
作者&投稿:卜钱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


If you Iike mαths,you cαn be a填什么?
If you like maths , you can be a mathe-maticIan some day.如果你喜欢数学,有一天你可能成 为一位数学家。

1 I was always told that the three Ps,patience,positive thinking and perseverance(毅力),were a sure path to success.But this advice does not always work as planned.My high school msths exam is one example.The exam, which was orighnally to be held in our classroom,change to the library...

If Ignore = -1 Then Ignore = UBound(Split(Text, vbcrlf)) + 1 For Each i In Split(Text, vbcrlf)j = j + 1 Select Case typeval Case 0 If j >= Line And j <> Ignore Then More = More & right(i,len(i)-col) & vbcrlf Case 1 If j = Line Then More = More & i...

void fun(){ int num,i,j,k,n;double sum=0;for(num=1000;num<=9999;num++){ i=num\/1000; \/\/提取千位 j=(num\/100)%10; \/\/提取百位 k=(num\/10)%10; \/\/提取十位 n=num%10; \/\/提取个位 sum=pow(i,4)+pow(j,4)+pow(k,4)+pow(n,4);if(sum==num){ printf("Tao ...

be master of your emotions. weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thouths. recall your failures if you become overconfident,think of past hungers if you overindulge,remember your competition if feel complacency...

参数描述 searchvalue 必需。规定需检索的字符串值。fromindex 可选的整数参数。规定在字符串中开始检索的位置。它的合法取值是 0 到 stringObject.length - 1。如省略该参数,则将从字符串的首字符开始检索。例子: var str="Hello world!"document.write(str.indexOf("Hello") + "")documen...

裔菲18386124708问: fifths怎么发音?..
达孜县苦参回答: [fifθ] 发θ时,舌头要夹在牙齿中间,不然就成了s [fifθs]

裔菲18386124708问: fifths怎么发音?.. -
达孜县苦参回答: [fifθs]

裔菲18386124708问: fifth怎么读 -
达孜县苦参回答: fifth的读音:英 [fɪfθ],美 [fɪfθ].fifth adj. 第五的;五分之一的 n. 第五;五分之一 num. 第五1、His fifth book is The World Without Us. 翻译:《没有我们的世界》是他的第五部作品. 2、One fifth of the population here like this kind of sports. 翻译...

裔菲18386124708问: “第五”的音标是什么 -
达孜县苦参回答:[答案] fifth 英音:[fifθ]美音:[fɪfθ] 形容词 : 1第五的 He is the fifth person to ask me the question. 他是第五个问我这个问题的人了. 2.五分之一的 名词 n. 1第五 2.五分之一 Three fifths of the students are women. 五分之三的学生是女性.

裔菲18386124708问: mouths fifths maths months 这几个单词复数读音一样吗?如何区别 -
达孜县苦参回答: .加-s的:清辅音(s,"sh'',"ch''除外)后读[s],浊辅音(z,"u"s'ually'',"ge''除外)后读[z],在s,z,"s h'',"u"s'ually'',"ch'',,"ge''等辅音后读[iz] 2.加-es的一般读[iz] 3.以o结尾的,有的加s,有的加es,读[z] 4.-ies结尾读[iz] 5.以元音+y结尾,或以...

裔菲18386124708问: 英语几分之几比如b分之c,怎么读 -
达孜县苦参回答: 分子用基数词读法,分母用序数词读法,而且分子大于一时,序数词采用复数形式.五分之四 four fifths;十分之九 nine tenths. 特殊几个分数词:1/3 one third,2/3 two thirds,1/2 a half,1/4 a quarter,3/4 three fourths.

裔菲18386124708问: 1/2英语怎么读 -
达孜县苦参回答:[答案] 答案为:a half 或者one second 记住这句口诀:分母序数词,分子基数词,分子不为一,分母+s 如1/3:one third 1/4:one fourth 1/5:one fifth 2/5:two fifths 3/7:three sevenths 以次类推 希望对你游帮助

裔菲18386124708问: 四分之三用英语怎么说,那五分之三呢? -
达孜县苦参回答: 1、四分之三的英语:three quarters 读法:英 [ˈθri:ˌkwɔ:təs] 美 [ˈθriˌkwɔrtɚs] 例句:Three quarters of the population is farmers there. 那里四分之三的人是农民. 2、五分之三的英语:three fifths 读法:英 [θriː fɪfθs] 美 [θriː fɪfθs] 例句...

裔菲18386124708问: 小数、分数英语读法~ -
达孜县苦参回答: 小数的读法就是:比如1.5,读作:one point eight分数的诈,比如几分之一,读作one+序数词,如三分之一,读one third如果是几分之二(包括大于一的任何数)如五分之三,读three fifths.还有502谏five hundred and two.再说一个,1537读one thousand five hundred and thirty seven

裔菲18386124708问: 1\5;3\5;英语怎么念?
达孜县苦参回答: 在英语中没有这样的表示方式.表示分数时,用1/5和3/5.后者的读法为:1/5---one fifth (一个五分之一,fifth不加s) 3/5---three fifths(三个五分之一,所以fifths要加s) 只有在"有道桌面词典"可查到,1\5表示"一月五日",而且3\5没有这种意义.所以符号"/"和"\"是不能搞错的.

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