
作者&投稿:严眉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

jiamin () f() his homework last night . mr white w() o() the p...
jiamin (didn't) f(inish) his homework last night . mr white w(as) o(n) the phone at 8:00 late night .

Inishkea的《True》 歌词
歌曲名:True 歌手:Inishkea 专辑:100 Pan Pipe Chillouts True Black Eyed Peas Yeah, I know, I know Yeah, It's true, It's true Huh huh huh hu-uh huh I know this much is true Huh huh huh hu-uh huh I know this much is true Hey x 6 (Its true)My x6 (Is true)Hey...

They wish you to give a loud "burp" after you f_inish___ eating . Burping shows that you like the food .In Britain , you should t_ry___ not to put your hands on the table when you're havinga meal . In Mexico , however , guests may keep their hands on the tabl...

急需《27 dresses》的全部英文台词
Isn't that, like, the eighth time you climbed Mount Whitney? - How do you remember that stuff, Jane? - I don't know. - So we just got these in. What do you think? - I think they're too corporate. That's what I was thinking: They don't have enough of a feel ofbeing- Out...

No, you can't. You have already kept it for so long.can't表示不能 mustn't表示禁止 won't表示将不会 b,d句意错误 用may I ...提问表示我能...吗?不用may not回答, 且keep为及物动词必须后加宾语,如keep it 2. B At last he was able to finish the work ahead of

Inishkea的《Images》 歌词
歌曲名:Images 歌手:Inishkea 专辑:100 Pan Pipe Chillouts image - John Lennon Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today...Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or...

英语问题 【二】
v. 示意, 波动, 致意; 使波动, 挥舞, 使飘扬 2、“at once”的意思是?(除第一次外)这个词组好像没有第一次的意思,只有 立刻,马上 的意思。once的意思是一次,曾经,一旦,从前,词性很多 3、比较级\/最高级 可以直接加在人称代词后面么? He is trying his best to understand his ...

你决定好什么时候来了吗 用英语怎么说
Have you decided when to come?or Have you decided when you will come?or Have you made a decision when to come?祝你开心如意!

Inishkea的《Easy》 歌词
歌曲名:Easy 歌手:Inishkea 专辑:100 Pan Pipe Chillouts Sirens - E-A-S-Y It was never gonna be easy So don't you try and please me Another one hits the highway Cos i always want it my way E.A.S.E YZ It comes as no surpriszee It was never gonna be easy So go ...

1 not strong enough 2 It is , to fiinish 3 How can 4 unless 5 have diffictulties finishing 1 comes , will call 2 don't water , will die 3 have 4 do , will be 5 to clean 6 using ( practise doing sth 固定用法 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!

申是13560691090问: finish后使用to do还是doing如果两者都能用 那麻烦解释一下有何不同 -
嘉善县利脑回答:[答案] 两个用法都可以. FINISH TO DO 是做完一件事,再开始做另一件; FINISH DOING是单纯指完成了一件事.

申是13560691090问: finish加to do 还是doing -
嘉善县利脑回答:[答案] finish doing sth

申是13560691090问: finish后接doing 还是to do -
嘉善县利脑回答:[答案] doing

申是13560691090问: finish后使用to do还是doing -
嘉善县利脑回答: 两个用法都可以.FINISH TO DO 是做完一件事,再开始做另一件; FINISH DOING是单纯指完成了一件事.

申是13560691090问: finish + doing还是+to do? -
嘉善县利脑回答:[答案] doing

申是13560691090问: finish后加不加to do?
嘉善县利脑回答: finish doing 固定搭配

申是13560691090问: finish后接doing还是todo -
嘉善县利脑回答: finishdoingsth

申是13560691090问: 有没有finish+to+do -
嘉善县利脑回答: 没有,因为finish后面接动词时一般用现在分词形式,也就是finish后面的动词要加ing.

申是13560691090问: finish的用法? -
嘉善县利脑回答: vt. 1. 结束;完成[+v-ing] When does he finish his college course? 他何时大学毕业? I haven't finished reading the book yet. 我还没读完这本书. 2. 对...最后加工,润饰[(+off)] We'll finish our new home today and move in tomorrow. 我们今天对...

申是13560691090问: Finished to do 与Finished doing 有什么区别? -
嘉善县利脑回答: Finish 后面没有跟to do ,只能跟doing Finished doing就是做完了一件事还有一些to do 和doing有区别的是: 1)stop to do &stop doing stop to do 停下来某件事去做另外的一件事情 stop doing 停止做某事2)forget to do 和forget doing3)remember to do和remeber doing 总之,这些都是一样的分析的.

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