome. 首先,请允许我向你们表达我最热烈的欢迎. First of all, you should hold an organizing committee meeting. 首先,我们应该召开一个...

氐要13246667324问: first of all, besides, what's more, last but not least等这些叫什么词呢 -
汤原县复方回答: 词性上都是副词. 他们经常起到承上启下的作用.就叫他们关联词 吧!希望对你有用,如有帮助,请及时采纳.

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