
作者&投稿:之趴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

sitting, him, have


People in different countries have different ways of doing things. Something that is polite in one country may be quite impolite in a__nother____. In Britain , you mustn't lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having some liquid food . But it's different in China . And in Japan you even needn't w_orry____ about making much noise when you have it . It shows that you are enjoying it . But people in Britain think it a bad manner . If you are a v_isitor______ in Mongolia , what manners do they wish you to have ? They wish you to give a loud "burp" after you f_inish_____ eating . Burping shows that you like the food .
In Britain , you should t_ry______ not to put your hands on the table when you're havinga meal . In Mexico , however , guests may keep their hands on the table d__uring____ a meal . But in Arab countries you must be very careful with your hands . You m__ustn't_____ eat with your left hand . Arabs think it a very bad manner eating with left hands . So , what would you do if you are on a visit to another country ? You can ask the local people to help you or just watch carefully and follow them .




another worry visitor finish try during mustn't

you mustn't lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having some liquid food . But it's different in China . And in Japan you even needn't w_orry___ about making much noise when you have it . It shows


我举个例子:Weweresinging,“Happybirthdaytoyou…”Mymotherwassmiling,surroundedbymyfather,mylittlesisterandme.Itwastimetosend... 求200字以上英语首字母文章填空10篇,包括答案。我举个例子:We were singing, “Happy birthday to you…” My mother was smiling, surrounded by my father, my little sister ...

no assistant will come near to you and say ,'can l help---you 'you needn't buy anything---you don't want.you may try to find where the book you want is but if you want---,the assistant


英语首字母填空:关键策略揭示 首字母填空在英语学习中究竟扮演着怎样的角色?专家有言:“英语之路,首字母填空是门槛,突破它,就意味着掌握了英语的核心。”在紧张的上海中考中,这一题型占据了14分,看似简单的默写题,实则隐藏着挑战。尽管在2022年的考试中,76%的得分率显得诱人,但在难度提升的...

英语首字母填空的技巧和方法如下:1, 通读文章,读懂了才能下一步,读不懂什么都扯淡了.&如果这篇文章给你的单词你不识,那有缺口的单词基本你也表想的.正确熟练地掌握运用一定量单词是首要任务。那么多少单词需要.范围在绿色的上海初中英语考试大纲里,中考的题目不能超过这本超过了算生产事故,要追究...

请问如何做英语短文首字母填空,有什么方法与技巧吗?谢谢大家了_百度知 ...
建议你去买一本《初中英语小题大做:短文填空·首字母填空》做做。1. 通读短文知大意看整体全面了解 与阅读理解题和其它类型的完形填空一样首先要通读短文了解文章的大意。每篇短文段落之间必然承上启下、前呼后应。因此通读全文时要一气呵成只要能了解短文...


I am an English girl.I have beautiful short curly blonde hair,but I don't have any hair clips because I (cannot) stand them.I have lots of baseball caps and I like (them),because I like (sport) and I often wear sports clothes.I have a nice cartoon watch.My cousin ...

定安县14742657668: 英语短文:首字母填空 (只有一篇,It was a very cold morning.Some children were (s___1____) on the ice.It was snowing hard but they enjoyed them selves ... -
锁饼六味:[答案] 1.skating 2.in 3.Just 4.and 5.after

定安县14742657668: 帮忙完成一篇英语首字母填空文章,速求.. -
锁饼六味: full ;like;travelers(tourists);tasty

定安县14742657668: 英语短文 首字母填空英语短文,根据首字母提示填空. Many years ago, cats lived with people in their caves.The cats kept the caves s_______from snakes.They... -
锁饼六味:[答案] 1.safe 2.like 3.because 4.Sometimes 5.its

定安县14742657668: 急~!!!求7篇英语首字母填空
锁饼六味: this is a difficult task. however ,if you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson , you will find it not so hard 1.a___ you might have thought. writing is also 2.n___ .it helps you a lot on our way 3.t____ success in english you should be able to 4.l____ ...

定安县14742657668: 拜托咯~给几篇英语首字母填空的文章HO,越多越好啦~ -
锁饼六味: Summer is a good season for holiday.It is often very hot during the months of July and August.Students usually do not go to school during these two months.Most (f ) like to travel during their summer holidays.Many families (t )their food to a park.They ...

定安县14742657668: 首字母填空短文,一个u开头空格I am writing to tell you about my problems with my family.I am very u.now and i need help. -
锁饼六味:[答案] I am writing to tell you about my problems with my family.I am very (upset/unhappy) now and i need help. upset 沮丧 unhappy 不开心

定安县14742657668: 根据首字母提示填空,完成短文. -
锁饼六味: Here is a (park). We can see (three) students in it.There are two (girls) and one boy.They sit under a big (tree). In the tree, there is a little bird.There is a small (house) near the tree. It is a playhouse. The students often (play) there.

定安县14742657668: 英语首字母短文填空 -
锁饼六味: take,thought,why,used,friends,parent,feel,real

定安县14742657668: 英语 首字母填空完成短文
锁饼六味: plane winter different had shining museum shopping enjoyed gifts beach

定安县14742657668: 英语短文,根据首字母填空,在线等.There are m______in a year .In different months,we have diffrernt e____.Our school's birthday is S____.It's the n___ - ... -
锁饼六味:[答案]months(月份) events(事件) September(九月) ninth(第九) Christmas(圣诞) Festival(节日) Music(音乐) favourite (最喜爱的) When(何时) April(四月) 请参考.

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